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Home > Glossary of Teaching & Other Terms

Glossary of Teaching & Other Terms


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The Edu-speak, the dictionary
Department for Educaton & Skills (UK) Glossary
Glossary for Teaching and Learning Online
Glossary of Education Terms and Acronyms
Glossary of NSRF Terms
Glossary for Teaching and Learning Online
Technology and Learning - Definitions

See: Jargon Buster
Thanks to Adele Echter – Baltrunas for this link

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Guide Glossary

Links to online dictionaries

WordNet 2.0 Search


Term  Meaning 


Andragogy is defined by Knowles (1984) as the art and science of adult learning. It is to be distinguished from the strict definition of pedagogy, which is the art and science of teaching children.
The Victoria University of Manchester

In 1968, Knowles brought the concept of andragogy, which was being used extensively in Europe, to the United States. He defined andragogy as "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Merrium & Brockett, 1997, p. 15). This definition contrasted with the definition of pedagogy, or the science and art of educating children (Merrium & Brockett, 1997).

see: Pedagogy


Occurring at different times. For example, electronic mail is asynchronous communication because it does not require the sender and receiver to be connected at the same time.
Definition of Telecom and Broadband Terms

Not occuring at the same time. In online courses, asynchronous refers to communication that occurs at different times. Common examples of asynchronous communications are e-mail, ListProc, or the WebCT Discussions tool. People can communicate at different times by sending, reading, and replying to messages or discussions.
Glossary for Teaching and Learning Online


To increase the size or value of something by adding something to it: He would have to find work to augment his income.
Cambridge Dictionaries Online


Independent; self-contained.
Native Americans


A theory suggesting that learning occurs when an environmental stimulus triggers a response or behavior. Based on classical conditioning theory, behaviorism applies to educational practices that reward performance behaviors to encourage repetition of those behaviors. Rote memorization and drill-and-practice instruction are supported by behaviorist theory. Glossary of Education Terms and Acronyms

See the dmoz page:
Top: Reference: Education: Methods and Theories: Learning Theories: Behaviorism


(from Old High German "blao" shining) is one of the three primary additive colors; blue light has the shortest wavelength range (about 420-490 nm) of the three primary colors.
www.nationmaster.com Encyclopedia: Blue


Computer-aided design; the use of a computer in industrial design applications such as architecture, engineering and manufacturing.

Computer Aided (or Assisted) Design or Drafting. It means using computers to design products or architecture. Sometimes CAD output is sent directly to operate the machinery that makes the product; this is called Computer Aided Manufacturing. See CAM.
Wright Color Graphics

Computer-aided Design (software). Software used for the design of industrial products and in the area of architecture. Prime users are the automotive, aerospace and industrial engineering industries and architects. Leading examples are such products as CATIA® from Dassault Systèmes/IBM or AutoCad® from Autodesk, Inc..


Thinking software developed by Michael Hewitt-Gleeson www.schoolofthinking.org



The conscious process of knowing or being aware of thoughts or perceptions, including understanding and reasoning.

The psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
Word Web 3.3

see Metacognition

Try a Google search for define: cognition

Concept Map

Concept mapping is a technique for representing knowledge in graphs. Knowledge graphs are networks of concepts. Networks consist of nodes (points/vertices) and links (arcs/edges). Nodes represent concepts and links represent the relations between concepts. Concept Map

A mind map or concept map is a graphical representation of concepts and the relationships between them. Both represent knowledge in diagrams consisting of “nodes” and “links”. The difference between concept maps and mind maps is that a mind map has only one main concept, while a concept map may have several. Thus a mind map can be represented as a “tree”, while a concept map may need a network representation. The concept mapping technique was developed by Prof. Joseph D. Novak at Cornell University in the 1960s, while Mind Maps were developed by Tony Buzan in the UK. Knowledge Modelling

see: http://cmap.ihmc.us/
see: FreeMind


Theory suggesting that students learn by constructing their own knowledge, especially through hands-on exploration. It emphasizes that the context in which an idea is presented, as well as student attitude and behavior, affects learning. Students learn by incorporating new information into what they already know. Glossary of NSRF Terms

A theory of learning and knowing that holds that learning is an active process of knowledge construction in which learners build on prior knowledge and experience to shape meaning and construct new knowledge. (Lambert & Walker, 1995.) National Institute for Literacy

constructivism: Theory suggesting that students learn by constructing their own knowledge, especially through hands-on exploration. It emphasizes that the context in which an idea is presented, as well as student attitude and behavior, affects learning. Students learn by incorporating new information into what they already know. Glossary of Education Terms and Acronyms

... the constructivistic shool views knowledge as a constructed entity made by each and every learner through a learning process. Knowledge can thus not be transmitted from one person to the other, it will have to be (re)constructed by each person. This means that the view of knowledge differs from the "knowledge as given and absolute" views of behaviorism and cognitivism.

In constructivism knowlege is seen as relativistic (nothing is absolute, but varies according to time and space) and fallibilist (nothing can be taken for granted). For our purpose there is an important distinction within the constructivist school of learning. Basically we have "Cognitive oriented constructivist theories" and "Socially oriented constructivist theories". CSCL

See: A concept map of constructivism

See the dmoz page:
Top: Reference: Education: Methods and Theories: Learning Theories: Constructivism

Constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own understanding of the world we live in. Each of us generates our own "rules" and "mental models," which we use to make sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to accommodate new experiences.


Curriculum & Standards Framework

see KLA



Design Make & Appraise
see: Wheels for Jack and Jill
Primary class


A vital step in transforming ideas into creative, practical and commercial realities. Design optimises the value of products and systems and is therefore an important key to economic, social and cultural development. 1 Other definitions of design include: to plan or fashion artistically or skilfully, usually in working detail; to form or conceive in the mind; a scheme of attack; to intend for a definite purpose; an adaptation of means to ends; an outline, sketch or plan. Design may also involve production, and evaluating products in a real context. VELS

Design Brief

Technology education teachers the world over use a Design Brief to introduce students to the design challenge. The Brief presents a context in which the challenge is set, and describes some basic criteria of what the product must do, the constraints by which it must abide, without telling its readers how the product must be devised or made. Design In The Classroom

A statement that contains an outline of a context, problem, need or opportunity, and specifications that apply to the problem. It is a means by which students can develop and apply knowledge and skills to solve problems. Design briefs can vary in the amount of information they provide and the way in which this information is presented. Both of these are usually determined by the level at which the students are working. Design briefs can be developed entirely by the teacher, or with varying degrees of student input. VELS

see: Design Brief
Design Brief: Life in the Solar System

Design elements and principles

Design elements are line, shape, form, tone, texture, value and colour, sound, smell, taste. Design principles are used to arrange or organise the design elements. They include emphasis, harmony, repetition, rhythm, pattern, dominance, unity, proportion, scale, hierarchy, balance, contrast, variety and focal point. VELS

Digital Portfolio

Portfolios go digital

Imagine being able to quickly locate key examples of all your students' work, not just from this year but also from previous years, on a central computer file. You could quickly draw together work samples for a PowerPoint presentation to parents, staff or students. Students could take home their primary school work samples on CD ROM at the end of Year 6. Thomastown East Primary School is in the process of establishing the use of digital portfolios throughout the school. They believe digital portfolios are set to replace the more traditional, and rather cumbersome, method of storing student information with a system that can hold more, is much easier to access and that opens up exciting new avenues for students to take greater ownership of their work.

Portfolios demonstrate a wide range of student work, characterized by student selected artifacts based on established criteria. Portfolios continue to grow with the individual learner throughout an educational experience extending beyond the classroom. Portfolios can be the heart of the learner's documentation and demonstration of their ability and knowledge; however, it can be much more.
A student portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of a student's efforts, progress, or achievement in a given area. This collection must include: http://myfolio.usu.edu/

The Digital Portfolio lesson utilizes various tec7hnology tools and programs for students to create portfolios. The central question for this lesson is "What are digital portfolios and how can we use them?" During the school year, students collect and organize projects, photos, and school work into a multimedia format that represents what they have accomplished. Assessment of products placed in the portfolios is also an important component of this session. Students present their digital portfolios at the end of the year.

Digital Portfolios at CHS!
The digital portfolios are a way of showcasing student achievement through class assignments, community service, and occupational experience. During the advisory period, which is scheduled once a month, students’ work to create their own personal portfolios. Following criteria developed for each grade level, students compile their work and reflect on their progress. First, students generate a hard copy portfolio, which is stored in their advisor’s classroom. Next, students produce digital portfolios. Basically, a digital portfolio means that students can save their work to a disk, a CD, a web page, or an Internet storage bin. The beauty of the digital portfolio is that it not only allows students to bring samples of their work to local college and/or job interviews, but it also enables them to send samples of their work at the touch of a keypad to colleges and businesses throughout the country.

The Digital Portfolio: A Richer Picture of Student Performance
Getting Started with Digital Portfolios

At-a-Glance Guide*
Digitize Sound for your
Electronic Portfolio

Digital Whiteboard


A touch sensitive whiteboard that works like a large touch sensitive screen. There is a Smart Board in T316 where I teach.

I am currently resarching the pedagogy involved in using them.

Both front and rear projection models exist.

also: Interactive Whiteboard



# [adj] marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions; "discriminate judgments"; "discriminate people"
# [adj] showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste; "the discriminating eye of the connoisseur"



Effective Teaching

Effective teaching is the basis of successful learning. Effective teaching identifies and builds on prior knowledge, makes real-life connections, develops deep understanding and monitors and reflects on learning.



File Transfer Protocol
A standard protocol for the transfer of files between a computer and the server which stores the files that can be accessed by Web users. Commonly-used programs for FTPing are WS_FTP for the Windows platform and Fetch for Mac operating systems.
Glossary for Teaching and Learning Online

See my Ws_FTP tutorial


Howard Gardner

see: Multiple Intelligences


Google (search engine)

Currently the most important spidering search engine by far, Google is dominating the search engine market.

Google is a search engine owned by Google Inc. whose mission statement is to "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." The largest search engine on the web, Google receives over 200 million queries each day through its various services. Wikipedia

google (verb)

The verb to google or google it (yourself) is a neologism meaning "to perform a web search" (primarily with the Google web search engine). The coinage of the word is mainly due to the tremendous popularity of that search engine. The American Dialect Society chose the verb to google as the "most useful word of 2002". Wikipedia

Definitions of holistic on the Web:

Google search for define:holistic


Acronym for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is an authoring language that uses tags <angle brackets> to define the elements of a Web page that tells browsers how to display the contents of a page. Glossary for Teaching and Learning Online


Information and Communication(s) Technology

Information Technology

A term that encompasses all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and utilize information in its various forms including business data, conversations, still images, motion pictures and multimedia presentations.

Computer hardware and software, voice data, network, satellite, telecommunications technologies, multimedia and application development tools. These technologies are used for the input, storage, processing, and communication of information.

Interactive Whiteboard


A touch sensitive whiteboard that works like a large touch sensitive screen. There is a Smart Board in T316 where I teach.

I am currently resarching the pedagogy involved in using them.

Both front and rear projection models exist.

also: Digital Whiteboard



The placement of two objects close together or side by side for comparison or contrast. At times to illustrate the scale in an image, or to contrast old and new, old and young, tall and short, etc.
StartPhoto Glossary

To place side by side, or unexpected combinations of colors, shapes and ideas
Favorite Words of the Day




Key Learning Area one of 8 learning areas defined in the Victorian CSF.

see CSF 


Lucid dreaming


The act of being aware of dreaming while you are dreaming.

see: http://www.wakinglifemovie.com/




In teaching you need to be aware of not only what you are doing but why and how you are doing it. This is the essence of Metacognition.

Thinking about one's thinking; the monitoring of one’s thinking for the critical thinking criteria as one is acquiring and assessing new information. For scientific thinking, this means also becoming aware of one’s background knowledge, assumptions, and the auxiliary hypotheses (how observing works) and assessing their validity as well.

see cognition 

Try a Google search for define: Metacognition

Mind Map

See: Concept Map

Multiple Intelligences


Howard Gardner identifies at least seven different human intelligences that allow us to engage in learning and help us make sense of the world: (1) language; (2) logical-mathematical analysis; (3) spatial representation; (4) musical thinking; (5) the use of the body to solve problems or to make things; (6) an understanding of other individuals; and, (7) an understanding of ourselves. Within the framework of learning with technology, each has a specific role and capacity.
Technology and Learning - Definitions

Howard Gardner argues that his intelligence does not stop at his skin and moves both intrinsically to his bio-psychological make-up and extrinsically to his social and natural environment. Thus, the term encompasses seven intelligences that encompass the biological, psychological, social, naturalist and spiritual dimensions of our life.



The etiquette of online communication and the use of the Internet. For a comprehensive list of rules for a variety of forms of online communication, see Arlene Rinaldi's The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette, Florida Atlantic University:

Netiquette You Need To Know
Glossary for Teaching and Learning Online




The art and science of teaching.

This is my definition many others exist. Try the following search in google define: pedagogy 


the principles, practice, or profession of teaching.

An appropriate definition of pedagogy is systematized instruction or principles that promote student learning
Collected Writings of Rob Roy Kelly

The word 'pedagogy', which comes from the Greek 'peda' (children) and 'gogy' (teaching), is itself contested. A literal translation of the term simply implies the teaching of children. To be good at pedagogy, or to be a good pedagogue, you have to be good at teaching children.
Teaching & Learning

...the current definition of pedagogy as "the art or profession of teaching" (American Heritage, p. 914). The concept of "teaching children" no longer seems to inhere to the term pedagogy.
The Linguistics of Andragogy and its Offspring Trenton R. Ferro

see: Andragogy


What is plagiarism?
It is difficult to give a simple, widely applicable definition as different disciplines and institutions may have varying traditions and conventions and what might be considered 'common knowledge' and thus not need referencing by an expert in a subject is different from the novice first-year student.

However, a widely shared understanding is that plagiarism occurs when someone tries to pass off someone else's work, thoughts or ideas as their own, whether deliberately or unintentionally, without appropriate acknowledgement.

It is important to recognise that plagiarism does not just apply to written work - whether essays, reports, dissertations or laboratory results - but can also apply to plans, projects, designs, music, presentations or other work presented for assessment. Plagiarism Prevention, detection and punishment


An original or model after which anything is formed. VELS


Behaviors that place primary emphasis on the various degrees of physical skills and dexterity as they relate to the thought process.

Of or relating to or characterizing mental events that have motor consequences or vice versa

Google search for define:Psychomotor


Quantum Computers

Quantum computer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A quantum computer is any device for computation that makes direct use of distinctively quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. In a classical (or conventional) computer data are measured by bits; in a quantum computer the data are measured by qubits. The basic principle of quantum computation is that the quantum properties of particles can be used to represent and structure data, and that devised quantum mechanisms can be used to perform operations with these data.

Quantum computers could one day replace silicon chips, just like the transistor once replaced the vacuum tube. But for now, the technology required to develop such a quantum computer is beyond our reach. Most research in quantum computing is still very theoretical. How Stuff Works

see: What is a Quantum Computer?
try a Google search for "quantum computers"
try a Google definition define: quantum computer

Question Matrix

The Question Matrix is a set of 36 question starters that ask what, where, which, who, why and how. The questions in the top rows of the matrix are knowledge and information questions and the lower rows are questions that require analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Effective Teaching


A rubric is a set of scoring guidelines for evaluating student work.

Rubrics answer the questions: By what criteria should performance be judged? Where should we look and what should we look for to judge performance success? What does the range in the quality of performance look like? How do we determine validly, reliably, and fairly what score should be given and what that score means? How should the different levels of quality be described and distinguished from one another? What is a rubric?

see: my Rubric Links page



The opposite of zipping a file. see Zip



Victorian Essential Learning Standards

2005 is the transition year for schools to move from using the CSF to VELS in their curriculum planning

Visual Learning

What is visual learning?
Visual learning techniques - graphical ways of working with ideas and presenting information - teach students to clarify their thinking, and to process, organize and prioritize new information. Visual diagrams reveal patterns, interrelationships and interdependencies. They also stimulate creative thinking. inspiration.com


Wikipedia is a Web-based, free-content encyclopedia, which is written collaboratively by volunteers. It consists of 195 independent language editions sponsored by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Entries on traditional encyclopedic topics exist alongside those on almanac, gazetteer and current events topics. Its purpose is to create and distribute, worldwide, a free encyclopedia in as many languages as possible. Wikipedia is one of the most popular reference sites on the Web,[1] receiving around 50 million hits per day. Wikipedia


Large files need to be compressed for sending over the Internet. This is accomplished through programs which zip (compress) and unzip (decompress) the files. Numerous programs such as Stuffit and WinZip are available for compressing and decompressing files.
Glossary for Teaching and Learning Online

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 01:49 pm). Glossary of Teaching & Other Terms.
   Retrieved February 23, 2025, from

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