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Best Practices in Online Education 2:14:13

"Maintaining Student Involvment and Learing Integrity in the Hybrid Coruse"

Illysa Izenberg from UMBC

5:03 "Some basic things I learned about teaching hybrid"

5:06 "Before you begin your semester make sure that everything is loaded onto Blackboard..."

5:19 "My students might be having a baby in December, or they might be going to Korea in October... "

5:53 " I also learned that it's critical to be very consistent, I am not a detail orientated person, so this is a huge challenge for me but I have learned over the last couple of years especially if you are teaching in a hybrid format the students need everything to look the same. So if you have deliverables throughout the semester all the deliverables should use the same icons, the same font, it should just look the same. Even to the point where you are going to say your task this week are A,B,C,D, next week they shouldn't be 1,2,3,4. ... the things you present to them online have to be very consistent."

7:11 "I learned that it takes much more time to teach via Hybrid than it does live in class, there is significantly more preparation, and there is a lot more work that you do during the semester. This was a little bit of a shock, although other people told me ... "

7:30 "we have to be online if we expect our students to be involved online, so it adds this whole other level of communication work that has to be done."

8:10 "forewarn your students that they have to be self directed"

9:30 "everybody learned, including me, how to be a member of a team that is not face-to-face"

9:55 "I created a Wiki for the class, I also had the teams create Wiki's"

10:10 "My students were all very nervous about the whole Wiki idea, I don't know how to use a Wiki, I never heard of it, ... it just seemed a little overwhelming to them. So what I would recommend and what I did that worked was I created a simple signup sheet Wiki. And they had to go there and signup for something, and just that action let them see 'oh this is really easy all I have to do is click edit' and then the teams started to use it..."

10:47 "if they do use the Wiki they have to create some norms, that have to decide up front..."

11:05 "if you haven't used a Wiki yourself ... I strongly advise it's a fantastic collaboration and communication tool, it's very easy ... when I first heard about Wiki's I though oh great one more piece of technology for me to learn, that's just not my skill set, but it's just like using Word except that anybody can add to it, delete from it, make alterations so it's a really great system."

12:10 "... compared to a discussion board [a wiki] is so much cleaner. Discussion board have thread, thread, thread, thread, thread, you click on each one, or you can collect them all but it won't tell you that you have read them all, that can be very frustrating. ... [Wiki's] are a very easy way to collect things and have students sign up for things, and to communicate with students and to have them report back to you."

12:30 "Discussion boards I created all my forums before semester began. Again for a hybrid class I like to have everything up there, ... I have starter questions,.."





APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:27 pm). Wimba
     Retrieved February 24, 2025, from
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Last refreshed: February 24 2025. 10:51.07 am

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