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Johnson, L., & Lamb, A. (2007). Locate and evaluate webquests Retrieved July 26, 2008,
from Teacher Tap: Professional Development for Educators & Librarians Web site:
Dive Into WebQuests: Reading, Writing, and Web 2.0 Engage learners in motivating, standards-based activities that promote deep thinking and creative communications. When you combine quality Internet resources and effective technology tools with the power of Web 2.0 applications, learning comes alive for students. WebQuests are an inquiry-based approach to addressing standards that place emphasis on motivating assignments, authentic assessments, and developing independent readers and writers. In this workshop, you'll learn to locate, evaluate, adapt, use, create, and co-produce your own WebQuests
Dodge, B. (2007). Creating WebQuests. Retrieved August 4, 2009, from
Web site:
Dodge, B. (2007). Search for WebQuests. Retrieved August 4, 2009, from
Web site:
Educational Broadcasting Corporation (2004). Concept to classroom workshop: WebQuests.
Retrieved August 1, 2008, from Thirteen ed online website:
Fiedler, R.L. (2002). WebQuests: A critical examination
in light of selected learning theories.
University of Central Florida. Retrieved August 4, 2009, from
Lamb, A., & Johnson, L. (2006). Turning fiascos into fiestas: Building successful inquiry experiences.
Educators' Spotlight Digest.
Lamb, A., Johnson, L., & Smith, W.L. (2008). Teaching and learning at a distance:
Course activities: project, problem, and inquiry-based approaches. Retrieved
August 4, 2009, from Web site:
March, T. (2008). What webquests are (really). Retrieved July 26, 2008,
from Best Web site:
Web Qwests
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