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Home > Tutorials & Notes > Resistor Code Mnemonics

Resistor Code Mnemonics

Online calculator

Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Grey, White

Back Before the Revolution Our Young Gallant Boys Voted for George Washington.
Bad Bacon Rots Our Young Guts But Venison Goes Well. Get Some Now!
Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts, But Vodka Goes Well.
Bad Boys Race Our Young Girls Behind Victory Garden Walls
Bad Boys Ride On Young Girls' Bellies. Victory? Gee, Why
BB ROY Got Back Very Good Wife
B.B.ROY of Great Britain had a Very Good Wife wearing with Gold & Silver Necklace
Bessie Brown Runs Over Your Garden But Violet Grey Walks
Better Be Right Or Your Great Big Venture Goes Wrong
Big Bears Run Over Your Gladiola Bed Vexing Garden Worms (go see now)
Big Beautiful Roses Occupy Your Garden But Violets Grow Wildly
Big Boys Race Our Young Girls, But Violet Generally Wins
Black Beetles Running On Your Garden Brings Very Good Weather
Black Brown Richard Of York Gave Battle in Vain and the Good Women Grieve Sadly
Bongo's Buy Randy Ocelot Young Girls Buy Very Groovy Walruses
Buffalo Bill Roamed Over Yellow Grass Because Vistas Grand Were God's Sanctuary
Bully Brown Ran Over a Yodeling Goat, Because Violet's Granny Was Gone Snorkeling
Buy Better Resistance Or Your Grid Bias May Go Wrong
Bye Bye Rosie Off You Go Birmingham Via Great Western

Some other Mnemonics see Wikipedia

he Indian sees the Eagle over the Rabbit (I = E/R)
The Rabbit sees the Eagle over the Indian (R = E/I)
The Eagle sees the Indian and the Rabbit on the same level (E = I*R)

Navy - 1963

"Twinkle twinkle, little star"
"E is equal to IR"
"Up above the world so high"
"P is equal to EI"

-High School Electronics Shop Class 1970-


Twinkle, twinkle little star,
Power equals I squared R.

Little star up in the sky,
Power equals E times I.


APA citation:
Russell, R. (2021, December 23, 10:34 pm). Resistor code mnemonics.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/tutorials/resistor/index.php

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 01:47.09 pm

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