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Copyright Issues
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WYNN is is produced by Freedom Scientific it is available in two versions: WYNN Wizard and WYNN Reader. Both these computer programs read text aloud while highlighting spoken words.
WYNN Wizard, is scanning and reading software. It includes optical character recognition (OCR), the ability to scan printed pages and convert them into electronic text. Speech synthesis enables this scanned text to be read aloud. Additionally, WYNN Wizard can read word processing documents, Adobe Acrobat PDF files, text files, and the Internet.
Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training
The University of Ballarat is permitted to reproduce and communicate copyright material for people with a print or intellectual disability, under Divisions 3 and 4 of Part VB of the Copyright Act
What can be copied and/or communicated?
If you are unable to purchase a copy in a suitable format a copy, or communication, of published literary, musical, dramatic or artistic works, published sound recordings and films and radio broadcasts may be made in a suitable format.
There are limits, restrictions, notices and marking requirements when copying or communicating third party material in these circumstances. For further information see Australian Copyright Council Information Sheet G60 Disabilities: use of copyright material by people with a disability, available via the ACC website or contact the Copyright Officer for further information
<<more>> Link added June 13, 2006
The Australian Copyright Council Education and teaching
Print Disability Copyright Guidelines December 2005
These guidelines are current as of December 2005. If you are reading these guidelines
in printed or downloaded form, please check that they are the most recent version. The
most recent version is available at
Link added June 13, 2006
To satisfy the provisions of Australian copyright legislation, the first page of every edited document must contain verbatim the copyright statement shown in below. The text should be in boldface, and left-justified as per the alternative format specifications. No other text is to appear on the first page.
This Material is copied solely for the purpose of use in assistance to persons with a print disability. Any person accessing this material must be aware that they can only do so to assist persons with a print disability.
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you on behalf of the University of Ballarat pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). The material in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection under the Act. Do not remove this notice.
Source: Alternative Format Editing Handbook Disability Liaison Unit
University of Melbourne
Link added June 13, 2006
Statutory licence for institutions assisting people with
an intellectual disability
Link added June 13, 2006
The Australian Copyright Council Print disability guidelines
Link added June 9, 2006
University of Melbourne: Improving Information Access for Students with a Print Disability
Link added June 9, 2006
Copyright is a complex issue. In relation to accessible format materials, there are some copyright exemptions relevant to both students and staff. Educational institutions are allowed to make copies for students with a disability under what is called a 'statutory licence'. Students access these copies after agreeing not to share them, and to use them solely for purposes of pursuing a course of study. There is useful information on this topic at: gateways/lnfo/copyright.html#6
It is important to remember that documents converted into alternative formats may not be freely distributed. Permission has been granted by the copyright owners of all documents for converted documents to be created and accessed solely in order to assist people with a print disability, and breaches of these conditions may be punishable under relevant legislation.
Attorney-General Philip Ruddock today announced significant copyright reforms which make our laws fairer for consumers and tougher on copyright pirates.
“These are commonsense amendments which will maintain Australia’s copyright laws as the best in the world for the benefit of our creators and other copyright owners and for the many Australians who enjoy their creative works,” Mr Ruddock said. >>> more
Link added June 9, 2006
In some circumstances, the Act may require organisations to make certain publications
available in a form accessible to people with a print disability. For example, educational
institutions may be required to provide course material in accessible forms. For
information on the requirements, see Organisations
including educational institutions) needing to make accessible copies must rely
specific exceptions to infringement or get permission from copyright owners.
From A05n16 Print Disability Copyright Guidelines November 2005
Link added June 13, 2006
In order to rely on the print disability provisions in the Copyright Act, you must sign an
agreement with Copyright Agency Limited (CAL). Under this agreement, you will be
obliged to take part in “sampling surveys” of the copies you make under the licence
during a particular period, if requested by CAL. Alternatively, you could make an
agreement under which you keep full records of all copies you make under the licence.
For further information (including how to have your organisation declared a print disability
organisation for these purposes), contact CAL or go to
From A05n16 Print Disability Copyright Guidelines November 2005
Link added June 13, 2006
Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
the council of Australia’s university presidents
November 2004
Link added June 14, 2006
Tasmanian Plan of Action for increasing opportunities for people with a disability in vocational education and training 2001 - 2005
Link added June 9, 2006
Disability Standards for Education 2005
Disability Standards for Education were formulated under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and tabled in the Parliament on 17 March 2005. They came into effect in August 2005. The Standards clarify the obligations of education and training providers to ensure that students with disabilities are able to access and participate in education without experiencing discrimination.
Link added June 9, 2006
Signbank is an interactive dictionary of Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Auslan is the language of the deaf community of Australia. Whoever you are; a deaf person, deaf student, sign language interpreter, student of Auslan, or a parent of a deaf child, we invite you all to explore our visual language. Auslan is growing and changing all the time. By using Signbank and providing feedback you can help share and build our language.
Link added June 9, 2006
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:27 pm). WYNN - What You Need Now .
Retrieved January 23, 2025, from
Last refreshed: January 23 2025. 09:14.26 am
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.