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Home > Tutorials> Game Maker 6 > Game Maker 6 Examples
Local copy of Game Maker 6.1 (3.6 MB)
Game Maker 6 created Mark Overmars is an excellent shareware
program that makes it easy to create your own PC games.
There are many websites with examples and tutorials online. The best place to
start is by visiting the Game
Maker website.
My Examples |
1945v3.gm6 139. KB |
My version of the 1945 Example. Includes emeny subs, shooting sidewase & backwards & and extra lives. Use <Alt> & <Ctrl> for sideways & backwards shooting.
keep-left.gm6 133
KB |
A Keep Left version of Street Racing |
A combination of Lunar Lander (LEM), & Maze game. Keys: <R> Restart Level |
February 9, 2005 |
As above with more levels & features. Still a work in progress. |
February 14, 2005
Demonstrates how to use the Views feature of gamemaker which allows rooms to scroll and pan to follow a moving object. This technique is often used in platform games.
February 17, 2005 shooter.gm6 55 KB |
Based on: Triple07 by Zac B year 6 2003 From The Haileybury College, Edrington - Computer Club Keys Player 1: Up Player 2: A |
February 18, 2005 shooter11.gm6 76 KB |
Based on: Triple07 by Zac B year 6 2003 From The Haileybury College, Edrington - Computer Club Now with shields and multiple bullets. Person 1
Person 2
February 20, 2005 shooter15.gm6 97 KB |
As above but with dual health. Demonstrates how to draw 2 independent health bars. Based on code by Dayjo Aspen
My collection of sprites February 21, 2005
Pong Drag 'n Drop Programming using Game Maker
link added July 10, 2006
Welcome to DAYJOASPEN.COM please feel free to look around and enjoy the resources available, If you find a broken link or some other sort of error and would like to report it, just click the Contact link on the left hand side, or email me at mail @
Welcome to Game Maker Games, a site devoted to Game Maker, the superlative game creation program by Mark Overmars (you can download Game Maker here).
This is the home of the Monster Game Archive, which we try to make the most complete listing of Game Maker creations available. And we have many other things here as well.
So stay a while...stay forever >:)!
The incredible machine is a game I have created for the first official GM competitition. The goal was to make a game with a limited set of given resources without the possibility to add new resources to the game. This game won the 6th place. This game is available as opensource and executable.
Welcome to my PhD homepage, which contains information about myself and my research into the educational potential of computer games. However, the main body of this site is devoted to providing free information and resources for teaching children how to make computer games in clubs and schools.
The following games were created by students of Haileybury College, Edrington campus, Berwick Victoria Australia. They were created with Gamemaker 5.0
Link updated July 9, 2006
These examples have been written to help others learn how to do various things with GameMaker. Most of these were written to answer one or more questions posted in the GameMaker forums. These may not be the best way to do what they are doing, but they might help you. Feel free to make use of anything you find here in your own games.
Game Maker has been written to make it easier for people to design and make their own computer games. Though you may not be able to make games like Quake (they take teams of programmers years to make), you can still make games that are lots of fun to play. Plenty of people love to play Tetris, Pacman and other simple platform, puzzle or shooting games. These are the style of game that you will be able to make using Game Maker
An example is a bare-bones program, containing just enough code or actions to get the desired effect. You are expected (read: I made it for you to...) to study the code, or if you don't feel like studying, to copy it or build your game from the example.
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 03:40 pm). Game Maker 6 examples .
Retrieved March 28, 2025, from
Last refreshed: March 28 2025. 09:42.23 pm
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.