Statements from Level 3 Standards
As students work towards the achievement of Level 3 standards in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), they develop skills in using ICT for problem solving, expressing ideas, and presenting information to different audiences. Working in all areas of the curriculum, students explore a range of ICT tools (for example, basic editing tools such as word processing) and simple techniques for visualising thinking. They also use simple graphic organisers such as concept maps and sequence charts to provide a framework for visualising thinking. In particular they use tools that assist in sequencing, and in identifying relationships between, ideas, facts and concepts. Students save their visualising thinking files to folders and when new but similar learning situations arise, they retrieve them and use them as a starting point for these situations. Students reflect on the usefulness of such tools and strategies in new circumstances.
At Level 3, students collect information from a range of sources to answer their own and others’ questions. They question the validity of sources when appropriate. They apply thinking strategies to organise information and concepts in a variety of contexts, including problem solving activities. They provide reasons for their conclusions.
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:35 pm). Level 3 thinking with ICT tools.
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