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Home > TJ828 Professional Policy, Practice and Responsibility

TJ828 Professional Policy, Practice and Responsibility

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Note: Any special notes will appear here.

Note posted: September 22, 2006 at: 10:44 am

TJ828 External Links



Task Due Weight
CV and Job Application Task (Draft) 16/08/05 15%
CV and Job Application Task (Final) 14/09/05
Week 8
Professional Portfolio 14/09/05
Week 8
Analysis and presentation of contemporary educational policy or issue 14/09/05
Week 8

List of contemporary educational issues (links will be made as issues are submitted)


Week Links etc
1 Unit Description 2005 (Doc 467 KB) (Zipped 166 KB)
2 August 5, 2005
Call for Volunteers.
Peak Fitness Challenge: Alfredton Primary School
Date: Friday 19th of August Time: 8.45 to 2.30
You need to register your interest by Wednesday 17th August
See flyer for contact details.


Local copy of WordWeb (6,089 KB)

WordWeb is a free quick and powerful international English thesaurus and dictionary for Windows. It can be used to lookup words from almost any Windows program, showing definitions, synonyms and related words. There are also many proper nouns and usage examples. You can search for words matching a pattern, find and solve anagrams, and optionally search a large number of extra word lists.

See the WordWeb home page for more details

TJ828 work sheet


Please note there will be no tutorials in week 4

If you wish to make an appointment to see me regarding your final application or portfolio please use the Student Diary



Comments regarding draft applications:

Please note: If you did not do as well with your Draft Job application as you would have liked to, you may want to contact Melissa at Student Learning Support - Academic Skills Advice.

Student Learning Support can assist students with managing all types of academic tasks such as reading and researching, essay preparation, group projects, exam preparation and much more. Learning Support staff are available to help students overcome fundamental problems with learning at university. If you are having difficulty adapting to university learning then contact us to see if we can help.

Student Learning Support is available to Higher Education students at Mt Helen from:

Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 5:00

To make an appointment with Learning Support either:

* drop in to the Student Centre, Building T, and ask for Melissa;
* telephone Student Learning Support Bookings on 5327 9378;
* e-mail learningsupport@ballarat.edu.au and suggest a booking time and we'll get back to you.

If you would like to discuss your results with me then please make an appointment using the online student diary, Rupert.

Additional comments regarding draft applications:

Please Note: Writing to selection criteria is not the same as writing an academic essay!

Please Note: Writing in active voice requires more than simply using the pronoun I

Passive "constructive strategies are something that I am constantly aware of..."
Active "I am aware of constructive strategies..."

Passive "Mathametics, like I.T, is an area that I am very confident in teaching and eagerly look forward to teaching this knowledge in the Early Years Classroom"
Active "I look forward to teaching Mathematics and IT within an Early Years Classroom."

Passive "Throughout not only my pre-service teaching but my bar work, I have been constantly building up my communication skills and professional behaviour." [22 words]
Active "During my pre-service teaching rounds I have developed my professionalism and communication skills." [13 words]


General Comments

When writing your cover letter and replying to selection criteria you should:

  • write in 1st person - never use 3rd person
  • avoid saying I believe or I feel, instead concentrate on what you have done or will do as a result of this belief.
  • avoid over stating your experience remember that as a graduate you will have only had around 80 days experience in schools. Teachers on the selection panel will typically have been teaching for over 20 years this amounts to over 6,000 days teaching. They will not be impressed by claims of "considerable experience" or claims that you have mastered any element of teaching.

Cover Letters

Please note the following points about cover letters:

  • the whole letter should be left hand justified;
  • your address should appear at the top of the letter not at the bottom;
  • type your name under your signature at the bottom of the letter not at the top of the letter;
  • follow your address with your phone number;
  • phone numbers should be split in half eg. 5327 0000;
  • mobile numbers should be split up like this 0401 123 456;
  • consider adding your e-mail address if you check it daily; - Don't use an inappropriate email address eg racychick@yahoo.com
  • make sure you include the date i.e. August 24, 2005
  • do not use a footer or add page numbers;
  • remember to sign your letter!;
  • please sign it with care, remember that your signature is the only handwriting that the selection panel see and it says a lot about you;
  • consider adding the word enclosures to the end of the letter to indicate that it is accompanied by your CV and selection criteria.
  • see About Cover Letters.



  • The cover letter should not have a footer or page numbers;
  • It is a good idea to include a footer on your CV and Selection Criteria;
  • the footer should list the section, your name and then the page number e.g. Curriculum Vita - Rupert Russell                     Page 1 of 4.


Grammar & formatting

  • do not confuse it's with its it's = it is;
  • please proofread at least 3 times;
  • ask 2 friends to proofread it for you as well;
  • proofread it out loud;
  • use italics for quotes;
  • dates should not use ordinal numbers e.g. August 24th 2005;
  • write dates in full e.g. August 24, 2005 not 24/8/05;
  • don't use contractions;
  • do not use American spelling of words e.g. use utilised not utilized;
  • Edward de Bono's name is de Bono not De Bono;
  • the word Internet has capital I;
  • PowerPoint is one word with 2 capital letters;
  • I prefer to write e-mail with a hyphen and in lower case;
  • indent and single space bulleted lists;
  • make sure that each point in a bulleted list completes the initial incomplete sentence correctly;
  • avoid flowery language such as: "consequently"," ... have been bestowed with...", "correlating with..", "with this comes the need", "an abundance of" .
  • avoid using not only... but... e.g.
    "The area of Information Technology is not only a skill that I hope to successfully model and facilitate with my students, but something that I am extremely competent in." [29 words] Should read something like this: I am competent in using and teaching Information Technology. [10 words]

Make sure you use the rite right word download a copy of WordWeb

WordWeb is a free quick and powerful international English thesaurus and dictionary for Windows. It can be used to lookup words from almost any Windows program, showing definitions, synonyms and related words. There are also many proper nouns and usage examples. You can search for words matching a pattern, find and solve anagrams, and optionally search a large number of extra word lists. see: http://wordweb.info/


Remember to e-mail 3-4 interview questions to me for next week's "interviews"

Please also take some time to compose your answers to the questions that you anticipate you may be asked at interview.


This week we will be conducting role play interviews

Example interview questions

Please break into groups of 4 and find a quiet spot. Each person in the group takes their turn to be interviewed by the panel of 3. The panel picks a number of questions from the list below. Use the space on the right of the page to make notes about the answers.

  1. Why do you want to teach?
  2. How do you include parents in their children's education?
  3. How would you use the CSF and VELS documents in your classroom?

  1. Why are you the best person for the job?
  2. What are your greatest strengths?
  3. Why do you want to work at this school?

  1. Why do you think you're the best person for this position?
  2. What has your experience been with assessment?
  3. Tell me what you know about the thinking curriculum?

  1. How will you organise your classroom in regards to student grouping and structure of the day?
  2. How will you handle bullying?
  3. Has there ever been a student that you really don't like? What did you do?

  1. How would you, as a teacher facilitate for students different learning styles, needs and abilities?
  2. How would you incorporate ICT into your classroom?
  3. How would you involve parents and the community in classroom and school activities? :
  4. What forms of assessment would you use to demonstrate a students understanding and learning?

  1. How is VELS different from the CSF II?
  2. Do you believe the implementation of VELS will benefit students and teachers?
  3. How would you structure the learning of a gifted student in your classroom?

  1. What four words best describe you?
  2. What do you believe is the most important quality that a teacher can have?
  3. Tell me what your most negative trait is?

  1. Tell us about your teaching philosophy
  2. What method/s of assessment will you implement in your classroom?
  3. What interpersonal skills do you have that will enable you to work with teachers students and parents?
  4. Name and explain the initiative that you will use to best suit the needs of the students in this school?

  1. How will you improve this school?
  2. If I was to walk in your classroom in the morning next year what would I see happening?
  3. Why do you want to be a teacher at this school?

  1. What can you bring to this school?
  2. What do you know about Curriculum?
  3. What do you know about the CSF II and VELS. What are your thoughts on the two?
  4. What ways have you demonstrated your knowledge and understanding of assessment?

  1. What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses in regard to
    classroom teaching?
  2. Our school does not have a PE specialist. Tell us about how you
    would incorporate PE into your class' weekly timetable?
  3. Our school does not have a Science specialist. Tell us about how you
    would incorporate Science into your class' weekly timetable?
  4. What special attributes would you bring to this role?
  5. What would you define as Literacy?

  1. How will you endeavour to maintain and work within teams to ensure the provision of excellent learning outcomes?
  2. How will you demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies, including the use of a range of thinking skills and tools, which enable all students to reach their full potential?
  3. How will you develop a positive relationship with students, parents, colleagues, the administration and the wider community?

  1. What can you bring to our school community?
  2. How do you develop a good student-teacher relationship?
  3. Describe how you would get parent involved in the learning processes of their child?
  4. Convey the physical appearance of your ideal classroom?

  1. How could your lessons incorporate the values of our school?
  2. How would you deal with a difficult parent?
  3. What would you bring to a team? Can you recognise your strengths and weaknesses?
  4. What type of learner are you? How could this effect your teaching?
  5. If you were a parent of one of the students of this school, what would you expect from the teachers?





2004 Analysis and presentation of contemporary educational policy or issues

2003 Analysis and presentation of contemporary educational policy or issues

Merit& Equity
Merit Protection Board


The grounds for review are set out in the following:

* for teaching positions, in Part 9 of Teaching Service Order 179 (WORD - 54K).


The School of Education is expecting a visit from the VIT during which time application forms will be available and photocopies of original documents will be certified. Details of the time & date of this visit will be published on this web page when they are available.

1. The application for registration booklet may be obtained from the Institute by ringing 1300 888 067.
2. You may download an Application for Registration to Teach in Victorian Schools (PDF, 441K) and print a copy to fill in by hand.
3. You may download an Application for Registration to Teach in Victorian Schools (PDF, 441K) and enter the information electronically on screen. The Application can then be printed and the required documentation attached.


External Links

Example Selection Criteria

Information of Active Voice & Passive Voice

Example Interview Questions

Here are some possible questions you may be asked on an interview (Yes, I have been asked each and every one of these questions--so be ready!):

* Why did you decide to become a teacher?
* When did you decide to become a teacher?
* Are children born with the ability to learn, or is that provided by you, the teacher?
* What was your best lesson?
* What was your worst lesson?


Interview Questions
Download Sample Interview Questions with Answers

Sample Interview Questions with Suggested Ways of Answering

Q. Tell me about yourself.
A. This is the dreaded, classic, open-ended interview question and likely to be among the first. It's your chance to introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. Keep it mostly work and career related.

Q. Why do you want to leave your current job? (Why did you leave your last job?)
A. Be careful with this. Avoid trashing other employers and making statements like, "I need more money." Instead, make generic statements such as, "It's a career move."


Key Interview Questions


12. Tell me about the type of relationship you established with your students during student teaching.
13. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
14. Give examples describing your communication with parents.
15. As you look back on your student teaching experience, what was most effective about you? About your style? What was least effective about your teaching style?

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:25 pm). TJ828 professional policy, practice and responsibility.
     Retrieved February 23, 2025, from

Last refreshed: February 23 2025. 05:33.57 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Last modified: July 04 2016. 02:25 pm

8759 visits since June 17, 2005