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Home > TJ501 > Assessment Task 3: Interactive Design Brief

Assessment Task 3: Interactive Design Brief

Example slides from 2001-1 & 2001-2

Example Interactive Design Brief

Example Interactive Design Brief

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This is the first of the tasks for the unit TJ501 Technology and Knowledge Communities. If individual students have difficulties with the task, they need to seek help immediately to prevent falling behind. See your tutor if you need assistance.

Some seminar time will be available to provide skill acquisition in the use of PowerPoint.

Core Reading:

Read pp 5-14 of the Curriculum Standards Framework II (CSF II) Technology Key Learning Area (KLA) document.
This is available as a booklet or on CD.The CD [Victoria. Board of Studies CSF II Resource Materials. Technology KLA.] is on reserve in the Barker Library.

Pages 5 - 14 of the CSF II are available on-line see below:

Page 5 :

Page 6 :

Pages 7 - 10 :
     Technology Process
     Structure of the key learning area
     Curriculum focus
     Learning outcomes
     Technology process
     Design briefs

Page 11 :
     Specific issues
     Essential learning
     Information technology in Materials and Systems

Page 12 :
      The early years
      The middle years

Page 13 :
     The later years
     Pathways to the VCE

Page 14 :

Ensure you understand:

Consider looking at the resources available from SofWeb

See WebCT for details of the task

Support Readings for PowerPoint:

Badgett, Tom.(1995). Teach yourself PowerPoint for Windows 95. New York: MIS Press.

Hart-Davis, Guy. (1996). The ABCs of Microsoft Office for Windows 95. San Francisco: Sybex.

Kasser, Barbara.(1997). Using Microsoft PowerPoint 97. Indianapolis: Que.

Mansfield, Ron. (1996). PowerPoint for busy people. Berkeley Calif: Osborne/McGraw Hill.

Murray , K. (1996). Mastering Powerpoint X for Windows 95. San Francisco: Sybex.

Nelson S L (1997). Microsoft PowerPoint 97 field guide. Redmond: Microsoft Press.

Solomon, C, (1996). Developing applications with Microsoft Office 95. Redmond: Microsoft Press.

Stroo, E S (1996). The ultimate Microsoft Office book. Redmond: Microsoft Press.

Weadock, Glenn E. (1997). Creating Cool PowerPoint 97 presentations. Foster City, CA : IDG.

Search the library catalogue for other texts

The University also has a PowerPoint handout. Ask at the Helpdesk for information.


APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:23 pm). Assessment task 3: Interactive design brief .
     Retrieved February 24, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/TJ501/design-brief-2005.php

Last refreshed: February 24 2025. 11:41.45 am

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