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> EDST102 Computers in Education

EDST102 Computers in Education

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Please note: I am no longer a lecturer and this material dates back to 2007


Welcome to EDST102. This page will evolve over the next few months. This webpage will be used as a suplement to any formal teaching materials for the unit.

Don't forget to take a look at the EDST102 Wiki

As an EDST102 student you can edit the Wiki (That's the whole point with a Wiki) So please check your email for the Wiki Password. I am sending it out today June 14.



SurveyMonkey Surveys

View Results from EDST102 ICT Skills Survey (ver 2)

View results from EDST102 Technology Survey (this had a problem with the skills questions)


Country Education Project


e-Kids Rural Express

The E-Kids Express is a dynamic partnership between the Helen McPherson Smith Trust, rural and remote school communities, tertiary institutions and the Country Education Project Inc.



PBwiki for EDST102

This is the Wiki for EDST102. This is the first time I have used a Wiki when teaching an ICT unit. I should have used them before as it looks like a great tool to promote interaction.

One of the thing that I particularly like about the Wiki is the email notifications of changes that it sends.



Reference Books

The impact of ICT on literacy education

Gender inclusive game design [electronic resource] : expanding the market



Window Cleaning Eureka Tower

Window Cleaning Eureka Tower



APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:02 pm). EDST102 computers in education.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from
448 Visits since June 12, 2007

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 07:50.48 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.