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Home > MicroWorlds Logo (Turtle Graphics) Links & Examples > Examples > MicroWorlds Fractals
The following programs are a collection of examples most of
which I have created for my own amusement or as
teaching aids. You are welcome to download copies and play with them. You may
also place copies on your website as long as you add a link to this page and
e-mail me details of where you are using them.
If you switch to the procedures page using Ctrl + F or Pages
| Procedures you will see that most of these examples use procedures.
if the example has no procedures then right click on the turtle and see if there
is any code programmed directly into the turtle.
Colours can also have code associated with them. Click on the Paint Brush button
to view the colour pallet.
any colours with a black dot in the center of the colour has logo code programmed
into it. Double click on the colour to view the associated code.
Note: these example programs are written using MicroWorlds Version 2.05
The Following MicroWorlds programs are free software;
you can redistribute and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU
General Public License |
Draws fractal trees to tree :distance |
| 21KB |
Draws fractal trees Based on code By David Dimsey | 11KB |
Draws fractal trees to tree procedure modified from original found at: to tree :length :ang :st |
August 11, 2004 |
go seth random 360 pu bk 100 setc (random 9900) + 10 pd sierpinski s_size end to rtriangle :size to hole :size to sierpinski :size |
sierpinski2.mw2 111 KB 8KB |
sierpinski to draw_shape :size :level to curve to curve_shape :size :level repeat 4 [ |
![]() October 8, 2004 sierpinski3.mw2
43 KB |
go set.up.triangle t1, setc "red t2, setc "blue t3, setc "green forever [step] end
to set.up.triangle to step
fd 0.5 * :distance |
![]() October 8, 2004 sierpinski4.mw2
51 KB From THE
go ht cg Sieve -160 -160 400 level end to
Sieve :x :y :size :level to triangle :x :y :size setc "black |
![]() ![]() sierpinski5.mw2
51 KB From THE
to x :p output first :p end to y :p ;output item 2 :p output last :p end to scale_triangle :p output se (x :p) * scale - scale / 2 (y :p) * scale - scale / 2 end to triangle :p1 :p2 :p3 pu setpos scale_triangle :p1 pd setpos scale_triangle :p2 setpos scale_triangle :p3 setpos scale_triangle :p1 end to rule :n :p if :n = 1 [output se (x :p) / 2 (y :p) / 2] if :n = 2 [output se (x :p) / 2 + 0.5 (y :p) / 2] if :n = 3 [output se (x :p) / 2 + 0.25 (y :p) / 2 + 0.5] end to ifs :p1 :p2 :p3 :level if :level = 0 [triangle :p1 :p2 :p3 stop] ifs rule 1 :p1 rule 1 :p2 rule 1 :p3 :level - 1 ifs rule 2 :p1 rule 2 :p2 rule 2 :p3 :level - 1 ifs rule 3 :p1 rule 3 :p2 rule 3 :p3 :level - 1 end to go ht cc cg IFS [0 0] [1 0] [0.5 1] level end |
51 KB |
A work in progress no comments as yet. This version is very slow see version 0.2 for a much faster version. That uses recursion. Based on SmallBASIC code by Jeff Fox |
57 KB
Version 0.2 much faster than version 0.1 Uses a recursive call with bailout checking. Based on SmallBASIC code by Jeff Fox |
August 21, 2004 mandelbrot03.mw2
225 KB
Generates a Mandelbrot Set Version 0.3 faster than version 0.2 Plots from the top and bottom at the same time Based on SmallBASIC code by Jeff Fox |
190 KB
by Dr Clifford Pickover The book Chaos in Wonderland just came out in paperback, and I thought
some of you would like a computer recipe from the book. The book is a
blend of science fiction, graphics, mathematics, astronomy, computer graphics,
and fractals to introduce the reader to chaos science -- the science behind
many intricate, unpredictable patterns in mathematics and nature. Pickover, C. (1995) Chaos in Wonderland: Visual Adventures
in a Fractal World. St Martin's Press: New York. ISBN 0-312-12774-X
To produce the King's beautiful fractal dream, use the following constants: (a = -0.966918, b = 2.879879, c = 0.765145, and d = 0.744728). The picture boundaries are (-1.86 < x < 1.86) and (-1.51 < y < 1.51) . The Lyapunov exponent, which is explained in detail in the book, characterizes the degree of chaos in the pattern. For the King's dream, the value of the Lyapunov exponent is 0.48. If you magnify the center of the pattern, you will find additional intricate plumage.
make "a -0.966918 make "scale 200 repeat 100000 [ end |
![]() October 8, 2004 dragon1.mw2
34 KB
From THE
go ht cg pu fd 50 pd dragon 200 level end
to Dragon1 :size :level to Dragon :size :level |
IFS10.mw2 33KB
From THE
to dot |
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:13 pm). MicroWorlds Fractals.
Retrieved March 31, 2025, from
Last refreshed: March 31 2025. 11:20.26 am
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.