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Home > MicroWorlds Logo (Turtle Graphics) Links & Examples > Examples > MicroWorlds Fractals

MicroWorlds Fractals

The following programs are a collection of examples most of which I have created for my own amusement or as
teaching aids. You are welcome to download copies and play with them. You may also place copies on your website as long as you add a link to this page and e-mail me details of where you are using them.

If you switch to the procedures page using Ctrl + F or Pages | Procedures you will see that most of these examples use procedures. if the example has no procedures then right click on the turtle and see if there is any code programmed directly into the turtle.

Colours can also have code associated with them. Click on the Paint Brush button to view the colour pallet.
any colours with a black dot in the center of the colour has logo code programmed into it. Double click on the colour to view the associated code.

Note: these example programs are written using MicroWorlds Version 2.05

The Following MicroWorlds programs are free software; you can redistribute and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

MicroWorlds tree.zip

tree.zip 8KB Ziped with Winzip  from www.winzip.com use winzip to unzip

Draws fractal trees

to tree :distance
   if :distance < minimum [stop]
   forward :distance
   right angle
   tree :distance - step
   left (angle * 2)
   tree :distance - step
   right angle
   back :distance


MicroWorlds trees4.zip

trees4.zip 21KB Ziped with Winzip  from www.winzip.com use winzip to unzip

Draws fractal trees

Based on code By David Dimsey
Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Campus

MicroWorlds fractals.zip

fractals1.zip 11KB Ziped with Winzip  from www.winzip.com use winzip to unzip

Draws fractal trees

to tree procedure modified from original found at: http://www.microworlds.com/library/math/recursive/index.html

to tree :length :ang :st
    if :length < :st [stop]  ; halt when branch
                             ; length is less than st

      fd :length
   lt :ang
   tree :length / 2 :ang :st
; recursive call
   rt :ang
   tree :length / 2 :ang :st
; recursive call
   rt :ang
   tree :length / 2 :ang :st
; recursive call
   lt :ang
   bk :length


MicroWorlds Sierpinski Triangle

August 11, 2004



to go
   seth random 360
   bk 100
   setc (random 9900) + 10 pd
   sierpinski s_size

to rtriangle :size
   fd :size
   rt 135
   fd (sqrt 2)* :size
   rt 135
   fd :size
   rt 90

to hole :size
   fd :size / 2
   rt 90
   fd :size / 2
   rt 90
   rtriangle :size / 2
   rt 45
   fd :size / 4
   bk :size / 4
   rt 45
   fd :size / 2
   rt 90
   bk :size / 2

to sierpinski :size
   rtriangle :size
   hole :size
   if :size > 15 [sierpinski :size / 2]
   fd :size / 2
   if :size > 15 [sierpinski :size / 2]
   bk :size / 2
   rt 90
   fd :size / 2
   lt 90
   if :size > 15 [sierpinski :size / 2]
   lt 90
   fd :size / 2
   rt 90

MicroWorlds Sierpinski Triangle
August 4, 2004

sierpinski2.mw2 111 KB

sierpinski2.zip 8KB Ziped with Winzip  from www.winzip.com use winzip to unzip

See: Sierpinski Polygons


to sierpinski
  seth 0
  rt 30
  draw_shape 200 6

to draw_shape :size :level
  if :level < 1 [stop]               ; stopping rule
  repeat 3 [
  draw_shape :size / 2 :level - 1    ; recursive call
  fd :size
  rt 120]

to curve
  seth 0
  rt 30
  curve_shape 150 6.5

to curve_shape :size :level
  if :level < 1 [stop]                  ; stopping rule

  repeat 4 [
    fd 0.75 * :size
    rt 180
    curve_shape :size / 2 :level - 1    ; recursive call
    rt 180
    fd 0.25 * :size
    rt 90

MicroWorlds Sierpinski Triangle

October 8, 2004

sierpinski3.mw2 43 KB
sierpinski3.zip 21 KB
sierpinski3.exe 84 KB

GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL

to go
t1, setc "red
t2, setc "blue
t3, setc "green
forever [step]

to set.up.triangle
t1, setpos [-250 -165]
t2, setpos [250 -165]
t3, setpos [0 180]
t4, pu st

to step
   make "random.vertex ((random 3) + 1)
   make "random_vertex_turtle word "t :random.vertex
   talkto :random_vertex_turtle

   ; setc color + 1 ; change the colour of the active vertex

   make "p pos
   talkto "t4
   towards :random_vertex_turtle
   if :random_vertex_turtle = "t1 [setc "red]
   if :random_vertex_turtle = "t2 [setc "blue]
   if :random_vertex_turtle = "t3 [setc "green]

   make "q pos
   make "distance sqrt((power ((first :p) - (first :q)) 2) +    (power ((last :p) - (last :q)) 2))

   fd 0.5 * :distance
   pd fd 0

MicroWorlds Sierpinski Triangle
October 8, 2004

sierpinski4.mw2 51 KB
sierpinski4.zip 14 KB
sierpinski4.exe 76 KB

GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL


to go
   Sieve -160 -160 400 level

to Sieve :x :y :size :level
   if :level = 0 [triangle :x :y :size stop]
   Sieve :x :y :size / 2 :level - 1
   Sieve :x + :size / 2 :y :size / 2 :level - 1
   Sieve :x + :size / 4 :y + :size * 0.433
   :size / 2 :level - 1

to triangle :x :y :size
   pu setx :x sety :y seth 30 pd
   repeat 3 [fd :size rt 120]
   pu setx :x + :size / 2 sety :y + 2 pd

   ; add some colour
   setc (random 7) + 100

   setc "black

MicroWorlds Sierpinski Triangle
October 11, 2004

sierpinski5.mw2 51 KB
sierpinski5.zip 14 KB
sierpinski5.exe 76 KB

GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL


to x :p  
   output first :p  

to y :p 
   ;output item 2 :p 
   output last :p

to scale_triangle :p 

   output se (x :p) * scale - scale / 2 (y :p) * scale - scale / 2

to triangle :p1 :p2 :p3

   setpos scale_triangle :p1 
   setpos scale_triangle :p2
   setpos scale_triangle :p3
   setpos scale_triangle :p1

to rule :n :p

   if :n = 1 [output se (x :p) / 2 (y :p) / 2]
   if :n = 2 [output se (x :p) / 2 + 0.5 (y :p) / 2]
   if :n = 3 [output se (x :p) / 2 + 0.25 (y :p) / 2 + 0.5]

to ifs :p1 :p2 :p3 :level

   if :level = 0 [triangle :p1 :p2 :p3 stop]
   ifs rule 1 :p1 rule 1 :p2 rule 1 :p3 :level - 1
   ifs rule 2 :p1 rule 2 :p2 rule 2 :p3 :level - 1
   ifs rule 3 :p1 rule 3 :p2 rule 3 :p3 :level - 1

to go
   cg IFS [0 0] [1 0] [0.5 1] level

MicroWorlds LOGO Mandelbrot
August 20, 2004 version 0.1

mandelbrot01.mw2 51 KB
mandelbrot01.zip 22 KB
mandelbrot01.exe 84 KB

Get MicroWorlds Web Player Plugin version
GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL

A work in progress no comments as yet.

This version is very slow see version 0.2 for a much faster version. That uses recursion.

Based on SmallBASIC code by Jeff Fox

MicroWorlds LOGO Koch Snowflake
August 20, 2004

koch.mw2 18 KB
koch.zip 11 KB
koch.exe 72 KB

Get MicroWorlds Web Player Plugin version
GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL


MicroWorlds LOGO Mandelbrot
August 21, 2004

mandelbrot02.mw2 57 KB
mandelbrot02.zip 26 KB
mandelbrot02.exe 88 KB

Get MicroWorlds Web Player Plugin version
GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL

Version 0.2 much faster than version 0.1

Uses a recursive call with bailout checking.

Based on SmallBASIC code by Jeff Fox

MicroWorlds LOGO Mandelbrot

August 21, 2004

mandelbrot03.mw2 225 KB
mandelbrot03.zip 87 KB
mandelbrot03.exe 184 KB

Get MicroWorlds Web Player Plugin version
GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL

Generates a Mandelbrot Set

Version 0.3 faster than version 0.2

Plots from the top and bottom at the same time
Fixed a problems with the :x_scale

Based on SmallBASIC code by Jeff Fox

The King's beautiful fractal dream
October 7, 2004

The_King's_Dream.mw2 190 KB
The_King's_Dream.zip 46 KB
The_King's_Dream.exe 108 KB

Get MicroWorlds Web Player Plugin version
GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL


The King's beautiful fractal dream


Fractal dreams

by Dr Clifford Pickover

The book Chaos in Wonderland just came out in paperback, and I thought some of you would like a computer recipe from the book. The book is a blend of science fiction, graphics, mathematics, astronomy, computer graphics, and fractals to introduce the reader to chaos science -- the science behind many intricate, unpredictable patterns in mathematics and nature.

Pickover, C. (1995) Chaos in Wonderland: Visual Adventures in a Fractal World. St Martin's Press: New York. ISBN 0-312-12774-X

x = 0.1; y = 0.1; /* starting point */

DO 10 Million Times
   xnew = sin(y*b) + c*sin(x*b)
   ynew = sin(x*a) + d*sin(y*a)
   x = xnew; y = ynew; PlotDotAt (x, y)

The values of the real number constants a, b, c, and d may be chosen at random in a range (-3 < a,b < 3) and (0.5 < c, d < 1.5 ). These simple systems generate information as the system evolves. To see the patterns unfold, use the rules and starting conditions, repeat the equations over and over again, stand back, and watch the visually exciting behavior evolve on the computer screen. Each new value of x and y determines the position of points on a plane.

To produce the King's beautiful fractal dream, use the following constants: (a = -0.966918, b = 2.879879, c = 0.765145, and d = 0.744728). The picture boundaries are (-1.86 < x < 1.86) and (-1.51 < y < 1.51) . The Lyapunov exponent, which is explained in detail in the book, characterizes the degree of chaos in the pattern. For the King's dream, the value of the Lyapunov exponent is 0.48. If you magnify the center of the pattern, you will find additional intricate plumage.


to dream
   make "x 0.1
   make "y 0.1

   make "a -0.966918
   make "b 2.879879
   make "c 0.765145
   make "d 0.744728

   make "scale 200

   repeat 100000 [
      make "xnew sin(:y * :b) + :c * sin (:x * :b)
      make "ynew sin(:x * :a) + :d * sin(:y * :a)
      make "x :xnew * :scale
      make "y :ynew * :scale
      setx :x
      sety :y

      fd 0        ; draw a point without moving the turtle


 dragon curve
October 8, 2004

dragon1.mw2 34 KB
dragon1.zip 11 KB
dragon1.exe 72 KB

Get MicroWorlds Web Player Plugin version
GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL


to go
   fd 50
   dragon 200 level

to Dragon1 :size :level
   if :level = 0 [fd :size stop]
   Dragon :size * 0.707 :level - 1
   lt 90
   Dragon1 :size * 0.707 :level - 1

to Dragon :size :level
   if :level = 0 [fd :size stop]
   Dragon :size * 0.707 :level - 1
   rt 90
   Dragon1 :size * 0.707 :level - 1

IFS Logo (turtle graphics)
October 11, 2004

IFS10.mw2 33KB
IFS10.zip 17 KB
IFS10.exe 80KB

Get MicroWorlds Web Player Plugin version
GNU License.txt

Published under the GNU GPL


to dot
   make "scale IFS_sz ;  IFS_sz is a slider range 1 - 400
   ; setc (random 5) + 100 ; add some colour
   ; setc "black   ; or stick to Black
                   ; note the colours are currently
                   ; set in the ChooseRule procedure 

   setx :x * :scale 
   sety :y * :scale - (:scale / 2) 

   fd 0

to rule1

   ; Xn+1 = AXn + BYn + C
   ; Yn+1 = DXn + EYn + F

   make "a 0
   make "b 0
   make "c 0
   make "d 0
   make "e 0.16
   make "f 0

   make "t (:a * :x) + (:b * :y) + :c
   make "y (:d * :x) + (:e * :y) + :f
   make "x :t

to rule2

   make "a 0.85
   make "b 0.04
   make "c 0
   make "d -0.04
   make "e 0.85
   make "f 0.16

   make "t (:a * :x) + (:b * :y) + :c
   make "y (:d * :x) + (:e * :y) + :f
   make "x :t

to rule3

   make "a 0.2
   make "b -0.26
   make "c 0
   make "d 0.23
   make "e 0.22
   make "f 0.16

   make "t (:a * :x) + (:b * :y) + :c
   make "y (:d * :x) + (:e * :y) + :f
   make "x :t

to rule4

   make "a -0.15
   make "b 0.28
   make "c 0
   make "d 0.26
   make "e 0.24
   make "f 0.08

   make "t (:a * :x) + (:b * :y) + :c
   make "y (:d * :x) + (:e * :y) + :f
   make "x :t

to ChooseRule

   ; chose a rule based on its probability
   make "r random 100
   if :r = 0 [setc "red    rule1 stop]
   if :r < 83 [setc "green rule2 stop]
   if :r < 92 [setc "blue  rule3 stop]
   setc "black  rule4

to IFS :n

   make "x 0 
   make "y 0
   repeat :n [ChooseRule dot]

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:13 pm). MicroWorlds Fractals.
     Retrieved March 31, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/microworlds/fractals.php

Last refreshed: March 31 2025. 11:20.26 am

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

1758 Visits since November 16, 2004