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2005 Interactive Whiteboards: Touching the Future of Education.
Authors: Rupert Russell, Danielle Peters
Presented at the Twelfth International Conference on Learning
a written version of this paper will be submitted for
publication in the International Journal of Learning, Volume
12, 2005. http://l05.cgpublisher.com/proposals/992/index_html
2005 Towards a Pedagogy of Group Work: Working the Rhetoric of
Group Work in an Undergraduate Curriculum and Pedagogy
Unit at the University of Ballarat.

Authors: Dr Margaret Zeegers, Rupert Russell, Robert Davies, Eugene Menon
A written version of this paper will be submitted for publication in the International Journal of Learning, Volume 12, 2005. http://l05.cgpublisher.com/proposals/1214
2003 From Slogan to Pedagogy: Teacher Education and Reflection
at the University of Ballarat.

Authors: Dr Margaret Zeegers, M., Russell, R. & Smith, P.
Published in the International Journal of Learning, Volume 10, 2003. http://2003.learningconference.com/ProposalSystem/Presentations/P000819


APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:08 pm). publications.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/publications.php

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 07:53.08 pm

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