AutoHotkey | Android | Arduino | COMM140 | Fractals | Grammar Checkers | Knots | A Million Dots Activity | Processing | Processing for Scratch Users | Redbubble | Tutorials | Weather | World Time Meeting Planner | Favicon Generator.
Criteria: | Very Good | Good | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory |
Presentation 25% | ||||
Theory - clearly outlines the theorist's theory, ideas and background. Clearly defines contemporary issues. 10% |
Accurate and detailed theoretical understanding. Linked theoretical discussion. Innovative and varied presentation. |
Relevant description of theorist. Theoretical discussion good. Interesting presentation.
Satisfactory detail of theorist. Addressed the criteria but not always clearly linked. Appropriate presentation. |
Unsatisfactory and/or inaccurate details given. Theoretical understandings not clear. Some aspects of the criteria were not met. |
WebQuest 10% |
Creative and stimulating. Link between theory evident. | Quite engaging and addressed many points of the theorist. | Format and content easy to interpret. | Insufficient detail included and/or difficult to follow. |
Communication and presentation 5% |
Clear, organised and literate presentation, incorporating ICT. All links working. Effective and appealing presentation. |
Handout 5% |
Outline for students and lecturer on theorist. Provides details of theory, ideas, background and future issues. Details about WebQuest. |
Useful comprehensive outline of theorist and WebQuest. Clear concise professional presentation. |
Good description of theorist and WEbQuest. Effective presentation. |
Unsatisfactory detail and/or inaccurate details of theorist and WebQuest. Unsatisfactory presentation with serious errors.
Last refreshed: February 24 2025. 07:06.41 pm
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