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> TD 700/701 Information Technology Curriculum I

TD 700/701 Information Technology Curriculum I

Any special notes for TD00-701 students will appear here:

Student List 2005 (UoB Intranet only) Intranet login > Intranet login & jump to student list

Example Home page

2005 Workshop tasks & assessment

School Experience Comments ~ Comments from Assessment of School Experience 2003


SOFWeb http://www.sofweb.vic.edu.au

Assessment Tasks 2005

Lesson Plans

CSF Assessment Rubric
VCE Assessment Rubric

For the VCE Lesson Plan(s) please plan your lesson(s) to address 3 of the Key knowledge areas for VCE Unit 1: Information Technology Outcome 1

See the VCE Study Design (PDF - 402KB) page 14




Home > P-10 Curriculum and Standards > Interdisciplinary Learning > Information and Communications Technology

Introduction to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards

Information and Communications Technology

  Action verbs for lesson objectives
  Lesson Plan Proforma
  Lesson Plan Example
e-mail distribution lists

Forest Hill College e-mail distribution lists


Presentation topics & dates

Student home pages

Example panorama


MicroWorlds demo

2005 Timetable


Week 1 Creating and Publishing Webpages

Webpage Lifecycle

FTP Tutorial (Required Macromedia FLASH player)
FLASH Source for above FTP Tutorial

Web page life cycle

Web page life cycle
CorelDRAW 10 Version 1 page, 467 KB

PDF PDF Version 1 page: 558 KB


Change your default Web Server ~Velorum~ password using Telnet

Use Dreamweaver to create a TD 700/701 Webpage

Use Ws-FTP to upload the Webpage to Velorum


The Victorian Information Technology Teachers' Association is an independent, non-profit organisation whose members comprise both primary and secondary Information Technology teachers, tertiary educators, and any person with an interest in Information Technology education.
VITTA exists to:
• Provide leadership, support, services, programs and resources for all levels of Information Technology education.
• Represent the collective voice of all teachers of Information Technology in all matters relating to the teaching of Information Technology in Victoria.
• Provide curriculum services for those teaching Information Technology Courses within Education Institutions throughout Australia, but particularly those in Victoria
• Publish quality curriculum materials at reasonable cost to both students and teachers



Week 2 Planning Lessons CSF

Curriculum Reform Project

In response to the Minister for Education and Training's Blueprint for Government Schools, the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is currently developing a new framework of essential learning for all Victorian schools in both government and non-government sectors.

Victorian Essential Learning Standards

The Victorian Essential Learning Standards describe what is essential for all students to achieve from Prep to Year 10 in Victorian schools. The Learning Standards provide a framework for schools to plan the whole school curriculum by setting out standards for students to achieve in core areas. In 2005, schools will use the Learning Standards to plan their teaching and learning programs, including assessment and reporting of student achievement and progress, for introduction in 2006 and beyond.

Introducing the Victorian Essential Learning Standards

PDF File


Knowledge Bank

The Knowledge Bank is a resource for education and training providers in Victoria. It supports the sharing of exemplary and promising practice across the education and training sector, and aims to improve understanding of what works, where and why it works. It also aims to facilitate the adoption of innovative approaches to learning, teaching and school organisation across Victoria.


Rubrics What is a rubric why & would I use one?

Task: Design a Rubric

Post a question to the listserver td700@fs2.ballarat.edu.au answer a question posted to the list


Mind friendly learning overall theory: The drawing out not the pumping in (n.d.).
     Retrieved February 21, 2003, from Support and Access for Learners and Teachers Web site:


Board of Studies. (2000). Curriculum and standards framework II: Technology. Carlton, Victoria: Author.

How to plan lessons in a mind friendly way. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2002
     from Support & Access for Learners & Teachers Web Site: http://www.salt.cheshire.org.uk/mfl/planning/aids.htm

Kizlik, R. (2002, November 9). Five common mistakes in writing lesson plans: And how to avoid them.
     Retrieved February 21, 2003 from http://www.adprima.com/mistakes.htm.


Week 3 Digital Video Production

Using MGI Videowave to create a short Digital Video

Videowave III Notes PDF File PDF Version 799 KB

An example of a short video shot using a SONY Mavica camera


Week 4 Microworlds Logo


See my Microworlds Tutorial & Examples & Example MicroWorlds Projects

Workshop: Using the MicroWorlds to demonstrate control technologies i.e. robotics & LOGO.

PDF MicroWorlds 2.0 User's Guide (77 Pages) 462KB

MicroWorldsDownload MicroWorlds Pro Download Microworlds Demo

Frogger from http://www.microworlds.com/library/games/frogger/



Easter Break   Friday 25 March - Friday 8 April 2005

Week 5
Robo Lab

Hallway Walker programmed in 2004 by TD 700 / 701 students

Robolab 2.5.1



Week 6

Gold Wave Audio Editing

Local copy of Goldwave 4.26 GoldWave Audio Recorder / Editor


See also Audacity which is my curent favourite audio editor

Sample GoldWave File

UoB Forums

Cyberforum 2004 April 15 - 16, 2004



Week 7

Week 7 Macromedia Flash & Swish

Example Flash movies

Examine rocks from a satellite view and zoom in to a microscopic view. swf

Source code Hot_Spots_R1200GS.zipWinZip File 2,457 KB

R1200GS.swf (Full Screen)

Source code Hot_Spots.zipWinZip File 504 KB

Full screen version

FTP Tutorial (Required Macromedia FLASH player)
Source code ftp30.zipWinZip File 24 KB

Random1.fla Random1.exe random1.zipWinZip File 7 KB


Jack & Jill by Jame O. (Year 9 student at St Joseph's College)


Jack & Jill by Tianne Millane. (Year 9 student at St Joseph's College)

Flash this term has produced some excellent animations of Jack and Jill.
Some kids have really taken to the program. Here is a couple of the good
ones, turn sound on for one of them :) Jack and Jill was the plan...
These are year 9 students.

Mel Ficarra
Physical Education, Health & Information Technology
St Joseph's College


The following swf file was created using Swish version 2.0 4.24 MB

The Rocket Ship swish11.swf 139 KB

The latest version is available from from the swishzone website Swish Max.exe 9.27MB



Another clock by Akarawuth Tamrareang


Flash 5 Notes PDF File (1,204 KB)

Flash 5 Notes Coreldraw File (3,234 KB)

Macromedia Flash Jumpstart Kit SELCD0156 School of Education Library (See Rebecca Mathieson administrative officer in the School of Education Office)

Macromedia - what the web can do. SELCD0155

Reinhardt, R., & Lentz, J. (2001) Flash 5 bible.
     New York, N.Y. : Hungry Minds, 2001.

Flash Tutorial Resources ( thanks to various contributors)


Week 8

See example panorama

Download and install the trial version of Ulead COOL 360

Download the following photographs this file is a self extracting archive containing 27 images

Create a panorama using Ulead Cool 360.



Week 9 Panoramas



Week 10 Excel Markbook



Week 11 Fractals

UltraFractal 2.05 Unzip into J:\fractals and run setup.exe

What are fractals




Visual Basic Naming Conventions







Visual Basic Calculator

Another Simple Visual Basic Calculator



Week 12

First Person Shooter



First Monday

Volume 9, Number 1 — January 5th 2004
Spinning yarns around the digital fire: Storytelling and dialogue among youth on the Internet
by David Huffaker


Learning & Teaching Journals

Australian Journal of Educational Technology

The VITTA journal gives some interesting insights, new skills and stories about the teaching of Information Technology. It is available in print and online as an e-mail alert. You can also search the archive of past copies.

The Journal of Educational Enquiry is dedicated to publishing original contributions on all aspects of education with a particular emphasis on articles that are research based. It is intended for teachers, school leaders, teacher educators, school and university-based educational researchers, higher degree research students and education policy-makers.

Journal of Interactive Media in Education

New HorizonsNew Horizons for Learning Online Journal

Spectrum MIT






Online Resources

Washington State University

Lots of information on the following topics:

Advising, Assertiveness, Change, Communication, Community Building, Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, Delegation, Ethics, Facilitation, Goal Setting, Group Behavior, Ice Breakers, Involvement, Knowing Yourself, Leadership, Leadership Theories, Mentoring, Motivation, Organizational Development, Parliamentary Procedure, Problem Solving, Programming, Recognition, Recruitment & Retention, Reflections, Retreats, Risk Taking, Self Assessment, Strategic Planning, Stress Management, Supervision, Teambuilding Workshops, Time Management, Transitions, Values, Vision, Mission, Goals.

Blueprint for Government Schools Specifically, the Blueprint outlines seven flagship strategies and incorporates a range of initiatives under three important themes of recognising and responding to diverse students needs, building the skills that we need in our education workforce and engendering a culture of continuous improvement in our schools.
Blueprint for Government Schools WELCOME to the Blueprint website. The Blueprint provides the framework for an effective Victorian government school system - a system with effective teachers, effective leaders and effective schools.
Curriculum Reform Project In response to the Minister for Education and Training's Blueprint for Government Schools, the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is currently developing a new framework of essential learning for all Victorian schools in both government and non-government sectors.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards Introductory booklet PDF 350 KB
An outline of the rationale and structure of the Learning Standards with explanations of the three core essential learning strands and the three stages of learning. This includes details of how it will be used by schools and the publication timeline.


Forest Hill College Automated Mailing Lists supporting Victorian education since 1996

VET Information Technology Web Site: A resource page for VET IT teachers


ACEC 2006 is in Cairns, Far North Queensland October 2-4 2006.



The ACCE is the national professional body for those involved in the use of learning technology in education. It strives to encourage and maintain a level of excellence in this field of endeavour throughout Australia.

ICT Logo ICT in Education Victoria is the pre-eminent Victorian professional association that provides
support and leadership to all educators in the use of information and communication
technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning.
vitta logo The Victorian Information Technology Teachers' Association is an independent, non-profit organisation whose members comprise both primary and secondary Information Technology teachers, tertiary educators, and any person with an interest in Information Technology education.

See also: http://www.rupert.id.au/links/links_l-z.html#v for more VET resources


2003 Australian Computer Crime and Security Survey

Advice for School-assessed Coursework and requirements for School-assessed Tasks Technology

Andrade, H. (2000). What do we mean by results? Using rubrics to promote thinking and learning.
     Retrieved Jan 7, 2003, from http://www.ascd.org/readingroom/edlead/0002/andrade.html.

Andrade, H. (1997). Understanding rubrics. Retrieved January 7, 2003,
     from http://www.middleweb.com/rubricsHG.html.

APA Style.org.: Electronic references. (n.d.). Retrieved January 7, 2003,
     from http://www.apastyle.org/elecsource.html.

Assessment and reporting Assessment within the CSF. (n.d.) Retrieved January 7, 2003,
    from curriculum@work Web site: http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/curriculumatwork/assess/assessCSFII.htm.

Assessment guide VCE 2003: Technology. Retrieved January 23, 2003,
     from Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Web site:

Board of Studies. (2000). Curriculum and standards framework II: Technology. Carlton: Victorian Author.
     Retrieved Jan 7, 2003, from: Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Web site:

Curriculum@work. (n.d.). Technology index page. Retrieved January 7, 2003,
     from Curriculum@work Web site: http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/curriculumatwork/technology/index.htm

Gage, N. L., & Berliner, D. (1979). Educational psychology. Chicago : Rand McNally.

Implementing IT

History of Computing Web sites

Information Technology - Technology - List of studies - VCE - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Australia

Mikkelson, D. P., & Mikkelson, B. (2002, 26 April). School Daze. Retrieved 18 Feb 2003, 2002, from Snopes.com. Web site:      http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/petition/taylor.htm.

Study design: Information technology Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Australia
     http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/VCE/STUDIES/infotech/infotechindex.html (PDF – 402KB)

IT Theory (2003). Retrieved February 3, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

SOFWeb. ( 2002, December 18). ITB - Software Rolling Fund - Products. Retrieved January 7, 2003,
     from SOFWeb Web site: http://www.sofweb.vic.edu.au/ict/software/srf/Products.htm.

VCE Assessment Handbook Information Technology 2003

VCE assessment handbook: Information technology 2003. (2003). Retrieved January 7, 2003,
     from Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Web site: http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au.

Woolfolk, A. (2001) Educational psychology. Boston : Allyn and Bacon.

MT Tip of the Week March 19, 2001
When you're trying to motivate students, always remember the "bridge
technique."  With this technique, you simply use a "bridge" to go from
students' desires and perceptions to yours.  Say, "I know you might like
to..., but it's important that we do this first" or "I agree that your
point is important, but it's necessary that we...."  The point is this:
Unless you use the "bridge," you may not motivate some students as you
would like.



The Bladder Taking the piss out of sport
The Bladder Pty Limited and its sponsors expressly state that all statements
on this site attributed to any person are untrue, are solely made in jest and
are intended for humorous purposes only.

Open Office
OpenOffice.org is a free productivity suite compatible with all major office suites.



Berry, K. (2002, April 26). Shooting stars. Times Educational Supplement, pp. 11. Retrieved February 6, 2003,
    from Times Educational Supplement Web site: http://www.tes.co.uk.

Dede, C. (in press). Emerging Influences of Information Technology on School Curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies
     Retrieved Feb 27, 2003,  from ScienceSpace Web site: http://www.virtual.gmu.edu/SS_research/cdpapers/jcspdf.htm

Finkenberg, M. E., LaMaster, K., Barnes-Wallace, L., & O'Connor Creeden, K. (2002). Using technology in elementary physical education. JOPERD--The
     Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
, 73(8), 12(13). Retrieved February 6, 2003, from Web site:

Newmarch, E., Taylor-Steele, S., & Cumpston, A. (2002, March 2002). Women in IT What Are the Barriers?
     Department of Education Training and Youth Affairs. Retrieved, February 20 2003, from the World Wide Web:      http://www.dest.gov.au/Research/docs/womenin_it.pdf



Women in IT- What are the Barriers

The information rich and poor



Mt Helen Library Resources:

Title Location
Call Number
Teaching IT and the CSFII: curriculum resources for Levels 4-6 of the Information strand of CSFII and cross curriculum IT teaching ideas. Mt Helen Loans Desk
004.071 T22ic
Technology annotated work samples. Mt Helen
607.10945 TEC-A
VCE technology : assessment support material. Mt Helen Loans Desk
607.12 VCE-T
Visual Basic programming: a classroom approach. Mt Helen Loans Desk
005.265 V829bp

Information & Communication Technology Notes
Author: Rupert Russell

Mt Helen Quarto
006.6 R917i
Title: Programming With Visual Basic 6.0 Enhanced Edition
Author: Dianne Zak
SMB Quarto
005.265 Z13p/en.ed
Educational psychology for learning and teaching Mt Helen Quarto
370.15 K868e
Information Technology: VCE Information Technology Units 1 & 2, Third Edition
Author: Collin Potts (Ed.)
Mt Helen Quarto
004 In3ty3

Information processing and management. VCE information technology units 3 and 4

Author: Colin Potts (Ed.)

Mt Helen Quarto
004 In3pm

Simulations and the Future of Learning : An Innovative (and Perhaps Revolutionary) Approach to e-Learning

Mt Helen Main
371.334 Al24s
Front Cover
Invitations and Inspirations Pathways to successful teaching
Author: Edited by Julianne Moss et al
On Order
ISBN: 1863667512

Front Cover

Introducing Information Technology 4th Edition: VCE Information Technology Units 1 & 2


On Order ISBN: 0701636947

Front Cover

Information Procession & management 3rd edition: VCE Infromation Technology Units 3 & 4

On Order ISBN: 0701636939

Front Cover
Sample Chapter

Information Technology: VCE Information Technology Units 1 & 2, Third Edition

Mt Helen Quarto 004 In3ty3

Front Cover

Sample chapter

Information Processing and Management: VCE Information Technology Units 3 & 4
Mt Helen Quarto 004 In3pm
Information and Software Technology CD-ROM On Order CD-ROM ISBN: 0731401689


Practice IT Book 1 Teacher CD-ROM

On Order CD-ROM ISBN: 052175027X


Practice IT Book 2 Teacher CD-ROM

On Order CD-ROM ISBN: 0521750288

Front Cover

Practice IT Book 1 2nd Edition: For Lower Secondary


On Order ISBN: 0521600375

Front Cover

Practice IT Book 2 2nd Edition: For Middle Secondary

On Order ISBN: 0521600405


APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:22 pm). TD 700/701 Information Technology Curriculum I.
     Retrieved July 16, 2024, from http://www.rupert.id.au/TD700-1/index.php

Last refreshed: July 16 2024. 11:11.11 am

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