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Home > Links > Links A-K

Links A-K

Links checked using the WC3 Link Checker October 8, 2005


0catch.com Free website hosting
http://lyc-it.0catch.com/ information on publishing a free website

2004 Academic Calendar PDF Document PDF Version

2005 Academic Calendar

2004 Higher Education Student Handbook PDF Document





AARNet mirror a good site for downloading software

A dot for every second in the day
- a clock

ABC Education

ACTivatED The online education resource for teachers in the ACT
http://activated.decs.act.gov.au/default.asp Link added June 21, 2005



Creating accessible e-learning resources for disabled students.

2. Creating accessible e-learning

Key Points:

  • Make sure that resources can be accessed without needing to use a mouse.
  • Make sure that information provided in multi-media format is also available in accessible format.
  • Make sure that information is well structured.
  • Make sure that navigation through e-learning resources is as easy and intuitive as possible.
  • ‘text-only’ webpages are absolutely not a ‘silver bullet’ solution to accessibility problems.

Link added October 20, 2005

Center On Disabilities
Technology And Persons With Disabilities Conference 2004

Link added October 20, 2005


Welcome to the Teachability web site.

The Teachability project at the University of Strathclyde promotes the creation of an Accessible Curriculum For Students With Disabilities through making freely available informative publications for academic staff.

Link added October 20, 2005


What is Solutions?

Solutions is an on-line service that Closing The Gap offers though this web site.

It is a tool that answers the most commonly asked questions in special education and rehabilitation:

  • "What products are available?
  • What do they cost?
  • Where can I get them, and how do I use them?"

Link added October 20, 2005


Animations links used in teaching

There are some nice examples on the BOM High and Low Pressure Systems page




Teaching Animations

Visualizing Electricity and Magnetism at MIT

Demonstrations and Animations for Teaching Astronomy - DATA

Lunar Phases
Lunar Phases is an applet that illustrates how the motion of the moon around the Earth gives rise to the phases we see. http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/projects/data/MoonPhases/index.html

Science Animations, Movies & Interactive Tutorial Links

Collections of Visualizations on Geoscience Topics

Visualization Collections Sites

Animations created using Animation Shop

Example Animations

Animation Tutorial
by Anna McMillan and Emily Hobson

Lesson 7 Page 3 — Claymation, Puppet Animation, and a Little 3D

My First GIF Animation
by Tim Ziegler 27 Apr 1999

Interlocked turning gears along the length of a Möbius strip (M. Trott 2001, pers. comm.).


Flipbook! is an application that allows people to draw simple frame by frame animations, view them, save them and share them with others via e-mail.


Mathworld Animated GIFs

atom films Creature Comforts Stage Fright Al Dente



Stop Motion Pro


What people are saying about Stop Motion Pro:
"If you have seen Clay Motion cartoons and wanted to do something similar then Stop Motion Pro is the program for you.
The program is ridiculously easy to use. It literally took me two minutes to show Computer Corner’s junior testers how to use the program and within five minutes both of them had completed their own thirty-second animation"

Listing of free animated gifs http://www.teach-nology.com/web_tools/web_site/gifs/


Interactive ART programs for kids:


Use 3-d TWIRLER to design and texturize three-dimensional shapes. Then see how artists create these effects without a computer.

Wallovers are symmetrical decorations painted on a virtual wall. Select a grid, pattern, and background color, then create your own designs, or click the AUTODRAW button and watch the computer generate patterns for you.


Battle Painters is a simple multiplayer action game in which the person who paints the most percentage of the playing field in their color wins the game. You will play against three other players controlled by either the computer or human opponents.



Top: Arts: Animation: Stop-Motion (40)

Wired News Animation Express Kids
Kids Animations

APA Style Guides

APA Style Guide By Helen Hayes

Art Index

Welcome to The Text This Week's new artwork concordance. So far you will find links to artwork indexed according to Biblical/Liturgical subjects. As the work progresses I would like to add links to artwork which may not portray strictly Biblical subjects, but which expresses Biblical/spiritual themes. (See the Movie Concordance.) I would appreciate any/all suggestions for these lists! Even if you don't know if a link exists, send the name of the work and artist, and I'll search for a link.


Australian Journal of Educational Technology

The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) ASCILITE

Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian Bureau of Statistics

ABS Use of the Internet by Householders, Australia

Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Australian School Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics (ASISTM) Project

Successful ASISTM projects: Victoria, All states

Assessment and Reporting site provides advice and information about assessment and reporting of student achievement in the context of the CSF, assists schools to develop and implement assessment and reporting policies and practices to improve student learning, assists teachers to make more consistent judgements about student achievement. This page addresses key issues relating to assessment and reporting in the Technology key learning area. The materials provide practical implementation ideas for schools, including a model for planning manageable assessment and record-keeping programs. Professional development activities, OHT masters and sample formats for reporting student achievement to parents are also included.


Australian Computers in Education Conference 2002 acec2002







The Ballarat Learning Exchange (BLX) is one of three educational precinct developments in progress in Victoria (the others are in Maryborough and in Gippsland) and will be owned by the Department of Education and Training Victoria but operated as a community resource.

The Ballarat Learning Exchange has been conceived and planned as a resource that will be available for all education and training providers within the Ballarat and surrounding area to use.

The Ballarat Learning Exchange will enhance education and training provision within the city and provide improved access to information on education, training and employment pathways. It will complement the Ballarat - a Learning City concept and support the development of a culture of life long learning. http://www.blx.vic.edu.au/

Welcome to the City of Ballarat

Ballarat Library - Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation > Catalogue

BeLarc Advisor The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.

Biblical/Liturgical subjects

Welcome to The Text This Week's new artwork concordance. So far you will find links to artwork indexed according to Biblical/Liturgical subjects. As the work progresses I would like to add links to artwork which may not portray strictly Biblical subjects, but which expresses Biblical/spiritual themes. (See the Movie Concordance.) I would appreciate any/all suggestions for these lists! Even if you don't know if a link exists, send the name of the work and artist, and I'll search for a link.


Bioinformatics Species Mapper / Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Search

You can produce a Distribution map for any of the common or scientific names below.
Then investigate the distribution pattern by overlaying Rainfall, Vegetation or Altitude maps.




Ballarat Community Cable TV

Ballarat Community Cable TV


The Biggest Family Album in Australia

We have collected photographs of a range of human activities in Victoria's and Australia's past, dating from the 1870s to the 1950s. Here, you can access our database of over 9,000 photographs. Known as the Biggest Family Album in Australia, you can search it using a wide range of criteria including topic, concept, activity, place and date.

Record Number:  MM 001135

Date: CIRCA 1880   Record Number: MM 001135

Bicycle Victoria is a self-funded community organisation – independent of government and owned collectively by all Members. We were born in 1975, and since then we have been dedicated to getting More People Cycling More Often. http://www.bv.com.au/

Blue Web'n is an online library of 1200+ outstanding Internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (lessons, activities, projects, resources, references, & tools). You can search by grade level (Refined Search), broad subject area (Content Areas), or specific sub-categories (Subject Area). http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/bluewebn/


The Blueprint for government schools provides the framework for an effective Victorian government school system - a system with effective teachers, effective leaders and effective schools.

The Blueprint for government schools Newsletters


Board of Studies. (2000). Curriculum and standards framework II:
        Technology. Carlton: Victorian Board of Studies.
        Retrieved December 14, 2004, from:
        Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Web site:

You've come to a friendly place, and we welcome you to our book-lovers' community. What is BookCrossing, you ask? It's a global book club that crosses time and space. It's a reading group that knows no geographical boundaries. Do you like free books? How about free book clubs?. Well, the books our members leave in the wild are free... but it's the act of freeing books that points to the heart of BookCrossing. Book trading has never been more exciting, more serendipitous, than with BookCrossing. Our goal, simply, is to make the whole world a library. BookCrossing is a book exchange of infinite proportion, the first and only of its kind


Bureau of Meteorology

Part of the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, these pages are designed for a variety of subject areas for students in Years 3–10. Interactive models, experiments, lesson plans and quizzes are a feature.

Students & Teachers [Learn about meteorology]
Below are subject-specific experiments and activities designed for students and teachers.They include interactive animated models, a cloud quiz, teacher lesson plans and student worksheets. Some of the web pages below use javascript computer language. Early web browsers (example Netscape version 2 and earlier) will not run the animations. Go to the Help for Teachers page for more detail. http://www.bom.gov.au/lam/Students_Teachers/learnact.htm


Bus Timetables

Route 1 - Wendouree West
Route 2 - Wendouree
Route 3 - Creswick
Route 5 - Black Hill
Route 7 - Brown Hill
Route 8 - Eureka
Route 9 - Canadian /Sovereign Hill to City
Route 10 - Buninyong (University)
Route 11 - Mt. Pleasant
Route 12 - Sebastopol
Route 13 & 14 - Delacombe
Route 15 - Sturt St. West
Route 16 - Wendouree via Lake Gardens Western Loop Service





Central Highlands Regional Library Corporation > Catalogue

Glossary of Chat Lingo


Curriculum Standards & Framework II (CSF II)

About the CSF II


Board of Studies. (2000). Curriculum and standards framework II: Technology. Carlton: Victorian Author.
        Retrieved November 12, 2001, from: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Web site:

Clocks Clocks

Concept Maps FREE for educational use http://cmap.ihmc.us/

Description. The CmapTools program empowers users to construct, navigate, share and criticize knowledge models represented as concept maps. It allows users to, among many other features, construct their Cmaps in their personal computer, share them on servers (CmapServers) anywhere on the Internet, link their Cmaps to other Cmaps on servers, automatically create web pages of their concept maps on servers, edit their maps synchronously (at the same time) with other users on the Internet, and search the web for information relevant to a concept map.

FreeMind - free mind mapping software

FreeMind is a premier free mind-mapping software written in Java. The recent development has hopefully turned it into high productivity tool. We are proud that the operation and navigation of FreeMind is faster than that of MindManager because of one-click "fold / unfold" and "follow link" operations. http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page


Australian Computers in Education Conference 2002 acec2002


VB Code Downloads
Here you will find example code that you can use and adapt for your projects.

Crocodile Clips develops and publishes simulation
software and Absorb courseware for teaching
mathematics, science and technology in schools and

Demo versions:
The demo versions of our software are time-limited, but otherwise have the same features as the full versions. Unlike the full versions, they will not run on a network.


Freeware and special offers:
Crocodile Clips Elementary, for Windows and Macintosh, is a free download. It's based on the mathematically accurate simulation engine from Crocodile Physics and Crocodile Technology but uses pictorial components to teach the first principles of electricity. Download

Crocodile Clips demo

Animation created using JASC Animation Shop which comes bundled with Paint Shop Pro. Download a trial version from
the JASC web site

curriculum@work Technology





Digital Oscilloscope for Windows

Digital Camera Links:

Digital Camera Notes
Instructions for Sony MVC-FD92 Digital Camera http://www.scs.wsu.edu/reservation/?content=Instructions/mavica
Digital Cameras in Education http://members.ozemail.com.au/~cumulus/digcam.htm
Using digital cameras to support the primary curriculum http://www.it4l.org/newsletter/news20/#t4


The Digital Text Projects has biographical information on the following thinkers:

| Aristotle | Bentham | Berkeley | Descartes | Dewey | Emerson | Hegel |
Hobbes | Hume | Kant | Leibniz | Locke | Machiavelli | Mill | Plato |
Rousseau | Socrates | Spinoza | Vergil |

Center for Digital Storytelling


Dome Caluclator http://www.desertdomes.com/domecalc.html

Drawing For Children

Drawing for Childen is a free drawing program for children with many nice options. The best way to learn to use it is simply to use it. There is though a document describing the use of the program. For more information, see the readme file.



Earth's City Lights

Earth's City Lights

Recent earthquakes Measured by Geoscience Australia

Museum Victoriaed-online is your gateway to Museum Victoria's on-line education resources. http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/ed-online/


EdNA Higher Education http://www.edna.edu.au/highered.html


ed-online Search Museum Victoria's education database for Resources or 'What's On in Education' at our three museums.

Education Mailing Lists supporting teachers since 1996

Education Society of Alberta. (1999).  2Learn: How to search - www.2learn.ca.
        Retrieved November 06, 2001, from 2Learn.ca Web Site:

What is
"education software"?

It's full version software with all features.
The difference –the academic license means it's priced exclusively for education users, i.e. students and academic staff. This site provides easy ordering, very big savings and fast delivery on the most popular software titles.

Australian Journal of Educational Technology



Education Times

ELT (Embedding Learning Technologies)

ELT for Developers

This section of the site is intended for educational developers, learning technology staff and others whose role is to support teaching staff in the use of educational technologies. The materials you will find here will help you design and develop learning opportunities for staff, especially structured programmes such as an ELT course.

The focus of ELT programmes is the appropriate use of technologies for the enhancement of student learning. The award, and the materials on this web site, do not offer 'how-to' guides to specific applications. Rather, they offer routes to the analysis, development and evaluation of teaching situations in order to make best use of the technologies available.
Link added October 2, 2005

The Embedding Learning Technologies program is designed to assist teachers to integrate technologies into their teaching and learning programs. It comprises of a series of two-hour modules, with supporting resources to share how teachers and students in ACT schools are using learning technologies across the curriculum to improve student learning.

The modules can be delivered in stand-down, after school - or at any time that best suits the school and teachers. Teachers with high levels of expertise in these areas addressed will deliver the modules.
Link added October 2, 2005

www.edulists.com.au Mailing Lists
e-mail distributions lists
www.edulists.com.au Mailing Lists


Guerrilla Mail - Disposable temporary e-mail address edit / delete

Guerrilla Mail provides you with disposable e-mail addresses which expire after 15 minutes. You can read and reply to e-mails that are sent to the temporary e-mail address within the given time frame.
Link added May 12, 2007



e-Portfolio Network

Welcome to the  15 Victorians who attended the Eureka conference in Ballarat  eportfolios session last week.
We look forward to seeing you online and sharing ideas and resources with you.


This network is for VET professionals interested in exploring the uses of e-portfolios in a teaching and learning environment.

The aims of the network are to:

  • share ideas and resources
  • collect examples of good practice
  • share how-to stories.
October 18, 2005



Excel Web Query
Wittwer, J.W., (2003). Excel web query secrets revealed. Retrieved May 22, 2005 From Vertex42.com. http://www.vertex42.com/News/excel-web-query.html

European Schoolnet
The gateway to Education in Europe




Find it fast: six apps that search your hard drive:

Google Desktop (Beta)

To Fly is Everything...

A 'virtual museum' on the invention of the aeroplane, including a collection of articles from Leonarado Da Vinci to Wilbur Wright, lists of patents, 3D models of aircraft, and a gallery of photographs and films from the earliest years of powered flight.

Flaming Text.com

Bazaronite Bunny Rabbits
Euphorigenic Rina
Waif Thin Examples of some of the 2000 + fonts available at www.flamingtext.com

Fog City Hyper Optiks Light Reactive Anti-Fog Visor Insert (if you ride a motor bike you should get one of these) http://www.modernworld.com


HTML Forms & PHP

Working with forms in PHP by Matt Wade
Printer Friendly Version

The Mandelbrot Set What are fractals?

Fractal Programs:

The Chaos Hypertextbook™ Annotated Bibliography of Software Resources: OSX, Classic, Relics

I have amassed a large collection of software available for Mac OS computers. Most of these are shareware or freeware. Some were used to create the graphics included in this book. Others were used for inspiration or entertainment. Recommended programs are highlighted in yellow. Files archived on this server were compressed using StuffIt 5.5.

Ultra Fractal 2.04


Apophysis is a free Windows program for designing Fractal Flames and IFS fractals. It is used with the Ultra Fractal program.



Some Excelent Free Software by Mark Overmars Professor of Computing at Utrecht University in the Netherlands markov @ cs.uu.nl


AdmitOne.Org Film School Making Movies

Want to make your own movie? Making Movies: A Guide for Young Filmmakers, a manual sponsored by the Artists Rights Foundation, is filled with helpful information on everything you need to know.


We have selected a number of books about filmmaking from the Amazon.com library and posted them here for your convenience.http://www.sixmincin.com/resources/smc_store/

See also Animations

Australian Video Camera
link added August 5, 2006

video web log [-\\/] video blog
:vog http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/vog/

Hyperfilm What's HyperFilm?
HyperFilm is the software that allows to create and to give out digital videos which are enriched with links and connections to contents of different nature. The connections (link and hot-spot) are synchronized and they are shown by the player at the moment and in the way that the author has decided, giving a large freedom of uf use to the user.



Maths FontFonts Math's & Victorian Cursive

UoB internal forms

Register to use forums
UoB Students & Staff only

General - Education
A general forum for the School of Education

Education Exchanges - Year 1
A forum for First Year Students in the School of Education.

Mandelbrot Set Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm). Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. instructions


Fractal image courtesy of Mind-Boggling Fractals website.

Fractal image courtesy of Mind-Boggling Fractals website.

Fractal image courtesy of Mind-Boggling Fractals website.

Fractal image courtesy of Mind-Boggling Fractals website.

Freactal by Gilles Nadeau Browsing Gallery: Koch Curve Challenge
My November 22 challenge to the UltraFractal mail list. Comments welcome. Press the comment button at the bottom of the page to leave one.



What are Fractals?

Chaos and Fractals A list of useful resources.

Interactive Fractal Map

Free image sites


The best of the best in Windows © Freeware, as determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware

These are all Windows programs, available as Freeware from their authors.
Categories and Programs all listed in alphabetical order.
This list is provided as a service only.



www.FTPplanet.comWs-FTP is the FTP Program I use to maintain this Web Site. See Ws-FTP

Fun with Oscilloscopes

Fun with Oscilloscopes






Game Maker
Did you always want to design computer games but don't you want to spend a lot of time learning to become a programmer? Then you came to the right place. Game Maker is a program that allows you to make exciting computer games without the need to write a single line of code. Using easy to learn drag-and-drop actions you can make professional looking games in little time. Games with backgrounds, animated graphics, music and sound effects. And once you get more experienced there is a built-in programming language that gives you full flexibility. What is best, Game Maker can be used completely free of charge. And you can use the games you produced in any way you like. You can even sell them! Latest version is 6.0 (October 2, 2004).

Game Learning.

Contains information about Jake and my research into the educational potential of computer games. However, the main body of this site is devoted to providing free information and resources for teaching children how to make computer games in clubs and schools.


game learning educational gameplay for the playstation generation



Geoscience Australia

Free Downloads
Online Tools
Landsat 7 Picture Mosaic of Australia

Geoscience Australia

GIS Data & Imagery for free download
Commonwealth of Australia, 2004

Guerrilla Mail - Disposable temporary e-mail address edit / delete

Guerrilla Mail provides you with disposable e-mail addresses which expire after 15 minutes. You can read and reply to e-mails that are sent to the temporary e-mail address within the given time frame.
Link added May 12, 2007

Teacher Graduates - 2003
Final Year Teacher Education Students Only


Stella - Polyhedron Navigator
Great Stella: Polyhedron Navigator

GoldWave Audio Editor Home Page

GoldWave Audio Editor Local Copy 4.26 Gwave 425 843KB See also Audacity which is my current favourite audo editor


Google Logo My current favourite search engine is google. It used to be AltaVista

GroupWise IconGroupWise information and links






University of Ballarat Handbook


Helpdesk Information Sheets

The following information sheets have been designed by Information Desk assistants to help students with common queries relating to the network. Please click on the appropriate topic of interest, and you will be prompted to download the MS Word document related to that topic. For further information, please contact the Information Desk Computing

Information sheets for students at the Mt Helen campus

Information sheets for students at the SMB campus


Hotsource What's happening in Learning and Technology in Australian Schools



Millions of people have described HowStuffWorks content as reliable, accurate and entertaining.

Originally founded as a Web site for curious people, the award-winning company now offers clear and fascinating content through various media channels to millions of readers every month.

Recognized internationally as the leading provider of information on how things work, HowStuffWorks content explains the world from the inside out!


Udemy HTML tutorial

HTML.com: Study HTML and Learn to Code With Our Step-By-Step Guide

Read more: https://html.com/#ixzz5mhqg1eeH


HTML Forms & PHP

Working with forms in PHP by Matt Wade
Printer Friendly Version


Hyper Optiks Light Reactive Anti-Fog Visor Insert




Internet-based Distributed Computing Projects

ICT in Education Victoria Logo


The ICT research website contains research material on ICT initiatives relevant to the Australian school sector. http://ictresearch.edna.edu.au/

The Institute for Learning Technologies

Interactive Whiteboards

The educational effects and implications of the Interactive whiteboard strategy of Richardson primary school

Interactive whiteboards
Links for language teaching and learning


VCE IPM notes



Ouchi illusion A catalogue of illusions
new 16 January 2004

Akiyoshi's illusion pages
new 16 January 2004





Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Publications

Australian Journal of Educational Technology

The Journal of Educational Enquiry is dedicated to publishing original contributions on all aspects of education with a particular emphasis on articles that are research based. It is intended for teachers, school leaders, teacher educators, school and university-based educational researchers, higher degree research students and education policy-makers.

Journal of Interactive Media in Education

New HorizonsNew Horizons for Learning Online Journal

Spectrum MIT

Spectrum Electronic Archive







Kids Search Engine Listing


Know Drama


The Know Drama website has been developed to assist educators in the creative design, delivery and assessment of learning. It celebrates the work of imaginative educators who wish to open even deeper learning experiences within their organisation.

This site aims to enrich ‘face to face’ delivery, showcase the craft of teaching and the deeply human potential in learning.

It has relevance for teachers, trainers, professional conference organisers and others interested in presenting creative and engaging information.

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2019, May 02, 06:18 am). Links a-k.
     Retrieved February 23, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/links_a-k.php

Last refreshed: February 23 2025. 10:39.45 pm

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

1482 Visits since November 28, 2003