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Rupert's Notes for the ICT SUMMER CONFERENCE for 2007


Hi All,

On this page you will find a collection of notes and links for my workshops for the CEO Summer Conference.

As always I am looking forward to this conference as it's a good way to keep in touch with people, share skills and learn new things.

When I was asked to run a workshop on using Templates in PowerPoint and Word I was a little uncertain about my ability to do this as I am by no means an expert in this field. After having a but of a think about it and digging up some material from the Web (thanks to Google & Wikipedia) I have to admit that Helen was right when she said that I would only learn by moving outside my "comfort zone".

So here are the notes for my workshops

Have Fun. A rotoscoped image of Rupert Russell Rupert

Here is a list of the workshops I will be running. The title of each workshop is linked to a collection of notes and resources.


Tuesday 23rd January

Working with templates (PowerPoint and Word)

Time: 10am – 11am
Location: Classroom (1 PC)
Notes: Laptops needed


Managing digital images in word, ppt, email, converting files to PDF

Time: 11:45am – 1:15pm
Location: Studio Room
Notes: Laptops needed

Convert VHS Movies to DVD's

Time: 2pm – 3pm
Location: Classroom 1(1 PCs)

Working with templates (PowerPoint & Word)

Time: 3pm – 4pm
Location: IT room 1 (21 PCs)

Wednesday 24th January

Movie making
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Classroom (1 PC)


Thursday 25th January

Explore free software

Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm
Multimedia Room (25Pcs)


Changes are coming through since the program was circulated so rather than keep emailing you with these changes, feel free to access the list of names and conference program from the 'DIOCESE OF BALLARAT-Learning with ICT' website.

Facilitator's notes will also be accessible from this website during and after the conference so it may be worth checking to see if you have access to the 'Learning with ICT' this week (if not, please call my mobile ASAP).

1. www.ceo.balrt.catholic.edu.au/myclasses (or replace CEO with your school's domain; eg: www.joanarc.melb.catholic.edu.au/myclasses).

2. Login in as you normally would to check your MyMail. (DET staff need to contact David if you do not know your password)

3 . You should see the title of the online community "DIOCESE OF BALLARAT - Learning with ICT"

4 . Click on the link to open the community and SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM of the page.

5 . Click on the link under the Summer ICT conference image "Workshop Participant List" to view the latest changes (date and time are located on the footer of each page of the conference program).

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 01:57 pm). Rupert's Notes for the ict summer conference for 2007.
     Retrieved February 23, 2025, from

1266 Visits since February 28, 2007