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Level 1

In ICT, standards for assessing and reporting on student achievement apply from Level 2 without dimensions specified.

The dimensions, which are ICT for Visualising Thinking, Communicating, and Creating, are outlined in Levels 3 – 6.
In each Dimension from Levels 3 – 6, common concepts are categorised.

Writing in grey colour font refer to examples as guided by VCAA.


Learning Focus (Standards not formally assessed)

Key experiences to draw on for relevant teaching and learning activities


Students learn the safe use of ICT tools, including leaving electrical connections alone, sitting upright in front of a computer, and handling storage devices such as disks and memory sticks carefully.

They learn the correct terms to name ICT equipment and, through use, become familiar with common icons on the computer desktop.

They develop hand–eye coordination through using a mouse to control the pointer on the screen.

With assistance , students work with different types of data, such as text, numbers and images, to create simple information products and share their ideas.

They develop their navigation skills by responding to stimulus in multimedia resources that develop literacy and numeracy skills.

They find and compare examplesof ICT equipment at home and investigate the purpose of ICT symbols and icons.


Correctly name ICT equipment
Recognise common icons

Basic Computer Skills

Navigation and mouse skills

Efficient and safe use of ICT tools

Apply basic ergonomic practices
Handle storage devices

Information Products

Create simple products with text, numbers and images
Share ideas

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:35 pm). Level 1
     Retrieved March 09, 2025, from
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Last refreshed: March 09 2025. 01:42.07 pm

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