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EDAR308 Creative Arts Education 1

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Edges iWarp

Cubisim Photocopy



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Kids Zone



PHOTO OP (Shockwave, 7 MB) is a two-part interactive activity that introduces you to digital photography and digital photo editing. Use the virtual camera to create snapshots and explore lighting, focus, shutter speed, and compositional effects. After you've taken some photos, switch to the Photo Op editor and transform your pictures into something completely different.


Use the viewfinder window to explore the panoramic scene. Pan left, right, up, and down. Select your subject, and then zoom in and out to frame your composition. Experiment with focus, aperture, and shutter speed settings to create different effects. Click the red button at the top of the camera to SNAP your pictures. With PHOTO OP you can create portraits, landscapes, architectural scenes, still life photos, and abstract designs.


Depth of field

Shallow Depth of Field


Shallow Depth of Field

Shallow Depth of Field


Deep Depth of Field

Deep Depth of Field


Comparison of DOF


Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed


See this excellent tutorial on Depth of Field by Fenella Clarke


EDITOR: Review all your photos by clicking on the red PIX icon, or click on a picture you've taken to enter the EDITOR mode. (HINT: You must take at least one picture before you begin to edit.) Apply filters and blends, or use the dodge and burn brushes to lighten and darken selected areas. You can change colors, create collage layers, explore mirrored effects, and more.  

Cow Original

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Cow 3 Cow 4



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APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:02 pm). EDAR308 creative arts education 1
     Retrieved March 11, 2025, from

Last refreshed: March 11 2025. 06:04.56 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

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