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Home > EDFD452 > Tutorial 2 Lesson Plan > Backup Often
Backup your work
As always it is essential to create backups of your work.
These are the 3 golden rules:
The simplest and in this case probably best way to crete backups of your ePortfolio is to make copies of the entire project on a regular basis.
I strongly recommend that you make regular backups of your ePortfolio by copying the folder that contains all your documents and pasting it with a new version number.
1) Copy your whole ePortfolio folder
2) Paste a copy of the folder
Keep a few backups up your sleve
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:02 pm). Backup often
Retrieved February 21, 2025, from
Last refreshed: February 21 2025. 06:19.15 am
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