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Home > TJ501 > TJ501 Technology and Knowledge Communities - Week 11

TJ501 Technology and Knowledge Communities - Week 11

Week 11

Play with an online imediate feedback quiz

There is no assessable WebCT for the for week 11
There are however three (3) readings for week 11 see WebCT for the file Ludd’s choosy children.
by Daniel Akst
& read chapters 10 & 11 of Fleer, M, & Jane B (2004).


The Muddiest Point about the SMART Board

See some comments from Week 9 about the SMART Board

The muddiest point:

This week I would like you to please send me an e-mail explaining what you find most confusing "the muddiest point" about the SMARTBoard Interactive Whiteboard.

Please make the subject line of the e-mail: "TJ 501 - the muddiest point"

And send the message to me at:

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:23 pm). TJ501 Technology and knowledge communities - week 11.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/TJ501/week11.php

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 06:36.30 pm

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