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> Chauffeurs Name Board > Chauffeurs Name Board Version 7.0

Chauffeurs Name Board Version 7.0

A simple app that allows Chauffeurs & Taxi drives to display the name of a passenger full screen on an Android phone or tablet.
I am selling it for AU 99c on Google Play.


ChauffeursNameBoard025.zip 5.26 Mb

ChauffeursNameBoard025.7z 2.69 Mb


Version 7.0 when the user to press the Done button and it automaticlly saves the edited text and displays it full screen.

I used code from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6054918/keyevent-keycode-enter-how-to-raise to catch the done button press. This did not work until I revoved android:imeOptions="actionDone" from my xml file.


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