Other things to remember
Web page creation sequence
Existing web page modification sequence
Publication sequence
Note there is another version of this document available.
Please Note:
When testing files make sure that you check the copy on the WWW
and not the local copy on the J:\ drive
- look for
at the start of the URL or Location:
The location should read
The location should not read
- in this example I am using 99x0045 as my student
number you should substitute your own student number -
is the correct, you should be checking the version on the WWW.
Start Netscape - double click on the Netscape icon on the desktop
File | New | Blank Page
File | Save as
Save to J:\
Give the page a title
At this point you should have a blank page on the screen. This is much like
the blank page you see when you start Word.
Type in a heading and save the file again.
You have just completed step one of the web
page life cycle the next step is to FTP the file to the www. See: Using
Start Netscape - double click on the Netscape icon on the desktop
File | Open Page...
Composer | Choose File...
You may have to change to J:\ drive when choosing your file
Open | Open
Make your changes and save the file to J:\ drive
Make sure you have saved the web page first!
Start WS-FTP:
Start| Programs | Applications | Internet | WS-Ftp
Profile: www
Host Name: www
Host Type: Auto detect
ID: your student number - if you have an m make sure to type it in lower case
Password: WS-Ftp password - requires numbers and letters remember UNIX is case
Press OK
Double click on the public_html folder on the remote system - right hand side Select the file(s) you want to publish on the Local system and click the -> arrow see: Using Ws-FTP
Start Netscape Browser
Don't forget to reload to see your changes see: Problems with Ws-FTP
Check the file you just published, make sure the links and images work.
Make sure you are checking the file on the www and not the copy on your J:\ drive - look for http://www.ballarat.edu.au/~...