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Home > Tutorials > Processing > Processing Examples > Radiation Warning Sign Template

Radiation Warning Sign Template



processing code

// Warning RadiationcSign
// https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Warning_Radiation_v001.png
// I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide.
// In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so:
// I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
// by Rupert Russell
// http://www.rupert.id.au/tutorials/processing/examples.php
// Draws a Radiation warning sign based on the template at:
// https://www.osha.gov/OshStd_gif/10ZFZ_10.gif
// A local copy of this template is held on my website at: http://www.rupert.id.au/tutorials/processing/examples/radiation/images/10ZFZ_10.gif
// see the webpage: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=10098
// see the webpage: http://www.ilo.org/oshenc/part-vi/radiation-ionizing/item/772-radiation-safety
// May 30 2014 v001

// The dimentions of this drawing are all based on the radius of the inner circle "A"

  int A = 100;  // radius of inner circle defines the size of the sign and canvas and all artwork

  int screenWidth = 7 * A;
  int screenHeight = 7 * A;
  float strokeWeightArc = A / 100 * 3;
  color bgColor = color(255,255,255);
  PFont font;
void setup() {
  fill(255,0,255);  // Fill with Magenta

void draw() {
  strokeWeight(A / 100); 
  // Define Variables for arcs
  fill(255,0,255);  // Fill with Magenta
  float a = screenWidth /2; // Center arc in canvas
  float b = screenWidth /2; // Center arc in canvas
  float c = 5 * A;
  float d = 5 * A;
  float start;
  float stop;
  ellipseMode(CENTER);  // Set ellipseMode to CENTER
  // Draw  the line to divide the 2 outer arcs
  a = screenWidth /2; // Center arc in canvas
  b = screenWidth /2; // Center arc in canvas
  stroke(0); // black
  c = 6 * A;
  d = 6 * A; 
  start = radians(-60);
  stop = radians(-59.8);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop, PIE ); 
  // Draw the line to end  the 2 lower outer arc
  a = screenWidth /2; // Center arc in canvas
  b = screenWidth /2; // Center arc in canvas
  stroke(0); // black
  c = 6 * A;
  d = 6 * A; 
  start = radians(0);
  stop = radians(0.2);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop, PIE ); 
  // Draw the line to end  the 2 lower outer arc
  a = screenWidth /2; // Center arc in canvas
  b = screenHeight /2; // Center arc in canvas
  stroke(0); // black
  c = 6 * A;
  d = 6 * A; 
  start = radians(-120);
  stop = radians(-119.8);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop, PIE );

  // Draw outer yellow cirlce
  // used to create a small gap between the ouside of the 3 main arcs
  // and th dividing lines for the 60 degre markers
  fill(255,255,0);  // Fill with yellow
  ellipseMode(CENTER);  // Set ellipseMode to CENTER
  ellipse(screenWidth /2, screenHeight /2, A * 5.1, A * 5.1);
  // Draw arc 1
  c = 5 * A;
  d = 5 * A;
  fill(255,0,255);  // Magenta 
  start = radians(-60);
  stop = radians(0);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop, PIE );
  // Draw arc 2
  fill(255,0,255);  // Magenta 
  start = radians(-180);
  stop = radians(-120);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop, PIE );
  // Draw arc 3
  fill(255,0,255);  // Magenta  
  start =  radians(-300);
  stop = radians(-240);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop, PIE );

  // Draw middle cirlce
  fill(255,255,0);  // Fill with yellow
  ellipseMode(CENTER);  // Set ellipseMode to CENTER
  ellipse(screenWidth /2, screenHeight /2, A + A/2, A + A/2);

  // Draw inner cirlce
  fill(255,0,255);  // Fill with Magenta
  ellipseMode(CENTER);  // Set ellipseMode to RADIUS
  ellipse(screenWidth /2, screenHeight /2, A, A);

  // Draw the inner outline of the 3 arcs
  c = A + A/2;
  d = A + A/2;
  // Draw arc 1
  start =  radians(-60);
  stop = radians(0);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop);
  // Draw arc 2
  start =  radians(-180);
  stop = radians(-120);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop );
  // Draw arc 3
  start = radians(-300);
  stop = radians(-240);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop);
  // Draw Outer arcs for 60 degree indicators
  // Draw Outer arc 1 lower part
  stroke(0); // black line
  strokeWeight(strokeWeightArc); // one step up from hairline default
  c = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  d = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  start =  radians(-25);
  stop = radians(-2);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop);
  // Draw Outer arc 1 upper part
  stroke(0); // black line
  strokeWeight(strokeWeightArc); // one step up from hairline default
  c = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  d = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  start =  radians(-58);
  stop = radians(-35);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop);
  // Draw Outer arc 2 upper part
  c = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  d = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  start = radians(-118);
  stop = radians(-97);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop);

  // Draw Outer arc 2 lower part
  c = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  d = (5 * A) + A / 2;
  start = radians(-83);
  stop = radians(-62);
  arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop);
   //draw the vertical center line for measuring the radius
   float x1 = screenWidth /2;
   float y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 3.3;
   float x2 = screenWidth /2;
   float y2 = screenHeight /2 - A;
   line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
   //draw the vertical offset line for measuring the radius
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A/2;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 2.9;
    x2 = screenWidth /2 + A/2;
    y2 = screenHeight /2;
    line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
   //draw the vertical offset line for measuring the width of the midle yellow circle
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A/2 + A/4;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 2.9;
    x2 = screenWidth /2 + A/2 + A/4;
    y2 = screenHeight /2 + A / 10;
    line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
   //draw the offset line for measuring the width of 5A
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A * 2.5;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 3.3;
    x2 = screenWidth /2 + A * 2.5;
    y2 = screenHeight /2 + A / 10;
    line(x1, y1, x2, y2);   
   // draw the horizontal line for the 5 A Gap left part
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A / 10;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 3.2;
    x2 = screenWidth /2 + A - A / 10;
    y2 = screenHeight /2 + A * 3.2;
    line(x1, y1, x2, y2);   
    // draw the horizontal line for the 5 A Gap right part
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A * 1.5  + A / 10;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 3.2;
    x2 = screenWidth /2 + (A * 2.5) - A / 10;
    y2 = screenHeight /2 + A * 3.2;
    line(x1, y1, x2, y2);   
    // draw the horizontal line for the A/2 pointer
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A/2 + A/4 + A/14;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 2.8;
    x2 = screenWidth /2 + A;
    y2 = screenHeight /2 + A * 2.8;
    line(x1, y1, x2, y2);      
    // draw the arrow head on the  horizontal line for the A/2 pointer
    // top pair of coordinates
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A * 0.9;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 2.75;
    // bottom pair of coordinates
    x2 = screenWidth /2 + A * 0.9;
    y2 = screenHeight /2 + A * 2.85;
    // middle pair of coordinates
    float x3 = screenWidth /2 + A/2 + A/4 + A/15;
    float y3 = screenHeight /2 + A * 2.8;
    triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
    // triangle(30, 75, 58, 20, 86, 75);
    // label the diagram
    // calculate font size based on A
    float tSize = A / 4;  
    // A
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A /8;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 +  A * 2.9;
    text(" A", x1, y1);
    // A/2
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A ;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 +  A * 2.9;
    text(" A/2", x1, y1);

    // 60 Alt 0176 
    x1 = screenWidth /2 - A / 4;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 -  A * 2.6;
    text(" 60°", x1, y1);  

    // 60 Alt 0176 
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A * 2.2;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 -  A * 1.23;
    text(" 60°", x1, y1); 

    // 5A
    x1 = screenWidth /2 + A ;
    y1 = screenHeight /2 + A * 3.35;
    text("5A", x1, y1);
code formatter




APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 05, 07:26 am). Radiation Warning Sign Template.
     Retrieved February 23, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/tutorials/processing/examples/radiation/index.php

Last refreshed: February 23 2025. 03:18.19 am

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

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1552 visits since May 30, 2014