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Home > TJ501 > Portfolio > Examples of Student Work
I have some other examples here as well.
Benbow 2003
Mharni Benbow 2003 | Surfer by Simon Kasper | |
Blue Tac Man by Jason, Fiona, & Alecia | ||
Stephanie Da Silva 2004 |
Animation is one way to show students change or movement. As in this example of the seasons, it can help show a slow process sped up or even just what may happen as a visual example or demonstration. The applications are endless across all the KLAs, allowing for not only guides as to what the students may achieve, as is possible if based in technology, but also extends to maths in demonstration of say, trigonometry. Animation in Art could be the artwork itself and Health and Physical education could show the correct method of performing a movement. However the best part of animation is that it is visually stimulating which works towards keeping students engaged while learning and offers a chance for students to understand change.. |
Jessica Dart 2004 |
Creating animation in the technology classroom can be useful to help children understand different concepts that are going to be introduced to them. Children enjoy looking at cartoons and animation and this type of animation could keep children interested in the task. Children could use animation in the technology classroom in the creation of web pages or even PowerPoint presentations. By completing animation using Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop it would allow children to move between two different computer programs and require them to have good knowledge of the computer. Children would definately enjoy creating animations on the computer, I know our workshop did! |
Kelly Russell 2004 |
Animation allows students to be able to see a sequence of events. It can be used in the technology KLA to allow students
to visualise things that may be difficult for them to comprehend through
an auido explanation. For example it could be used to teach the technology
process, or the life cycle of a butterfly. |
Gillian Light 2004 |
Paint Shop, possibly in conjunction with Animation shop for older students, provides students with the opportunity for both photo and picture manipulation with sophisticated results, without the frequent cries of ‘but I can’t draw’! This program allows students to experiment with pre-set techniques for image manipulation and also assists with developing mouse control. Paint Shop can be used by students of all levels, with each level accessing different levels of the program suitable to their needs and abilities. While Paint Shop could be used within a Technology setting, it would be ideally suited to the Arts KLA, particularly Visual Arts. |
Lani Sharp 2004 |
Manipulating digital photographs can be useful in the classroom to mask identities when photos of children are placed on the internet or in public areas, but can also be a fun and creative way of integrating Information Technology into the other KLAs. They are easy to make, so all year levels can be involved and they give children the opportunity to create an individual and professional looking photo that they have either taken themselves or are featured in. Children are given the satisfaction that they have used technology in a constructive way and the pictures can then be used as inspiration for further activities when integrating areas of the curriculum. |
Gillian Light 2004 |
Desktop publishing could be used to enable students to produce newsletters for their grade or school. Another idea is having students prepare an individual newsletter at the end of the year, with stories and photos of their own personal and academic achievements during the year to be presented to their parents as well as other students. Such a record can also be kept as a reminder of their school year. Desktop publishing could also be used to enable students to take their learning to the wider community, for example, by producing an information leaflet on a topic they are studying such as recycling. This would both enhance students learning by reinforcing their knowledge but would also promote the school within the community. |
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:03 pm). Examples of student work.
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