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Home > Tutorials > Arduino > Projects >Traffic Lights running on an ATTiny85
See How-To: Shrinkify Your Arduino Projects
This project was created for the Ballarat fire brigade where I am a volunteer fire fighter.
The rational for the project was to build a set of red & green "traffic lights" connected to the fire station door.
The lights would turn red as soon as the door starts to open and then green when they are fully open.
When the door is fully closed the red light turns off. When either the red or green light has been on for 12 minutes they will turn off this will prevent the globes from burning out.
/* Purpose to turn on a Red warning light when the door is not fully open, and to turn on a Green light when the door is fully open. Note there is a micro switch that detects when the door is closed and another switch that detects when the door is fully open. The switch at the bottom of the door is normally open Turn off both LED's while bottomSwitch_3 (8) is LOW Turn on the Red LED as soon as the door starts to open see board layout */ int redLedPin = 2; int counterGreen = 0; void setup() void loop() { |
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 05, 07:25 am). Traffic lights running on an attiny85.
Retrieved March 29, 2025, from http://
Last refreshed: March 29 2025. 03:34.36 am
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