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Home > Tutorials > Rupert's Tips Page

Word tricks that everyone should know

Thanks to Alison Lawes for these tips.

*** Trick 1: Go back to your last editing location

When you open a document pressing: [Shift] [F5] as soon as the document opens. Takes you to where you made the last edit before you saved the file.

[Shift] [F5] is the Go Back shortcut, which cycles you between your four most recent edits during a Word session. But if you can remember to hit it immediately after opening a document, Word will jump to the last thing you changed before saving and closing that doc.


***** Trick 2: Make a vertical text selection

Here’s a trick that seldom appears on the shortcut lists. Most of the time, we select text horizontally—a word, a series of words, a paragraph—from left to right or vice versa. But occasionally, the selection has to be vertical.

For instance, suppose you wanted to delete the leading characters in Figure A.

Figure A

Although we selected text at the beginning of the lines in this example, you can make vertical selections anywhere on the page.

To make a vertical selection, hold down [Alt] as you drag down through the text you want to highlight.

Figure B shows the column of unwanted characters selected using this technique. Hit [Delete] and bam, they're gone.

Figure B

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:23 pm). Rupert's tips page.
     Retrieved February 19, 2025, from

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