AutoHotkey | Android | Arduino | COMM140 | Fractals | Grammar Checkers | Knots | A Million Dots Activity | Processing | Processing for Scratch Users | Redbubble | Tutorials | Weather | World Time Meeting Planner | Favicon Generator.
Glascoe, S. (2010). MyScript for livescribe: A truly amazing tool!.
Retrived from Teaching Math with Technology using technology to enhance teaching and learning in the math classroom
12 Ways Educators & Students Are Using the Pen Today Reprints (2010) Opening new portals for the blind
Two new technologies, including Livescribe's touch-activated Pulse Smartpen and the text-to-speech reader WebAnywhere, are helping the blind gain new access to information.
LiveScribe - Paradigm Shifting User Research Technology? Retrieved from DESIGNING *for humans Design Research - Ergonomics - Human Factors - Usability website
John Woodring’s “Echo Pen” – Smartpen as Tool for Creating Low-Key Observations
Woodring, J. (2009). Your Challenge is Accepted!
Web 2.0/Social Media/Cybersafety Consultant and Instructional Technology Coach
Make-up spelling test
Talking Test-TAKS Practice Test from 12 Ways Educators & Students Are Using the Pen Today
There are times when a childs IEP will call for all test questions and possible responses to be read to the child. The IEP may also call for the student to be allowed the accommodation of responding verbally to the questions. It is a time consuming task for the teacher to have to sit with each child and individually read each question and possible response. By printing the test questions on dot enabled paper, the teacher is able to record the question and responses one time, and then use the same sheet numerous times with different students. If the child needs to make a verbal response, he/she can tap record on a blank Pulse notebook page and verbally give their response.
TimFahlberg | December 27, 2009 | 3:22
Livescribe Education In-Class Observations
TPAP questionnaire
CaraherConcepts | March 10, 2010 | 1:31
Entry for video contest: Livescribe Developer Challenge
CaraherConcepts | February 24, 2010 | 1:26
Entry for video contest: Livescribe Developer Challenge
Livescribe Smartpen Enabled AAC Page with Pictures
TimFahlberg | September 21, 2009 | 1:17
More at Shows how to use an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) page with pictures that was created using Livescribe paper and the Livescribe Pulse Smartpen.
MathStuff | August 18, 2009 | 3:55
Nothing to do with math, but math and music go together. This demonstrates how the Livescribe Pulse Smart Pen can be used for a music activity.
And now for some insanity
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:21 pm). Smartpen examples
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