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Home > Tutorials > Processing > Processing Examples > Laser Radiation I
// Warning Laser Radiation // by Rupert Russell //' // see: color bgColor = color(255,255,0); PFont font; int screenWidth = 749; int screenHeight = 999; float xMargin = screenWidth / 10; float yMargin = screenHeight / 9; float triangleMargin = screenHeight / 3.74 ; int sm = 95; void setup() { size(screenWidth,screenHeight); smooth(); noLoop(); } void draw() { background(255,255,0); fill(255,255,0); beginShape(); // Triangle strokeWeight(37); strokeCap(ROUND); strokeJoin(ROUND); vertex(0 + xMargin, screenHeight - yMargin - triangleMargin); vertex(screenWidth - xMargin, screenHeight - yMargin - triangleMargin); vertex(screenWidth / 2, yMargin); endShape(CLOSE); translate(width / 2, height / 2 - 55); fill(0); ellipse(0,0, 70,70); strokeCap(SQUARE); // Large strokeWeight(10); stroke(0); for (float i = 0; i < 240; i = i+30) { pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(i)); line(0, 140, 0, -140); popMatrix(); } // the laserbeam stroke(0,0,0); pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(90)); line(0, 0, 0, -200); popMatrix(); // Small stroke(0,0,0); for (float i = 0; i < 240; i = i+30) { pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(i+15)); line(0, sm, 0, -sm); popMatrix(); } save("Laser_v2.png"); }
paste your code// Warning Laser Radiation // by Rupert Russell // // Warning this code is rough and ready color bgColor = color(255,255,0); PFont font; int screenWidth = 2996; int screenHeight = 3996; float xMargin = screenWidth / 10; float yMargin = screenHeight / 9; float triangleMargin = screenHeight / 3.74 ; int sm = 295; // length of shorter radiation lines int la = 500; // length of longer radiation lines void setup() { size(screenWidth,screenHeight); smooth(); noLoop(); } void draw() { background(255,255,0); fill(255,255,0); beginShape(); // Triangle strokeWeight(100); strokeCap(ROUND); strokeJoin(ROUND); vertex(0 + xMargin, screenHeight - yMargin - triangleMargin); vertex(screenWidth - xMargin, screenHeight - yMargin - triangleMargin); vertex(screenWidth / 2, yMargin); endShape(CLOSE); translate(width / 2, height / 2 - 250); // Move the position of the laser in the triangle fill(0); ellipse(0,0, 70,70); strokeCap(SQUARE); // Draw the Laser // Draw the longer laser lines strokeWeight(40); stroke(0); for (float i = 0; i < 240; i = i+30) { pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(i)); line(0, la, 0, -la); popMatrix(); } // Draw the shorter lines stroke(0,0,0); for (float i = 0; i < 240; i = i+30) { pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(i+15)); line(0, sm, 0, -sm); popMatrix(); } // Draw the laser beeam stroke(0,0,0); pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(90)); line(0, 0, 0, -800); popMatrix(); save("Warning_Laser_v4a.png"); }
Last refreshed: March 28 2025. 11:08.21 pm
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