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> Level 3 > Level 3 reflecting

Level 3 Reflecting

Statements from Level 3 Standards

Students compare the purposes and structures of information presented in different media, such as print, on-screen, or as an action; for example, a moving robot. Individually, students learn to process data in the form of text, images and sound to create planned information products, such as invitations, short stories, presentation files (for example, a Microsoft PowerPoint file), animations and title pages for books.

Reflection, evaluation and metacognition
Learning is enhanced when individuals develop the capacity to reflect on, and refine their existing ideas and beliefs. In the Reflection, evaluation and metacognition dimension, students learn to reflect on what they know and develop awareness that there is more to know. They learn to question their perspectives and those of thers. They evaluate the validity of their own and others’ ideas. They also develop their metacognitive skills in planning, monitoring and evaluating their own thinking processes and strategies.

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:35 pm). Level 3 reflecting.
     Retrieved March 10, 2025, from
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