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Home > Links > Links L-Z > Some Seach Engines
Internet Search : AltaVista offers the world's fastest, most comprehensive search service, performing millions of search queries each day in over 25 languages. |
Blue Web'n is an online library of 1200+ outstanding Internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (lessons, activities, projects, resources, references, & tools). You can search by grade level (Refined Search), broad subject area (Content Areas), or specific sub-categories (Subject Area). |
basics of metasearch What's so great about metasearch? Here's a quick lesson to get you up to speed. Metasearch searches multiple engines - This means that instead of getting the best results one search engine has to offer, you'll be getting the best combined results from a variety of engines, and not just any engines, but industry leading engines like Google, Yahoo!, Ask Jeeves, About, FindWhat, LookSmart and more. |
As the world's first Internet
Butler, I'm always at your service. I've made it my mission to humanize
the online experience by making it easy to find the most relevant information,
products and services. |
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WebCrawler uses innovative metasearch technology to search the Internet's top search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, Ask Jeeves, About, Looksmart and more. With one single click, WebCrawler searches the best results from the combined pool of the world's leading search engines -- instead of results from only one single search engine. |
Search Engines
Caulfield Grammar's List
Ask Jeeves for kids
Awesome Library
Info Please
Ivy's Search Engine Resources for Kids!/
Study Web
ThinkQuest Library
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 01:49 pm). Some search engines.
Retrieved January 23, 2025, from
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Last refreshed: January 23 2025. 03:51.22 am
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