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Home > TD 702 Information Technology Curriculum II

TD 702 Information Technology Curriculum II

Unit Description 2OO5

Assessment rubrics

Reflective report on Technology lesson: Guidelines & rubric

Integrated Program for Year 7 Assessment rubric ~ Weight 50%

Critical evaluation of information technology support resources used in learning. Assessment rubric


Visual Basic.Net Tutroial

Learning VB.Net

Running Record Calculator

Running Record Calculator Self Extracting Visual Basic 1
(Requires vbrun100.dll included in self extracting file)



Running Record tutorial

Online Running Record Calculator


<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->

<!-- Begin
function calc(form) {
form.errate.value= Math.round((10*form.words.value/form.errors.value))/10;
form.result.value=Math.round(1000 * (form.words.value - form.errors.value) / form.words.value) / 10;
form.scrato.value= (Math.round (10 * ((eval(form.errors.value) + eval( form.corts.value)) / form.corts.value))) / 10;
// End -->






HTML Running Record Calculator




Learning Task Assessment Weight Due

Synthesis of University and School based learning to produce an integrated Program for Year 7, this program will be designed as a Web site or interactive program, for teacher and student use, to cover the first 4-5 weeks of Term 1 for Year 7 students just entering high school. Please address VELS learning outcomes in your unit planning.

Integrated program for Year 7


Week 8

Monday September 12, 2005

A critical evaluation of information technology support resources used in learning.

Critical evaluation developed as a Web site should be the equivalent of 1200 – 1500 words in length.


Monday October 31, 2005

Monday November 14, 2005

Technology lesson delivered individually or in small groups, students will explore an aspect of Technology teaching. The presentation will involve some theoretical analysis, practical demonstration and participatory activities relevant to the topic.

A report on the process and a reflective price of writing submitted following the presentation.


As negotiated with tutor

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority


Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority - Information Technology

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority - Information Technology (VCE VET)

Study Design (PDF – 402KB)


Week Topic / Presenter

Google Earth

Use Google Earth to create an illustrated travel itinerary for an ideal holiday
you have a budget of $5000.

Publish your itinerary to your webpage.

see: http://www.confluence.org/ The Degree Confluence Project

The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here.



  • The Peters Map is an equal area map.
  • This new map shows all areas - whether countries, continents or oceans - according to their actual size. Accurate comparisons become possible.
  • The Peters Map is an equal axis map.
  • All North-South lines run vertical on this map. Thus, geographic points can be seen in their precise directional relationship.
  • The Peters Map shows equal positions.
  • All East-West Lines run parallel. Thus the relationship of any point on the map to its distance from the equator or the angle of the sun can readily be determined.


Compare the size and shape of

The Greenland Problem

Peters Projection vs. Mercator Projection
Part 1: Peters Projection

Robinson Projection

Dymaxion Map of the world developed by
R. Buckminster Fuller, known by his friends as "Bucky"

The Robinson Projection




soda constructor Soda Constructor

Use Soda Constructor to create a moving model that can walk, crawl, role, flop… from one side of the screen to another.

1) Save and publish your model
2) Identify 2 - 3 CSF II Learning outcomes from 2 KLA’s that could be
     met using SodaConstructor.
3) Publish your model and the write-up to a TD 702 webpage by 27
     July 2004

Take a look at my racer.



This is a new forum for discussion about the workshops.
I hope that you will find it both useful and interesting.

Some Educational Forums:

Computer Technologies for Schools Project

A discussion forum to support the Computer Technologies for Schools Project.

Student Web Forums

2004 Girls in ICT Forum
Connecting Girls to ICT 2004

From 16th August to 28th August 2004, women who work
in ICT will be available online to discuss their careers and experiences.

The Girls in ICT forum is an online discussion forum conducted over 2 weeks to enable girls to connect to female role models working with ICT. For some, ICT
is the focus of their role, for others it is an essential tool.


ICT across the Curriculum

About this event:

Online forum for Catholic Schools in South Australia to explore the integration of ICT across the curriculum.

Discover Web Forums

Produced by: Department of Education, Tasmania

The Common Room - eLearning Discussion Forum

A Place to share ideas, exchange opinions, and ask questions.


Some non educational forums:


Welcome to ADVrider forums!
Adventure motorcycling with attitude.



UKGSer is a UK based motorcycling community, created by BMW GS enthusiasts for the benefit of likeminded individuals to enjoy BMW GS motorcycles.


Australian Journal of Educational Technology
2003, 19(2), 227-240. AJET 19
A networked learning community approach to sustain teacher ICT professional development


Forum Software:

What is phpBB? http://www.phpbb.com/

phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customisable open-source bulletin board package. phpBB has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and helpful FAQ. Based on the powerful PHP server language and your choice of MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers, phpBB is the ideal free community solution for all web sites.




FreeSQL.Org - Free Database Hosting For Developers

Animation with Webcams


Creating Animations with Web Cameras
from the Tools for Teaching Kit
Flexible Learning Delivery Services
University of Melbourne



Home > VCE > Studies > Information Technology


Review and Development - Consultation

The VCAA is seeking feedback on the Information and Communications Technology (currently known as Information Technology) draft study design from teachers and other key stakeholders. Consultation questionnaires can be returned by fax, mail or completed online by Friday 26 August 2005.

* Draft study design (DOC - 352KB)
* Consultation questionnaire (PDF - 237KB)
Includes a summary of proposed changes.
* Online questionnaire

From: gordonp <at> horsham-college.vic.edu.au
To: is <at> edulists.com.au
Date: Thursday - August 4, 2005 11:19 AM
Subject: [Year 12 Its] draft IT study design
Mime.822 (4101 bytes) [View] [Save As]

hi folks - a few study design thoughts,

In Systems it's great to see software development getting more coverage and the compressing of the SDLC. Shame to see PM tools still in there though.

I like the rationalisation of dotpoints too - it is a much clearer document, particularly for first timers. I still struggle with ICT as a label , reeks of change for the sake of change. I guess it won't last long though - by 2010 the no doubt renamed VCAA will come up with something rad like ....ahh 'computer science'!!

Unit 1 and 2 look ok - the study design is still suitably vague enough to allow plenty of freedom within the 6 main sub topics. Very pleased again to see more emphasis on programming though.

Lets say 8/10 - "showing strong signs of improvement"

cheers gordon
Gordon Poultney
IT Systems Mailing List kindly supported by
http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and
http://www.vitta.org.au - VITTA Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association Inc

If you have not yet subscribed to these lists I would recommend the following lists:

pm Year 12 Information Technology Processing and Management Teachers' Mailing List
is Year 12 Information Technology Systems Teachers' Mailing List

yr11it Year 11 Information Technology Teachers' Mailing List
Yr7-10it Year 7 - 10 Information Technology Teachers' Mailing List

php PHP programming Teachers' Mailing List
vbasic Year 12 Visual Basic Programming Teachers' Mailing List

offtopic Information Technology Teachers' Offtopic Mailing List

vitta-news VITTA news Mailing List


Other method areas include
Yr7-10maths Year 7-10 Mathematics Teachers' Mailing List
pe Year 12 Physical Education Teachers' Mailing List

See the full list at: www.edulists.com.au

shark-attack.gif 2,450 KB August, 2005

I have strong concerns about the content of the animations that students will produce when given free reign, as you can see from the above example.

Please read The Professor as Censor: Creative Limitation and Film Production Pedagogy.
Journal of Film & Video Spring 2001, Vol. 53 Issue 1, p25-39

Franklin focuses on the conflict between censorship and creative limitation in terms of film production pedagogy he concludes that the nature of artistic production is enhanced when students are prohibited from including gratuitous violence in their video productions.

Franklin, D. (2001) The professor as censor: Creative limitation and film production pedagogy.
      Journal of Film & Video, 53, (1), 25-39.



The Assessment Report for last year's November Written Examination is available
on the VCCA web site.


Information Technology - Past Exams and Assessment Reports


Information Technology 2003–2006
(Word 2000 - 37KB)

Create a 3 Minute Video in 6 Hours straight





Sports Injury Prevention

motion analysis

Biomech Motion Analysis System

Free 3D-SkillCheck Viewer

The Physics of Sports Internet Links

state of the art Motion Analysis

EDUCYPEDIA The educational encyclopedia


Excel Tutorial.wbk


see: When the World Isn't Enough By Jennifer Bowen Created with flipbook



Saved from the web using Flash Catcher from http://www.justdosoft.com/

Uses player.swf and the following code to embed the player in the page



Brain Bag

Check out the 360 degree image. (local version) created by http://www.studio360.com/


Game Programming in schools, Melbourne, Friday
September 9th 2005,


$40 Registration for Students

$80 Teachers

Game Programming in Schools Conference
Melbourne, Friday September 9th 2005
Swinburne University TD building
Wakefield Street, Hawthorn

This conference will explore the learning theory underpinning game programming in schools. Speakers from around Australia will share best practice in using game programming as a relevant, authentic and highly motivating task which develops higher order cognitive and metacognitive skills. It is a unique opportunity to network with leaders from around Australia in this rapidly growing area


Tony Forster
Phone 03 9796 8161
Email forster@ozonline.com.au


September 6, 2005
NerdTV Is Next Week!
The Bob Attempts to Build Some Buzz for His Downloadable TV Show, Which -- Good or Bad -- Is Certainly Different




In todays tutorial I want you to add "Where am I" code to your Webpage

See an example and instructions here

Have fun.

If you get stuck we will sort it out next week.





APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:22 pm). TD 702 information technology curriculum II.
     Retrieved February 23, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/TD702/index.php

Last refreshed: February 23 2025. 05:26.22 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

2242 Visits since October 26, 2004