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Home > Tutorials & Notes > Flash > Macromedia Flash 5 Notes:
Flash 5 Notes Version 34 included
"hot spots"
PDF (1,204 KB)
(3,234 KB)
Hot_Spots.fla (529 KB) Source code (504 KB)
Hot_Spots_R1200GS.fla (2,489 KB) (2,457 KB)
shanghai251.swf (9,052 KB) interactive-shanghai.doc (68 KB) |
rupert.fla (31 KB)
morph.fla (70 KB)
random1.fla (35 KB) (7 KB) |
Flash Kit
Flash Kit is the world's largest Flash resource site. What on earth does that mean?, you ask. Well, it is a one stop raw materials centre for flash creations, containing thousands of open source movies, online tutorials, help forums, sound effects and loops, and fonts. As if that wasn't amazing enough in itself, Flash Kit is completely free! :)
a motion tween Flash 5
Learn how to animate objects in Flash. This is a simple exercise to show you
all the different types of animations you can do with motion tweens.
Guides Flash 5
Create objects that follow a draw path while animating.
Learn how to use layers in Flash 5. This is a basic beginner step-by-step tutorial.
Last refreshed: January 23 2025. 03:49.08 am
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.