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Home >TK 423 Approaches to Flexible Learning and Teaching

TK 423 Approaches to Flexible Learning and Teaching

Graduate Certificate of Education (Tertiary Education)


Growing Internet-mediated Communities of Practice in Education

Bronwyn Stuckey, Wollongong Universityhttp://emerge2004.net/profile/abstract.php?resid=31

PowerPoint View attachment
Growing Internet-mediated Communities of Practice in Education
Breeze Presentation  
View | download | (local Copy) 4,768 KB
Slideshow with narration (29 slides)

retrieved October 28, 2005


Pupils in my classes understand that we are trying to create a learning community where we share ideas and pool resources. These electronic media provide an unrivalled opportunity to share and learn. Donald Morrison http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/connected/connected8/specialfeature/chalkfacetointerface.asp


My 2004 Cririque

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:25 pm). Interactive whiteboards.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/IWB/index.php

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 07:29.03 pm

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