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Home > EDFD136 > Assessment Task 3 Rubric

Assessment Task 3 Rubric

Assessment Task 3: Group presentation WebQuest - 30% Rubric
Criteria: Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Presentation 25%        

Theory - clearly outlines the theorist's theory, ideas and background.

Clearly defines contemporary issues.


Accurate and detailed theoretical understanding.

Linked theoretical discussion.

Innovative and varied presentation.

Relevant description of theorist.

Theoretical discussion good.

Interesting presentation.


Satisfactory detail of theorist.

Addressed the criteria but not always clearly linked.

Appropriate presentation.

Unsatisfactory and/or inaccurate details given.

Theoretical understandings not clear.

Some aspects of the criteria were not met.



Creative and stimulating. Link between theory evident. Quite engaging and addressed many points of the theorist. Format and content easy to interpret. Insufficient detail included and/or difficult to follow.

Communication and presentation


Clear, organised and literate presentation, incorporating ICT.

All links working.

Effective and appealing presentation.


Handout 5%


Outline for students and lecturer on theorist.

Provides details of theory, ideas, background and future issues.

Details about WebQuest.

Useful comprehensive outline of theorist and WebQuest.

Clear concise professional presentation.

Good description of theorist and WEbQuest.

Effective presentation.

Unsatisfactory detail and/or inaccurate details of theorist and WebQuest.

Unsatisfactory presentation with serious errors.



APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:02 pm). Assessment task 3 rubric.
     Retrieved February 24, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/EDFD136/rubric.php

Last refreshed: February 24 2025. 07:06.41 pm

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