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NRSG137 2013 Semester 2 Ballarat (LEO)
Assessment Task 2a: Beginning ‘Professional Portfolio’
Due date: Friday, Week 13, November 1, 5pm
Weighting: Ungraded, Pass / Fail. Students must submit this assessment task to pass the unit.
Length and/or format: Weekly items, plus 500 words
The purpose of this assignment is to help students collect and prepare professional documentation for employment and other purposes.
Scanning Documents
The simplest method of scanning documents available on the Ballarat campus is to use the Ricoh Photocopier located in the study room next to the Main computer lab.
Step 1) Log in to LEO NRSG137 2013 Semester 2 Ballarat
Step 2) Open My Sites
Step 3) Select My ePortfolio
Step 4) Open
Step 5) Login to Mahara if required
Last refreshed: March 10 2025. 12:13.29 pm
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