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Home > TJ 521 Successful Learners

TJ 521 Successful Learners

Images of old Victorian schools
Blake, L.J. (Ed.). (1973). Vision and realisation: A Centenary history of state education in Victoria (Vol. 1.) Melbourne: Education Department of Victoria


Some Links:

Influential People

Krause, K., Bochner, S. Duchesne, S. (2003)


Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching

Kerri-Lee Krause – University of Melbourne
Sandra Bochner – Macquarie University
Sue Duchesne – Macquarie University

ISBN: 0 17 010351 X PAGE EXTENT: 480 pp.
RRP: AUD 89.95 (GST inc.) NZD 99.95

Thomson Learning Australia

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Educational psychology for learning and teaching Mt Helen Quarto
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EndNote : ... bibliographies & more made easy : search bibliographic databases on the Internet, organize references, images and PDF's in a snap, construct your paper with built-in templates, watch your bibliography, table and figure list appear as you write! Mt Helen
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The TJ 521 Forum

Successful Learners (UoB Intranet)

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Please note: You can not register yourself for the forum from home, you must register at UoB to use the forum.

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EndNote Download a free trial version 17.2 MB
This is a very large file and will take a long time to download if you are connected to the net via a modem.

EndNote : ... bibliographies & more made easy : search bibliographic databases on the Internet, organize references, images and PDFs in a snap, construct your paper with built-in templates, watch your bibliography, table and figure list appear as you write!

If you would like a copy of this trial version on CD-ROM please see me and I can burn a copy onto a CD for you.

FTP Tutorial (Required Macromedia FLASH player)
FLASH Source for above FTP Tutorial

Johnson, T. (1995). Characteristics of a Successful Learner. Paper presented at the Connections'95,
     University of Victoria Faculty of Education. Retrieved March 2, 2003 from the World Wide Web:      http://www.educ.uvic.ca/connections/Conn95/13-Johnson.html.

Week 1

Group Work

Mahenthiran, S. and Rouse, P.J. (2000). The impact of group selection on student performance and

. The International Journal of Educational Management, 14(6), 255-265.

      My Annotated Bibliography for Mahenthiran, S. and Rouse, P.J. (2000)


Group Work Pages

Setting the assessment task


effective group work filetype:pdf site:edu


Get to know people activities


The group forms a circle. The teacher asks a question that everybody answers, for example, "How many brothers or sisters do you have?" or "What is your favorite color?" The layers commonly used here are: (1) the teacher asks the first few questions, then (2) the opportunity is given to the group members to question the group. (Allen, p81)

Questions that provide some insight into the personality of the group members or that will open up conversations are best. For example what is your favourite film?; TV show?; Book?; Holiday spot?. Do you play a musical instrument? When inviting group members to ask questions of the group the questioner should answer the question and then answer it for the group.

"All My Neighbors Who."

In this activity, a circle of chairs is used. One person, however does not have a seat, and he or she is instructed to stand in the middle of the group. This person makes a statement beginning with the words "All my neighbors who..." and completes it with anything such as "...are wearing tennis shoes" or"...have something blue on" or "...ate breakfast this morning." Those people who fit the stated category must leave their chair and find a new place to sit. At the same time, the person in the middle finds a seat, meaning that someone new will not have a chair. That person now comes to the center of the group and makes a new statement beginning with those same first four words. The three layers commonly used in this activity are: (1) exactly as described here, (2) adding the words "...have ever..." and (3) stealing, which occurs if two students can "steal" places, meaning they can exchange seats with another seated individual while the person in the middle is thinking of the next idea. (Allen, p81)


Tutorials School Photographs



Source: The Collins English Dictionary © 1998 HarperCollins Publishers
pedagogy [pdgg, -gd, -gud]
n. the principles, practice, or profession of teaching.

An appropriate definition of pedagogy is systematized instruction or principles that promote student learning.

The word 'pedagogy', which comes from the Greek 'peda' (children) and 'gogy' (teaching), is itself contested. A literal translation of the term simply implies the teaching of children. To be good at pedagogy, or to be a good pedagogue, you have to be good at teaching children.

...the current definition of pedagogy as "the art or profession of teaching" (American Heritage, p. 914).
The concept of "teaching children" no longer seems to inhere to the term pedagogy.

Andragogy is defined by Knowles (1984) as the art and science of adult learning. It is to be distinguished from the strict definition of pedagogy, which is the art and science of teaching children.

In 1968, Knowles brought the concept of andragogy, which was being used extensively in Europe, to the United States. He defined andragogy as "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Merrium & Brockett, 1997, p. 15). This definition contrasted with the definition of pedagogy, or the science and art of educating children (Merrium & Brockett, 1997).


Artist: Pieter Bruegel
Born: c.1525
Died: 1569
Style: Renaissance
Title: Children's Games
Year: 1560
Medium: Oil on Wood
Original Size: 161 x 118 cm

Toy Museum Page

More about Pieter Bruegel

Lesson Plan Week 1 Lesson Plan Week 1

People Bingo People Bingo

Week 2

Tutorials APA Style

APA style resources (2003, 4 March). Retrieved 4 March, 2003, from the
     World Wide Web: http://www.psywww.com/resource/apacrib.htm.

Scribe, A. (2003). The APA style e-sheet for referencing Internet sources.
     Retrieved March 4, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

Tonella, K. (2003, Feb 11). Journalism resources compiled and edited by Karla Tonella
     University of Iowa: Guide to citation style guides
. Retrieved 4 March, 2003, from the
     World Wide Web: http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/journalism/cite.html.

See also my APA Style guides page and the local copy of Dr. Abel Scribe PhD. (2003).

The APA Style E-Sheet for Referencing Internet Sources. PDF File

Download The Elements of Style - Freeware 472KB

Updated January 2002. The Elements of Style was brought to the general public by a former student of William Strunk, E. B. White. In the 1950s White polished the original which was then published by Macmillan. It was revised in 1972, and updated in 1979, again by E. B. White. The fourth edition brings the work current to the 21st century. Everyone who writes has--at some time--studied Strunk & White.

winzip.com UnZIP with WinZip

The Elements of Style online http://www.bartleby.com/141

Download a copy of my EndNote Library for TJ512 you will need to unzip it using WinZip
winzip.com UnZIP with WinZip

You may also like to take a look at my EndNote Library for my Masters litreview, which contains 60 references related to Digital Video Production in classrooms.
winzip.com UnZIP with WinZip


A discourse is an instance of language use whose type can be classified on the basis of such factors as grammatical and lexical choices and their distribution in

  • main versus supportive materials
  • theme
  • style, and
  • the framework of knowledge and expectations within which the addressee interprets the discourse.

    First, Foucault does not understand discourse simply as language-based; rather, discourse is materialized in a range of disparate texts, utterances, fields of knowledge, social practices, and modes of thought. In his article on “Discourse” in Critical Terms for Literary Study, Paul A. Bové addresses the full range of discourse’s meaning in the following way: “’Discourse’ provides a privileged entry into the poststructuralist mode of thought precisely because it is the organized and regulated, as well as the regulating and constituting, functions of language that it studies: its aim is to describe the surface linkages between power, knowledge, institutions, intellectuals, the control of populations, and the modern state as these intersect in the functions of systems of thought” (54-55). Second, Foucault uses the concept of discourse in order to rethink the protocols of “rational thought.” By analyzing the ways that knowledge is circulated, organized, and materialized in institutions, Foucault offers a critique of the idea that rationality or truth could ever exist completely apart from the machinations of power.

For Foucault, a "discourse" is a body of thought and writing that is united by having a common object of study, a common methodology, and/or a set of common terms and ideas; the idea of discourse thus allows Foucault to talk about a wide variety of texts, from different countries and different historical periods and different disciplines and different genres. For example, the "discourse" on blindness would include writings by schools for the blind, writings by doctors who work with vision and blindness, novels with blind characters, and autobiographies of blind people, as well as writing about blindness from other disciplines.


Foucault is generally seen as being the theorist who has best articulated the idea of discourse, and he provides many examples to illustrate its nature and power. One example is his discussion on the discourse of "madness" (Foucault, 1967) which indicates how the understanding of madness changed over centuries. A "madman" during the middle ages was perceived as someone blessed by God, or under the influence of Satan. Earlier this century the discourse on madness has come under the control of a medical "lens", so that it was often seen as a biological failing involving either genetics or nerochemicals. This has progressed to a point where we now see "madness" as an interaction between biology, experience and social context. Of primary importance is that these understandings then lead to social attitudes and shape social action – such as practicing exorcisms, burning people, locking them away, or giving them drugs. Of course, discourses vary across cultures as well as time, and even vary within cultures. A comment was made at this conference that seeing visions and hearing voices need not constitute madness in aboriginal cultures, as is also the case in a number of other cultures. Thus, the social actions in response to a person’s "madness" will vary.

Google Search for  define: postmodernism

define: postmodernism

Google search for site:edu "what is poststructuralism"

site:edu "what is poststructuralism"


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Post-Structuralism is a body of work that is a response to structuralism; it rejects structuralism yet for various reasons still defines itself in relation to it. So the best way to understand post-structuralism is to understand structuralism. (more)


Week 3

UoB's link to online databases (This is where you will find journal articles)
Navigate - gateway to electronic resources

The Huntsman's Pet - Fox Hounds by Arthur Elsley

Elsley, Arthur John

Level 1

The painting The Huntsman's Pet - Fox Hounds by Arthur Elsley
(1860-1952) shows two children admiring a Fox Hound puppy.

The boy and girl are both dressed in upper class clothes. The puppy is being shown to them by a Huntsman dressed in a red hunting jacket and black riding cap.

The setting is an English rural idle typical of Elsley's style. The sky is blue with some light clouds, in the distance we can see a lake or river with steps descending to the water.

Trees are in leaf and Roses bloom on a stonework wall setting the scene in spring or early summer.

The children appear delighted to see the puppy. Both children appear to be on their way either to or from playing. Their parents are not present and it looks like the encounter with the Huntsman and his puppy was a spontaneous one.

The boy is pictured holding a tennis racket with a tennis ball at his feet. The girl is holding the paw of the puppy and appears to want to hold the puppy. The boy is dressed in a jacket and short pants the girl in a yellow dress with pink sash.

The girl appears to be around 4 - 5 years of age with the boy both older and taller at around 6 - 7 years of age.

Level 2

The paintings by Elsley typically portray dogs and children in rural settings. Elsley's paintings were very popular with the affluent middle class. His paintings were reproduced in large numbers and he exhibited widely. Today many of his paintings are available as posters for sale on the Internet.

It appears that the demand for idyllic depictions of rural family life is as popular today as it was last century when Elsley was painting.

Elsley was a well-respected and well-known artist with many people attending exhibitions of his work. Society rewarded him for his artistic merit and his ability to deliver the idyllic images that he specialised in.

It may be that Elsley was painting his father and daughter in this picture.

The Huntsman is in his late 60's or early 70's The children pictured are the age of grandchildren of the Huntsman.

Level 3

During the middle of the 19th Century the affluent middle class wanted paintings depicting an idealised view of everyday family life. The new affluent middle class was particularly interested in scenes of adorable little children and their pets in playful settings.

Elsley was 45 when he painted The Huntsman's Pet - Fox Hounds at the time his daughter was 2 (assuming painting 1905) It is possible that he himself was a doting father who would see those angelic qualities in his own young child, and wanted to share this with the rest of the world. It is the limitation of his own fatherhood that might account for such a portrayal of children, and the 'proper' attitude of servants towards them.

Level 4

The picture shows an idealised version of childhood at the turn of the nineteenth century, one that turns from some of the horrors of child abuse and neglect that is so evident in the writings of Charles Dickens, for example.

In a sense, it is the peak of Victorian era sentimentality that reinforces all sorts of stereotypes:


  • the dutiful servant
  • the barely suitable clothing for such activity for the idle rich
  • the ludicrous sporting equipment


  • Pretty frock, curls, socks etc for the girl
  • Suited leisure wear for the boy: distinguished from the adult male only by the size
  • Motherly stance from the girl, not from the boy, re the puppy


  • Gender obvious, but not sexuality
  • No gender for the animals
  • Smiles on all the faces

In sum, it is a distortion through stereotyping that does little to give an understanding of real people represented in this picture. As such, however, it presents us with a powerful representation of attitudes to children, childhood, and successful learners. These are young people in the hands of indulgent inferiors, not expected to do anything much but find amusing ways to fill in otherwise empty hours of idleness.


Arthur John Elsley (1860-1952) - Rehs galleries, inc. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2003,
     from the World Wide Web: http://www.rehs.com/arthur_john_elsley_virtex.htm


Week 4 Progressivism

Google search for rousseau

Berding, J. W. A. (2000, May, 17). John Dewey's participatory philosophy of education.
     Education, experience and curriculum
. Retrieved March 18, 2003, from Nijmegen
     University Website: http://www.socsci.kun.nl/ped/whp/histeduc/misc/dewey01.html

Jean Jacques Rousseau Association (2003, February, 14). Rousseau Association.
     Retrieved March 18, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

Knight, K. (2003). Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism. The Catholic Encyclopedia. R
     Retrieved March 18, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (2001). Columbia Encyclopedia.
     Retrieved March 18, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

Week 5


Week 6

PowerPoint Lecture week 6 (UoB Intranet)

The 2005 Revue

First meeting
Where: COO1
When: This Wednesday @ 12:30

Google search for "online journals" pedagogy"


Google search for vygotsky

Kolar, S., & D'Ambrosio, L. (2002, August 11). Vygotsky Resources. Retrieved April 2, 2003, from
     the World Wide Web: http://www.kolar.org/vygotsky

Schütz, R. (2002, March 3). Vygotsky >Vygotsky & language acquisition. Retrieved April 2, 2003, from
     the World Wide Web: http://www.sk.com.br/sk-vygot.html

Google search for Piaget

MS Word Thesaurus

Google definition of Hierarchical

Week 7

Check Your Learning Style

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter: find out more about your personality

Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire

Learning Styles
Results for: Rupert Russell

ACT             X           REF
   11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
            <-- -->

SEN                 X       INT
   11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
            <-- -->

VIS   X                     VRB
   11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
            <-- -->

SEQ         X              GLO
   11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
            <-- -->

Note: Learning Styles are individual and may vary over time or for different subject matter. These tests give only a general indication and are not definitive.

If you wish to you can either post the results from the following tests to the Successful Learners Forum or you can comment in the forum on your understanding of your own learning styles both before and after completing these tests.

Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligence Inventory
80 questions

Results for: Rupert Russell

Linguistic 28
Mathematics 30
Visual/Spatial 40
Body/Kinesthetic 37
Naturalistic 31
Music 37
Interpersonal 29
Intrapersonal 26

What's your learning style?
30 questions

A Learning Style Survey for College
32 questions

Learning from Your Mistakes: Understanding Metacognition

This is an interesting test. It is not so much related to Multiple Intelligences of Learning Styles as to Metacognition. It is probably best used as an extension activity for students who have completed the above learning styles tests.



Easter Break Friday 9 April – Friday 23 April


Week 8


Note: This is a 3MB file and as such will take a while to play.

Example of Individual Learning Pathway presented as a poster in 2003


Allen, R.H. (2002). Impact teaching: Ideas and strategies for teachers to maximize student learning. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Allen, R.H. (2002). Impact teaching: Ideas and strategies for teachers to
      maximize student learning
. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Check availability at the Mt Helen Library




Week 9


How to acknowledge sources

Learning Skills Unit. (n.d.). How to acknowledge sources.
     Retrieved May 6, 2003, from University of Melbourne, Learning Skills Unit
     Web site: http://www.services.unimelb.edu.au/lsu/PDF/flyers/sources.pdf

Other Free Downloadable Flyers from the University of Melbourne Learning Skills Unit include:

From: ABC Health-Updates, April 24, 2003

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most
controversial topics in children's health today. Read our new Fact File on
ADHD to find out how the disorder is diagnosed, what the symptoms are and
how it's treated. There are also links to related news stories and other sites.

Critically reflect on the following statements:

Teachers and principals act in the belief that all students have both the capacity and the right to learn and should be given equal opportunity to develop their maximum potential.

Teachers and principals act in the belief that individual differences should be recognised and responded to by providing learning experiences consistent with developmental stages.

Teachers and principals act in the belief that the use of a variety of teaching strategies in the implementation of learning tasks motivates, encourages and challenges students to give their best.

Teachers and principals, in their position of trust, recognise that as influential role models their responsibility is to convey the culture and values of society.

Teachers and principals, in their position of trust, recognise that as influential role models their responsibility is to respect other people's rights to hold different positions and views in our society.

Margaret Zeegers


The following extract is taken from an in-depth investigation by A. Madden titled "The Reflective Practitioner and Successful Learners" available on-line at:


Donald Schon elucidates on the notion of the loss of the stable state. Belief in the stable state, he suggests, is belief in ‘the unchangeability, the constancy of central aspects of our lives, or belief that we can attain such a constancy’ (Schon 1973: 9) In brief, this represents the continuous process of the transformation our society, and all of its institutions, as opposed to a state of stasis, and enduring social certainty. Man must therefore become adept at gaining knowledge, of understanding, or developing a skill in, by study, instruction or experience.

In applying professional knowledge, teachers need the ability to recognise the problems encountered, and find a solution. They must also realise that there is not just one method of practise or solution. The solution may not be predictable; it is primarily an on-the-spot response. Schon calls it reflection-in-action. This idea goes beyond the auspices of Deweyan thought. It characterises practitioners as being able to think while acting, spontaneously, or reflection-in-action, and subsequently, after an action, consider what has transpired as reflection-on-action. Schon brought the area of reflection into a centre of understanding of what professionals do. Reflection in action and reflection on action are key essentials to his contribution to educational theory.
Schon rejects scientific or intellectual, theoretical knowledge for practice based common knowledge.

Fendler in her discussion on Schon offers the notion of Feminist anti-establishment interventions as another influence in the development of the reflective (Fendler, 2003) Masculine, technical rationality socialised over time have no agency over one’s own intelligence and inner voice, which act as sources of empowerment. Reflection, in this sense, is a way of tapping into the inner self in a way that has not been potentially corrupted by theoretical tools.


Fendler, l. (2003). Teacher reflection in a hall of mirrors:
     Historical influences and political reverberations.
     Educational Researcher, 32(3), 16 - 25.

Schon, D. A. (1973). Beyond the stable state.
      Harmondsworth: Penguin.


The following links are taken from an in-depth investigation by A. Madden titled "The Reflective Practitioner and Successful Learners" available on-line at:

Descartes - reflection as an execution of self awareness

Dewey - reflection as triumph of reason and science over impulse and instinct

Schon - reflection as part of a practitioner based intuition

Feminism - tapping into one’s authentic inner voice


Week 10


Week 11



Plucker, J. A. (Ed.). (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences,
      current controversies, teaching resources
. Retrieved [May 20, 2004],
      from http://www.indiana.edu/~intell



Möbius Strip

M.C. Escher

Möbius Strip II, 1963 by M.C. Escher

Google search for mobius strip




The follwing hoax is a good example of why you should cross check information from the
Internet this includes e-mail messages as well as Webpages:

Hi everyone on Maureen's address list - I also found the said file on my c
drive so I am asking you to check yours and delete as the instructions say

I'm sorry for the inconvenience
Write to me soon anyway

> Hi Everyone!
> Received the following from my brother-in -law.
> I followed the procedure and found it on my c: drive.
> Good job it is easy to get rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Sorry for the inconvenience.
> Don
> >
> > Please check and verify if you have this virus. It was sent to me and it is said that it is passed on to all the people in my address list. It is
> very probable that you may have it.
> >
> > The virus' name is jdbgmgr.exe and it is not detected with McAfee nor Norton. It remains in your computer's system for 14 days before it erases all you files.
> >
> > To delete and eliminate it completely, please do the following immediately:
> >
> >
> > 2. Under NAMED, type jdbgmgr.exe and click FIND NOW.Make sure you are looking under Drive (C)
> >
> > ******DO NOT CLICK ON IT IF IT APPEARS********
> >
> > 3. If the virus appears *(the icon next to it will be a small teddy bear),
> > the name will be jdbgmgr.exe
> >
> > 4. *****DO NOT OPEN IT************ Just right click on it and DELETE it. It will be sent to the Recycle Bin.
> >
> > 5. After you see it disappear, go to the RECYCLE BIN and DELETE it from there as well. If at all possible, EMPTY the Recycle Bin under FILE.
> >
> > If you find this virus in your system, please send this message to everyone in your address list asap before it causes any damages.

Google Search for jdbgmgr.exe

An e-mail scam. It just goes to show that you should not believe everything you read...


I am Dr. Ode Palmer. the chairman of contract award and review committee set up by the Federal Government Of Nigeria under the new civilian dispensation to award new contracts and review existing ones. I came to know of you in my search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential transaction, which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a foreign account. There were series of contracts executed by a consortium of multi-nationals in the oil industry in favour of N.N.P.C. The original value of these contracts were deliberately over invoiced to the sum of USD$36,561,000.00 (Thirty Six Million, Five hundred and Sixty one thousand United States Dollars). This amount has now been approved and is now ready to be transferred, being that the companies that actually executed these contracts have been fully paid and the projects officially commissioned.

Consequently, my colleagues and I are willing to transfer the total amount to your account for subsequent disbursement, since we as civil servants are prohibited by the code of conduct bureau (Civil Service Law) from operating and/or opening foreign accounts in our names. Needless to say, the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous, in return, we have agreed to offer you 20% of the transferred sum, while 5% shall be set aside for incidental expenses (Internal and External) between both parties in the course of the transaction. You will be mandated to remit the balance to other accounts in due course.

Modalities have been worked out at the highest level of the ministry of finance and the Central Bank of Nigeria for the immediate transfer of the funds within 10 working days subject to your satisfaction of the above stated terms. Our assurance is that your role is risk free.

To accord this transaction the legality it deserves and for mutual security of the funds, the whole approval procedures will officially and legally be processed with your name or the name of any company you may nominate as the bonafide beneficiary.

Once more I want you to understand that having put in over twenty five years in the civil service of my country, I am averse to having my image and career dented. This matter should therefore be treated with utmost secrecy and urgency It deserves.

Please, you should signify your intention to assist by sending me a Fax (234-1-7597841) to that effect so that I can brief you further. I want to assure you that this business proposal is 100% risk free as we have done our home work properly. I quite believe that you will protect our interest by taking this deal strictly confidential, as we are still in government service, which we intend to retire from.

Kindly expedite action, as we are behind schedule, to enable us include this transfer in the first batch which would constitute the second quarter payments for the 2002 financial year.

Thanks and God bless.

Dr. Ode Palmer.

N.B: All further correspondence relating to this transaction and genuine intention to assist should be forwarded to the email address below: contractfund2002@yahoo.com"

Google search for "what is swot analysis?"

Danca, A. C.SWOT analysis. Retrieved May, 21, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

Google search for towers of hanoi

Tower of Hanoi on the Web some history of the puzzle.

Play it online http://hanoitower.mkolar.org/Hanoi.html?English

Another much more appealing online version http://www.mazeworks.com/hanoi/

Online Tower of Hanoi


Week 12


Week 13


To view these files you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the 'Get Acrobat Reader' icon.

Board of Studies. (2000). Curriculum and standards framework II:
        Technology. Carlton: Victorian Board of Studies.
        Retrieved March 20, 2004, from: The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Web Site:
APA Style Guides
An interesting page that makes good use of targets.
& another

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2018, November 07, 09:23 am). TJ 521 successful learners.
     Retrieved February 23, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/TJ521/index.php

Last refreshed: February 23 2025. 05:24.14 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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