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Level 2


Level 2
Learning Focus

Key experiences to draw on for relevant teaching and learning activities


At this level standards are not organised by dimensions

1 & 2

As As students work towards the achievement of Level 2 standards in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), they use ICT to acquire new knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum and to create and present information in meaningful ways. For example, students access a website to participate in a food pyramid game, and then present their understanding of food groups in a slide show that contains an image of a lunchbox filled with the appropriate food items. When using multimedia resources, students begin to think critically about these resources and how they help learning.

In their learning of new material, students experiment with some simple ICT tools and techniques for visualising their thinking. They learn to organise and classify information and ideas, and present them in a manner that is meaningful to them. This may entail cutting and pasting, dropping and dragging, and colour coding in order to group similar items, to sequence events and to identify examples that illustrate key ideas.

To improve the presentation of text and images, students begin to apply simple techniques, such as bolding, centring and changing case. They explore a range of different information products and identify intended audiences. Students display their own information products in a way that suits different audiences.

Students develop an understanding of the importance of checking the accuracy of facts that are going to be processed; this being necessary for producing accurate output. Students collect first-hand data and, with assistance, enter it into their spreadsheet files and manipulate it. For example, after collecting the heights of fellow students or the number of classmates with particular eye colours, students manipulate the data by summing or colour-coding cells, and then present the processed data as a chart. Individually, and as a class, they make summary statements about the characteristics of the processed data.

Working in a networked environment, students develop the practice of using a file-naming system that is both meaningful to the students, and avoids confusion over who owns particular files.

Students begin to explore contemporary ways of communicating ideas and information by composing and sending simple electronic messages such as emails.

Thinking with ICT tools

Visualise their thinking

Organise and classify information and ideas

At Level 2, students manipulate text, images and numeric data to create simple information products for specific audiences.

They make simple changes to improve the appearance of their information products.

They retrieve files and save new files using a naming system that is meaningful to them.

They compose simple electronic messages to known recipients and send them successfully.

With some assistance, students use ICT to locate and retrieverelevant information from a variety of sources.

Reflecting with ICT tools

Think critically about
resources used

Information products

Create and present information
Apply simple formatting
Audience Suitability
Check accuracy of data and information

File management

Name files with meaning

Locate their own files in a networked environment

Communication tools

Compose and send simple electronic messages

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:35 pm). Level 2
     Retrieved March 09, 2025, from
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Last refreshed: March 09 2025. 01:57.03 pm

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