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タコのすごい能力!- The terrible ability of the octopus!
350 Pacific Climate Warriors: Canoe Blockade
Ask 1.2-million-mile BMW rider Dave Swisher, of Bowling Green, Virginia. That's his helmet after he suffered a crash in West Virginia. Dave came out of it just fine—thanks to his full-face helmet. No facial reconstruction was needed. In fact, because Dave was wearing full gear, he was able to ride home!
What would have happened had he been wearing a three-quarter helmet or, worse yet, a “shorty?”,17082.msg176208.html#msg176208
St John Ambulance The Chokeables advert: save a choking baby
When your gingerbread house fails...add dinosaur.
3D Printing the Future
Cool Sticker ‘love trees’ Sticker by vian |
The most important and urgent problems of the technology of today are no longer the satisfactions of the primary needs or of archetypal wishes, but the reparation of the evils and damages by the technology of yesterday.
Dennis Gabor
(Ouchi, 1977; Spillmann et al 1986)
illusion pages
16 January 2004
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2021, February 21, 09:08 am). Rupert's home page.
Retrieved September 12, 2024, from