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Well I have just installed MyScript and tested it for the first time. It has issues with my handwriting.
See Below:
PDF File | PNG | MyScript Screen Shot |
Hello world this is a test with my best cursive script abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Z=Z2+C Now for some more REPRESENTIATIVE writing. If only this had a built in Spelling checker :-) TIME TO TEST THIS OUT. |
Hello world this is a test with my best cursive script at c d e f g 4 y K I m no p or r s t w r w sc y 2 2=22 + c Now For SOME MORE RKDRTZIMIMAME Whitlash.. If only This had a huitt in Spelling checker:.) TIME To TES THIS OUT. |
Not as good as I had hoped it would be. I can't say that I think this is going to be much use for me. |
What I wrote by hand | MyScript output converted as Natural Handwriting | Initial Conclusion: Not as good as I had hoped. |
PNG | Screen Shot | |
Hello world this is a test with my best cursive script a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Z=Z2+C Now for some more REPRESENTIATIVE writing. If only this had a built in Spelling checker :-) TIME TO TEST THIS OUT. Hello world the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Intersting that worked much better. It may be that this software does a better Rather than Just Random words? Random word Fox fish Bird desk had blue time to give this another try. PS this is printed using a colour lazer printer @ work. |
Hello world this is a test with my best cursive script at c d e f g 4 y K I m no p or r s t w r w sc y 2 2=22 + c Now For SOME MORE RKDRTZIMIMAME Whitlash.. If only This had a huitt in Spelling checker:.) TIME To TES THIS OUT. Hell. world hello world HELLO WORLD the quick brown fox jumps over the Lazy dog one thing that may be effecting this. 'I it this raper has been folded in rac along this Line and I have heard that having wrnkies In the paper causes Issues for the Smartpen. Interesting that worked much better. there were issues with the text on the Line that had been folded in half causing a Strong crease where I was writing. It may be that this software does a Letter job when you are writing something with a proper Sentence stricture. Rather than just Random words? Random word Fox fish Bird deok hat blue dictionary delight planets time to give this another tnj. 109 this is Donated Using a colour Lazer Printer @ work.
That did a better job that time, Interesting that it has put in 8 non breaking spaces when I copied this from When I go back and look at the MyScript you can see that it has padded out the text that I wrote along the double ruled line. I can't say that I expected that. Or that I think it's a good idea. I did not intend each line to have 8 spaces at the begriming. Even though I did write it further from the left of the page. The error rate is 6.5% for this page. The time it took me to correct the errors in MS Word is 4:42 The time it took me to type it in to MS Word from scratch and spell check it was 6:30 This does not take into account the time it took me to write the text in the first place, import it into MyScript and convert it.
If my intention was to create a typed document I would rather just type it in the first place. If I had notes that I wanted converted to text then MyScript would be better than simply typing them out by hand.
Word Count: 188 | Word Count 187 words | |
Character Count: 914 | Errors 59 characters | |
Character conversion error rate: 6.5% (855-914) /914 *100 = 6.5% |
What I wrote by hand | MyScript output converted as Natural Handwriting | Conclusion: Worth considering |
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:21 pm). Smartpen myscript
Retrieved January 23, 2025, from
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