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Home > Some Teaching Resources

Some Teaching Resources



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See my list of free software

1000 Most common English Words

Audio Resources


***** Fifty Freeware Favourites



FirewallFTP Clients
   Ws_FTP LE

GraphicsKerio Personal Firewall (Last Freeware Version)

***** Last Freeware Version

A site will many useful utilities All Freware Versions.
link added August 16, 2006

Morse Code Trainer


   Free Mind
   IHMC CmapTools version 4.03


PHP Tutorial

Photo Editors

Top 8 Free Photo Editors for Windows

PhotoPlus 6 - Image and Photo Editing Software


A free software download from Google. Picasa is software that helps you ... Picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and ...

Primary Teaching
     Noughts & Crosses 18 mm Dotted ThirdsScreen Capture


Ziptales is an educational reading site. It has been developed under guidelines provided by the site's professional editorial committee, led by PETA Chair and Senior Lecturer in Education (Literacy), Dr Christina Davidson.

Screen Recording

ShareWare Library


Video Converters

Weather Radar

Web Cam


Audio Resources


Audio Level Meters by Paul Marshall

Audio Level Meter

Audio Level Meter by Paul Marshall

Requirements: A soundcard capable of 44.1KHz 16 bit stereo sampling is required.

For use with Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP


link added March 23, 2006
Link updated November 16, 2014

Local copy of Audacity for Windows version 2.05 21.1 MB Current version as at February 2014

The Free, Cross-Platform Sound Editor

Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.

For more information or to download the latest version visit:



How to install Audacity



Basic Audacity tutorial




"How to Make Your Voice Sound Better in Audacity" - How to Edit Gameplay Commentaries



Make your own POP Filter


Current (as of Jan 2015) copy of Lame_v3.99.3_for_Windows required by Audacity to export Mp3 Files

Legacy Local copy of Audacity for Windows version 1.2.4b 2,273 KB
Local copy of lame 3.96.1 601 KB (Allows Audacity to save MP3 files)


Local copy of Lame_enc.dll required for Audacity to export files in MP3 format. Right click on this link and save the file lame_enc.dll to your hard disk.
Place a copy in the c:\Program Files\Audacity folder

Local copy of lame 3.96.1 601 KB (Allows Audacity to save MP3 files)

The Free, Cross-Platform Sound Editor

Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.

Audacity 1.2.4 is a new stable version of Audacity, the free audio
editor. It includes a couple of bug fixes and minor improvements and
is recommended for all users.

For more information or to download visit:


Also see: LAME MP3 encoder - Allows Audacity to export MP3 files.

GoldWave http://www.goldwave.com

GoldWave is a comprehensive digital audio editor. It is currently rated as one of the best on the ZDNet Software Library,
receiving 5 stars! It contains so many great features, you will be amazed by all the things it can do.

wav      mp3

Focus MP3 Recorder is an ideal sound recorder. It supports four formats (WAV, MP3, WMA, and OGG) and produces high quality recording. The hotkey and schedule settings make it possible to handle auto start/stop of recording. With the hotkeys, you can even record during playing games, watching online video or enjoying music. And the schedules can be set as many as you like. Converting file formats becomes easy in Focus MP3 Recorder. Just right-click the file and select a supported format. The splitter allows you to split a MP3 file into smaller segments. Splitting, previewing, and removing unnecessary segments are easy with clicks.


Fruityloops http://www.fruityloops.com

Fruityloops is the number one loop and song creation tool on the net.
You'll create wav, mp3 or midi loops only minutes after launching it.

One of the examples in Fruityloops

TextAloud MP3 http://www.nextup.com/TextAloud/index.html 

TextAloud MP3 converts any text into spoken words and MP3 files. It resides in your
Windows tray, always ready to read aloud your text from email, web pages, and documents.
You can listen immediately, or save to .wav or MP3 files to hear later at your convenience.


If you want to listen to podcasts, this program is for you. Juice is the premier podcast receiver, allowing users to capture and listen to podcasts anytime, anywhere.
View screenshots Get Juice Badge

Juice continues to offer unique features:

  • It's Free
  • Cross-Platform
  • Multi-language supported
  • GPL'ed -- it operates under a public license for the public good
  • Fast (even with a lot of subscriptions)

Get Juice Link added August 12, 2006


WordWeb is a free cut-down version of the WordWeb Pro software. It includes a comprehensive English thesaurus and dictionary, and can be used to look up words from within most programs.


Get the FREE download



Maths fonts http://www.rupert.id.au/fonts/index.php
Link Updated July 20, 2006

A set of Maths fonts includes Geometric Shapes, Any Fraction, Mathematical Symbols,
Time and Australian Notes and Coins

Vic Cursive Fonts

Link Updated July 20, 2006

The handwriting sets come with seven fonts, Bold, Dots, Cursive, Outline, Regular,
Numbered Dots and Numbered Outline. All numerals or numbers are included. 



Ultra Fractal http://www.ultrafractal.com 

Ultra Fractal is the best tool for creating fractal art. It creates smooth, true-color fractal images
with a wealth of fractal formulas and coloring algorithms. You can combine different fractal types
and coloring techniques with the improved layering and masking features.



Fractint is a freeware fractal generator created for IBMPC's and compatible computers.
It is the most versatile and extensive fractal program available for any price. 

MicroWorlds Logo

MicriWorlds Logo



SWiSH2 http://www.swishzone.com

SWiSH2 is the ultimate Flash™ creation tool. SWiSH2 has all the power you need to create
professional Flash animations in a fraction of the time it takes with other programs.
At only $16.95 US Educational Pricing SWiSH2 is amazing value! 

swish11.swf A demonstration I created using Swish 2.00

Paint Shop Pro http://www.jasc.com

You can do it all with Paint Shop Pro! Create, Edit, Draw, Paint, and Animate all in one easy-to-use,
affordable program! Paint Shop Pro is the answer to all your digital photography and Web graphics needs.

Mstar* http://www.mstar.org.uk

FTP Clients


FileZilla is a fast FTP and SFTP client for Windows with a lot of features.
FileZilla Server is a reliable FTP server.
Link added July 13, 2006

A small and free FTP Client




MicroWorlds http://www.microworlds.com

MicroWorlds is a Logo-based curriculum construction kit that makes the actual process of
creating a school project a rich, learning experience. MicroWorlds fosters the development of
problem-solving strategies, critical thinking skills and creativity.

Broken Caluclator http://www.mathcats.com/microworlds/broken_calculator.html

Click the "on" button, then display the number shown without using the "broken" calculator key(s).
You might use the +, -, x or ÷ keys. How many ways can you build the number?
Record your solutions on a piece of paper.



This project will make crowds, anywhere from 15 up to 2,000 tiny people!
You have just a few seconds to try to guess how many people are in each crowd.
The closer you guess, the more points you earn!

Hannah Hannah.zip


Chaos chaos.zip



Mind Mapping


FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map) software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager because of one-click "fold / unfold" and "follow link" operations.

Windows Installer Max (all-including version, 8 MB)
MAC OS X  (all-including version, 8 MB)

Install and run
Get a taste of FreeMind
What FreeMind is good for
Get help
Mind mapping software?
Alternatives to FreeMind
Authors and contributors
Reward authors
What users say

IHMC CmapTools version 4.03
Link added July 6 , 2006

he CmapTools program empowers users to construct, navigate, share and criticize knowledge models represented as concept maps. It allows users to, among many other features, construct their Cmaps in their personal computer, share them on servers (CmapServers) anywhere on the Internet, link their Cmaps to other Cmaps on servers, automatically create web pages of their concept maps on servers, edit their maps synchronously (at the same time) with other users on the Internet, and search the web for information relevant to a concept map.

The CmapTools client is free for use by anybody, whether its use is commercial or non-commercial. In particular, schools and universities are encouraged to download it and install it in as many computers as desired,




Ulead COOL 360 http://www.ulead.com

Ulead COOL 360 lets you quickly and easily transform a series of photos into 360° or wide-angle panoramas.

Eiffel Tower Base http://www.la-grange-numerique.com/cubicdemo

Space Shuttle Flight Deck http://www.panoscan.com/CubicDemos/Cubic.html

PHP Tutorial

Working with forms in PHP by Matt Wade
Printer Friendly Version

Primary Resources

Noughts & Crosses

naughts & crosses

noughts-and-crosses.pdf 5 KB

Good ways to use this include:
Working with pairs of letters: A,a
Numbers 1,2
Whole words: as, if (fun for kids); I, eye; wee, we; and other 100 most used words see 1000 Most common English Words

Write the two options at the top of the page eg:

If you use this idea and find it useful please let us know.

ShareWare Library


tucows http://www.tucows.com/windows.html

Tucows, which earned its name early on for being the first to provide software on a
“freeware” or “shareware” basis, now offers 30,000 software titles through its network
of more than 1000 partner sites globally, providing users with fast, local downloads.

Screen Capture

ScreenHunter 4 Free

This is a fantastic program. I highly recommend it - Rupert.

Capture any part of your desktop, a window or full screen with mouse pointer
• Save captures in BMP, JPEG and GIF file
• Hotkey from F1 to F12 and Print Screen key

exeLocal copy 382 KB


Link added July 20, 2006

Screen Recording

AutoScreenRecorder 2.0 Free is a completely free screen recorder to save your screen activities into video files. It is free for unlimited personal and business use.  It has no expiration date and can be distributed with free of charge

exe Local copy 816 KB

Link added July 20 , 2006



Crocodile Clips Elementary http://www.crocodile-clips.com/s3_4.htm
Link Updated July 20, 2006

To help with teaching the first principles of electricity, we've made Crocodile Clips Elementary,
for Windows and Macintosh. It's based on the mathematically accurate simulation engine from
Crocodile Clips 3 [used the world over in teaching physics and technology] with an easy to use
interface and only the components you need at elementary level. 

Crocodile Clips Chemistry http://www.crocodile-clips.com/s3_1.jsp
Link Updated July 20, 2006

A complete virtual chemistry lab! Set up your experiment using the mouse and see it simulated on
screen. Choose from over 100 chemicals and simulate reactions using a wide range of apparatus.
The reactions are animated, and data can be collected for graphing or analysis. 

GCalc http://gcalc.net/
Link Updated July 20, 2006

GCalc is a free online graphing calculator available through the World Wide Web. Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can access this utility using a reasonable recent web browser.
Its almost-universal accessibility and reliability makes it a cheap and versatile mathematical tool for teachers and students. 

Crocodile Clips Technology http://www.crocodile-clips.com

Crocodile Clips develops and publishes software for teaching mathematics, science and technology
in schools and colleges. Our products are recommended by teachers and governments worldwide,
and are redefining the standard for educational software.

Broken Torch

Link Updated July 20, 2006

Walking with beasts http://www.abc.net.au/beasts/playground/
Link Updated July 20, 2006

Video Converters

Ultra MP4 Video Converter

Converts MOD files from JVC GZ-MC200AA hard disk camcorder to WMV files that can be edited using Movie Maker. The trial version is limited to files less than 5 mins in duration

Weather Radar


Weather Radar http://www.bom.gov.au/weather/radar

Web Cam


Logitech's premium web camerahttp://www.logitech.com

AUD 259.95 Logitech's premium web camera delivers high-quality images at true
640 x 480 resolution along with a host of extras to help you get more out of your camera.
Software Extras:
MGI® PhotoSuite® SE PC image editing software
MGI® VideoWave® SE PC video editing software
Part Number 961120-0403


Our Showcase features innovative work which reflects the latest thinking in interactive media, educational ICT and digital technologies. On this page you will find information on all of our own projects (both current and past), while the other projects page gives examples of other people's work.
link added May 29, 2007

Literature Review in Creativity, New Technologies and Learning
link added May 29, 2007

Designing technologies to support creativity and collaboration
A handbook from Futurelab
By Keri Facer and Ben Williamson
link added May 29, 2007

Software for Education (S4E) Program
The aim of the S4E Program is to make available software titles widely used in Victorian educational institutions at significantly reduced prices.
link added May 29, 2007

Center for Children and Technology

link added May 29, 2007


link added May 29, 2007

Victorian Education Channel - Secondary
link added May 29, 2007

PANDORA, Australia's Web Archive, is a growing collection of Australian online publications, established initially by the National Library of Australia in 1996, and now built in collaboration with nine other Australian libraries and cultural collecting organisations.
link added May 29, 2007

Picture Victoria

Ballarat Mining Exchange building circa 1870-80. This building is located in Lydiard Street North Ballarat
link added May 24, 2007

Newtown Primary TeacherResources
link added May 5, 2007

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:20 pm). Teaching Resources
     Retrieved March 11, 2025, from

2409 Visits since September 30, 2004

Last refreshed: March 11 2025. 06:01.59 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

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