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Home > Tutorials > Slowmation



What is Slowmation?

A “Slowmation” (abbreviated from “Slow Animation”) is a simplified way for university or school students to design and make a stop-motion animation that is played slowly at 2 frames/second to explain a concept or tell a story. The explanation can be enhanced with narration, text or music and is an engaging way to learn because students conduct research and use their own technology to design a sequence of representations culminating in the slowmation, which is a multimodal digital representation.

See: http://slowmation.com/

Making a “Slowmation” on a PC using Windows Movie Maker http://slowmation.uow.edu.au/slowmation/resources/Windows_Movie_Maker_Instructions.pdf

Animation Skills

site:edu.au slowmation

site:edu.au -uow.edu.au slowmation

site:edu slowmation

site:edu filetype:pdf slowmation

site:youtube.com slowmation

Atomic Learning

Atomic Learning Windows MovieMaker 2 Tutorials

Atomic Learning http://ezproxy.acu.edu.au/login?url=http://www.atomiclearning.com




Atomic Learning Tutorial : Windows Live Movie Maker





The Water cycle 2.2 MB Duration 2:07
The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree 1.2 MB Duration 1:18

The Life Cycle of an Apple Tree'


The Water Cycle


EDST204/264 2012 Semester 2 Ballarat

Unit Outline Extract Pages 5 - 6

Task 2 Rubric




To Set the default Picture Duration in Windows MovieMaker 2 select Tools > Options... Advanced > Picture duration:


Tools > Options > Advanced > Picture Duration

Picture Duration






Life Cycle of an Apple Tree Version 2

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 03:45 pm). Slowmation.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/tutorials\Slowmation/index.php

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 07:54.08 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

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376 visits since October 4, 2012

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