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Home > Android Apps

My Android Apps

Chauffeurs Name Board (no ads - no permissions)

A simple app that allows Chauffeurs & Taxi drives to display the name of a passenger full screen on an Android phone or tablet.
I am selling it for AU 99c on Google Play.

See Versions and Source Code

Version 2 was a significant improvment and required a total rewrite

2.3.3 and up

Flash SMS Feature Graphic


Taxi Name Board

The little brother of Chauffeurs Name Board works on older platforms like the HTC Wildfire

Source Code

2.2 and up


Feature Graphic




Flash SMS is the first app that I have created for the Android. I have published the Source Code if you are interested.

I wrote the FLASH SMS app for use by volunteer firefighters in the Ballarat Fire Brigade. It is a partner application to a turnout avaiability app that I have created for our brigade. The turnout avaiability application receives SMS messages from volunteers. The vols send either Yes, No, or Call to the app and it changes a flag next to their name to show if they are avaiable or not. See Below:

The Flash SMS app makes this process much faster.




Other interesting android apps

Cargo Decoder A handy app for first responders.

Cargo Decoder is your guide to what is in the truck or tanker next to you on the highway. Enter the 4 digit number from the DOT placard to learn about a material. See details from the 2008 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG 2008). 

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 01:53 pm). Android Apps.
     Retrieved March 28, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/Android Apps/index.php

Last refreshed: March 28 2025. 11:59.05 am

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

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