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Fractal Programs

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Ultra Fractal


Fractint (DOS version 20.04) Run with DOS BOX http://www.dosbox.com (Local copy of Windows version of DOS Box 0.74 win 32)

Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones,
coastlines are not circles and bark is not smooth,
nor does lightning travel in a straight line.
- Benoit Mandelbrot

Fractals are mathematical shapes that are created using programs like Xaos, UltraFractal, Fractal eXtreme and Fractint. See my Ultra Fractal 2.04 Notes & my XaoS Notes


Fractal Science Kit
The Fractal Science Kit provides an interactive programming environment with windows for viewing the fractal image, modifying the properties that define the fractal, examining the data behind the fractal, and viewing/editing the programs, macros (inline functions/methods), and color gradients, used by the Fractal Science Kit to produce the final image.

The Fractal Science Kit supports several different fractal types including: Mandelbrot, Julia, Convergent, Newton, Orbit Traps, Sierpinski Triangle, IFS, Strange Attractors, Rep-N Tiles, Symmetric Icons, Apollonian Gasket, Circle Inversion, Schottky Group, Kleinian Group, L-System and many more. Hundreds of built-in equations, transformations, orbit traps, and color controllers, allow the casual user to produce stunning fractal images while providing the experienced fractal developer a rich set of illustrative examples on which to build his/her own programs.

For additional details visit the web site at www.fractalsciencekit.com. The web site contains a complete description of the product and provides the full documentation, galleries, and tutorials.

Fractal Science Kit Example Image Fractal Science Kit Example Image Fractal Science Kit Example Image

Example of images created with Fractal Science Kit


Freeware fractal flame editor for Windows


ChaosPro, a freeware fractal generator for the Microsoft Windows operating system, able to create beautiful images based on mathematical formulas.



A fantastic fractal zooming program.
Home page: http://xaos.sourceforge.net/index.html


Download the approprate version:
Note the only difference in these two versions is how the desktop shortcuts are created.

XaoS Windows 98  version 3.1

1,328 KB self extracting archive that will create a folder called C:\XaoS-3.1
Approximately 7 min's to download via modem.

Once you have downloaded the file running the it will open the following window:

Click Unzip then OK and Close you should then see the following icon on your desktop:

XaoS.exedouble click the icon and start to play, have fun.

XaoS Notes PDF   CDR


Basic XaoS controls

Once installed XaoS is easy to use, use the left mouse button to zooms in and the right mouse button
to zoom out. Move the mouse around to pan the fractal while zooming or press and hold both mouse
buttons together and drag the fractal image around the screen.

Mouse Buttons

Zoom in
Zoom out
Both (or middle)
Drag the fractal

Keyboard shortcuts

Default palette
Change internal colours from black
Fast Julia (Hold down the mouse button and move around the fractal to change the Julia seed)
Display ministatus ~ fractal information
Switch from Mandelbrot to Julia set
Rotation submenu
Load a random palette
Colour cycling

Cursor Keys

Up arrow
Increase zoom speed
Down arrow
Decrease zoom speed
Left arrow
Reduce iterations
Right arrow

Increase iterations
(increase the detail in zoomed fractals)

Number keys

The default Mandelbrot Set formula z = z^2 + c
Mandelbrot ^ 3 Set z = z ^ 3 + c
Mandelbrot ^ 4 Set z = z ^ 4 + c
Mandelbrot ^ 5 Set z = z ^ 5 + c
Mandelbrot ^ 6 Set z = z ^ 6 + c
The octo fractal discovered by Thomas A. K. Kjaer
The Newton
The Barnsley Set
The Phoenix
The Magnet

Don't miss the Tutorials:


XaoS is distributed under the the GNU General Public License. The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Ultra Fractal

Ultra Fractal 5

Ultra Fractal is highly recommended

Download version 2.04 (Local copy)

PDF File Ultra Fractal 2.04 Notes

The latest version 5 is avaiable from http://www.ultrafractal.com


Fractal eXtreme

Fractal eXtreme



Fractint Fractint

Fractint runs on older DOS computers though there is a Windows version


A large collection of software available for Mac OS computers.


APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:04 pm). Fractal programs
     Retrieved February 22, 2025, from

Last refreshed: February 22 2025. 06:53.40 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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