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Home > TJ 853 Information and Communication Technologies > Annotated literature review > Guidelines

TJ853 Annotated Literature Review: Guidelines

Weight 20%

Due: Week 6, Monday August 29, 2005.

See the Assessment Rubric for additional details.

Locate an example of a software application, Website or assessment and reporting strategy that supports teaching and learning.

Choose an Information and Communications Technology / Learning Technology (ICT / LT) application, website or strategy and report on 1 (one) of the following topics:

The report is to be between 1000 & 1500 words in length. Up to 5 images or screen shots can be used to illustrate each section. Each image or screen shot will count for and equivalent of 100 words towards the equivalent word count.

The report is to be published by 5:00pm Monday August 29, 2005.

See the Assessment Rubric for additional details.


Examples of software applications sutiable for use can be found on my Teaching resources page.

Other software titles that can be used are availabe for loan from the School of Education office and include the following titles

Examples of Websites include:

ABC Education

Wired News Animation Express Kids
Kids Animations


Bioinformatics Species Mapper / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Search

You can produce a Distribution map for any of the common or scientific names below.
Then investigate the distribution pattern by overlaying Rainfall, Vegetation or Altitude maps.


Blue Jean Online - the only web site written and produced by young women from around the world. Over 1,000,000 visitors from 100 countries have visited us to see what young women are thinking, saying and doing everywhere.

Blue Web'n is an online library of 1200+ outstanding Internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (lessons, activities, projects, resources, references, & tools). You can search by grade level (Refined Search), broad subject area (Content Areas), or specific sub-categories (Subject Area). http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/


curriculum@work Technology


Dome Caluclator http://www.desertdomes.com/domecalc.html


Earth's City Lights

Earth's City Lights


Museum Victoriaed-online is your gateway to Museum Victoria's on-line education resources. http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/ed-online/


ed-online Search Museum Victoria's education database for Resources or 'What's On in Education' at our three museums.


AdmitOne.Org Film SchoolMaking Movies

Want to make your own movie? Making Movies: A Guide for Young Filmmakers, a manual sponsored by the Artists Rights Foundation, is filled with helpful information on everything you need to know.





Geoscience Australia

Free Downloads
Online Tools
Landsat 7 Picture Mosaic of Australia

Geoscience Australia



Millions of people have described HowStuffWorks content as reliable, accurate and entertaining.

Originally founded as a Web site for curious people, the award-winning company now offers clear and fascinating content through various media channels to millions of readers every month.

Recognized internationally as the leading provider of information on how things work, HowStuffWorks content explains the world from the inside out!



New HorizonsNew Horizons for Learning Online Journal



Kids Search Engine Listing


Know Drama


The Know Drama website has been developed to assist educators in the creative design, delivery and assessment of learning. It celebrates the work of imaginative educators who wish to open even deeper learning experiences within their organisation.

This site aims to enrich ‘face to face’ delivery, showcase the craft of teaching and the deeply human potential in learning.

It has relevance for teachers, trainers, professional conference organisers and others interested in presenting creative and engaging information.



  L-Soft logo If you are searching for an e-mail distribution list to subscribe to try L-Soft

Landsat 7 Picture Mosaic of AustraliaLandsat 7 Picture Mosaic of Australia


The Pattern Blocks Program
The Pattern Blocks Program



Planet 10 Solar System Solar System
Planet 10 is a virtual model of our Solar System. There are two activities included in Planet 10, Solar System & World Builder
Play planet 10


Pong Remember Pong?


Sample radar radar image

Full Size Animation 85 KB

Our radar images show the location of rain in relation to local features such as the coastline, with different colours used to depict rainfall intensity. For example royal blue represents light drizzle, while red is used to depict very heavy rain (possibly containing hailstones). There are six levels of rainfall intensity shown - see the colour-coded key below each radar image. The images are in scales of 128 km radius and 256 km radius. State boundaries are indicated, as are abbreviated state and town names. We strongly recommend that you refer to Interpreting Weather Watch Radar Images for further information. 

Radar images are normally updated every 10 minutes, however note that there are full and part-time radars. Part-time radars have scheduled daily outages.


RoboLab Resources


soda constructor Soda Constructor


Teaching, Learning and Research Support



Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia

14 June 2003

Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that is being written collaboratively by the readers of this web site.
The site is a WikiWiki, meaning that anyone, including you, can edit any article right now by clicking
on the edit this page link that appears in every article in the Wikipedia.

All of our articles are covered by the GNU Free Documentation License, to ensure that they can
remain freely available forever. We hope you will enjoy using & contributing to this valuable free

Wikipedia is an international, open content, collaboratively developed encyclopedia found at http://wikipedia.org/. As of June 2003, it covers a vast spectrum of subjects and has over 130,000
articles in English as well as over 75,000 articles in other languages.

The project started in English on January 15, 2001, and projects to build Wikipedia in other languages are very active.


Australian Word MapWord Map is mapping Australian regionalisms - words, phrases or expressions used by particular language groups. Add your regionalism or search to see what others have contributed.



Google search for "exemplary ICT practice"

ICT in Practice Awards

The Digital Video Awards 2004


Becta / The Guardian UK Education Website Awards

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:25 pm). TJ853 Annotated literature review: Guidelines.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/TJ853/review.php

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 12:45.12 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

398 Visits since July 25, 2005