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A simple app that allows Chauffeurs & Taxi drives to display the name of a passenger full screen on an Android phone or tablet.
I am selling it for AU 99c on Google Play.
Version 2 was a significant improvment and required a total rewrite
The little brother of Chauffeurs Name Board works on older platforms like the HTC Wildfire
Flash SMS is the first app that I have created for the Android. I have published the Source Code if you are interested.
I wrote the FLASH SMS app for use by volunteer firefighters in the Ballarat Fire Brigade. It is a partner application to a turnout avaiability app that I have created for our brigade. The turnout avaiability application receives SMS messages from volunteers. The vols send either Yes, No, or Call to the app and it changes a flag next to their name to show if they are avaiable or not. See Below:
The Flash SMS app makes this process much faster.
Cargo Decoder A handy app for first responders.
Cargo Decoder is your guide to what is in the truck or tanker next to you on the highway. Enter the 4 digit number from the DOT placard to learn about a material. See details from the 2008 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG 2008).
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 01:53 pm). Android Apps.
Retrieved March 28, 2025, from Apps/index.php
Last refreshed: March 28 2025. 11:59.05 am
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
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