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> Paint Shop Pro 7 Notes

Paint Shop Pro 7 Notes

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CorelDraw 6 Version 2,283 KB

Before adding a highlight using version 7

Please Note this process has changed slightly with version 9 see below


The above highlight was created by drawing an ellipse as a vector, converting the vector layer to a raster layer, using the magic wand to select the area outside the ellipse, inverting the selection, contracting the selection by 1 pixel, and finally applying a drop shadow to the selection.

Easy when you know how :-)

Please note the above

Using Paint Shop Pro Version 9

added November 18, 2008

1) Add a new raster layer Layers | New Raster Layer...

2) Draw an ellipse on the new raster layer; Do not check create on vector

3) Using the magic wand; check the Contiguious tick box

4) Select the area outside the ellispe

5) Invert the selection Selections | Invert

6) Contract the selection 1 pixel Selections | Modify | Contract... | Number of pixels: 1

6) Add a drop shaddow Effects | 3D Effects | Drop shaddow...

Dawn over the Himalayas

see my Fractal Images page for the "original" image

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:20 pm). Paint shop pro 7 notes.
     Retrieved December 23, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/psp/index.php

Last refreshed: December 23 2024. 06:54.47 am

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

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