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> Level 3 > Level 3 Internet Use

Level 3 Internet Use

Statements from Level 3 Standards

At Level 3 students locate information on an intranet, and use a recommended search engine and limited key words to locate information from websites. They develop and apply simple criteria to evaluate the value of the located information.

When seeking new information on topics of importance or interest in all areas of the curriculum, students apply a set of procedures (such as simple key words) for locating information on the intranet and the Internet, and they determine the value of these resources by developing and applying simple criteria (for example, considering the age of the intended audience). They transfer this knowledge when they evaluate their own products.

At Level 3, students collect information from a range of sources to answer their own and others’ questions. They question the validity of sources when appropriate.

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:35 pm). Level 3 Internet use.
     Retrieved March 10, 2025, from
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Last refreshed: March 10 2025. 01:53.26 am

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