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Smartpen research


A reading and writing revolution

Physics World Feb 10, 2004
Merging pen and paper with digital media could change the way we learn and communicate



Wendy E. Mackay, Augmented reality: linking real and virtual worlds: a new paradigm for interacting with computers, Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, May 24-27, 1998, L'Aquila, Italy  [doi>10.1145/948496.948498]


Augmented reality: linking real and virtual worlds: a new paradigm for interacting with computers
Full text PdfPdf (1.99 MB)
Source AVI archive
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces table of contents
L'Aquila, Italy
SESSION: Invited papers and panel table of contents
Pages: 13 - 21  
Year of Publication: 1998
Wendy E. Mackay  Université de Paris-Sud, ORSAY-CEDEX, FRANCE
SIGMULTIMEDIA: ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia
ACM  New York, NY, USA

Downloads (6 Weeks): 21,   Downloads (12 Months): 175,   Citation Count: 31

Abstract A revolution in computer interface design is changing the way we think about computers. Rather than typing on a keyboard and watching a television monitor, Augmented Reality lets people use familiar, everyday objects in ordinary ways. The difference is that these objects also provide a link into a computer network. Doctors can examine patients while viewing superimposed medical images; children can program their own LEGO constructions; construction engineers can use ordinary paper engineering drawings to communicate with distant colleagues. Rather than immersing people in an artificially-created virtual world, the goal is to augment objects in the physical world by enhancing them with a wealth of digital information and communication capabilities.


Augmented paper and Anoto stylus
Full text PdfPdf (178 KB)
Source IHM; Vol. 51 archive
Proceedings of the 15th French-speaking conference on human-computer interaction on 15eme Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine table of contents
Caen, France
Pages: 232 - 235  
Year of Publication: 2003
Pascal Costa-Cunha  LRI, INRIA Futurs
Wendy Mackay  LRI, INRIA Futurs
: Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine
ACM  New York, NY, USA
Downloads (6 Weeks): 9,   Downloads (12 Months): 53,   Citation Count: 1

As part of the design of an augmented laboratory notebook, we are creating a system that combines the advantages of both paper and the computer. We have implemented several prototypes; here we describe one that uses the Anoto pen allowing for a completely autonomous augmented paper notebook. We explain its two basic interaction techniques: triggering functions and selecting areas to which a function applies.

Linking Digital Media to Physical Documents: Comparing Content- and Marker-Based Tags
April-June 2010 (vol. 9 no. 2)
pp. 46-55
Scott Carter, Chunyuan Liao, Laurent Denoue, Gene Golovchinsky, Qiong Liu, "Linking Digital Media to Physical Documents: Comparing Content- and Marker-Based Tags," IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 46-55, April-June, 2010.


Carter S., Liao, C., Denoue, L. Golovchinsky G., & Liu, Q. (2010). Linking digital media to physical documents: Comparing content- and marker-based tags, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 9(2). 46-55 doi:10.1109/MPRV.2010.15


Paper is static, but it is also light, flexible, and robust and has high resolution for reading documents in various scenarios. Digital devices will likely never match paper's flexibility, but they come with all the benefits of computation and networking. Tags provide a simple means of bridging the gap between the two media to get the most out of both. This article explores the trade-offs between two different types of tagging technologies—marker-based and content-based—through the lens of four systems. It extrapolates issues for designers to consider when developing systems that transition between paper and digital content.


Smart pen: new multimodal computer control tool for dyslexia therapy
Full text PdfPdf (73 KB)
Source International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques archive
SIGGRAPH '09: Posters table of contents
New Orleans, Louisiana
Article No.: 54  
Year of Publication: 2009
Andrzej Czyzewski  Gdansk University of Technology
Piotr Odya  Gdansk University of Technology
Agnieszka Grabkowska  Gdansk University of Technology
Michal Grabkowski  Gdansk University of Technology
Bozena Kostek  Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warsaw
SIGGRAPH: ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
ACM  New York, NY, USA
Downloads (6 Weeks): 7,   Downloads (12 Months): 40,   Citation Count: 0


My Teacher In My Pocket: Accessing Teacher Instruction on an As-Needed Basis

The Livescribe Pulse smartpen provides the means for students to capture a complete
record of their teacher’s in-class instruction as well as their teacher’s directions for
homework assignments. Without requiring any modifications to standard practice, or
additional effort on the part of teachers, students, and parents, an effective and efficient
means of communication and instructional support is provided.




On E-Assessment

e-Assessment has come a long way from simple multiple choice and drag-and-drop items to more sophisticated
items such as short-answer free text input, symbolic assessment of mathematical questions and diagrammatic
input and reasoning. New technologies and techniques in AI are constantly reshaping the landscape. Digital
pens that record not only what is spoken, but also digitally store what is written is set to challenge the very
perception of assessment. These technologies bring in a plethora of opportunities that can be exploited. They
provide a unique opportunity to rethink our approach to our assessment from one of attaining a set grade to more
rudimentary level of comprehensive understanding of the relevant subject. Adaptive or informative assessment
offer further opportunities to tease out student’s strengths and weaknesses. And thereby provide a more holistic
approach at identifying conceptual weaknesses with a view to providing a more targeted approach for remedial

Digital pens. This technology is pioneered by Swedish company Anoto (Anoto group AB. digital pen
and paper based technology.) with the invention of their system for digitising handwritten text on paper
printed with micro dots. The Smart Pen developed by LiveScribe (van Schaack, 2008) have taken one
step further by providing a computing platform embedded in the pen. These technologies combined
with recognition of hand written mathematics (Tapia & Rojas, 2005) will ease the burden of mathematical
input significantly. They also ease the burden of diagrammatic input, and open up new possibilities for
designing questions with mixed modalities.

Dr. Venkat V. S. S. Sastry
Head of Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Department of Engineering Systems and Management
Cranfield University, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom,
Shrivenham, SN6 8LA,
United Kimgdom.



Anoto Group Shortens Breast Screening Wait List Using Digital Pen and Paper

Use of Anoto Digital Pen Reduces Mammogram Analysis From Hours to Minutes

BOSTON, MA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 10/30/07 -- Anoto Group (STKM: ANOT), the inventor of the Anoto Digital Pen and Paper technology, announces its tremendous success in delivering Anoto Digital Pen & Paper technology to help reduce waiting lists for breast cancer screening by significantly shortening the time it takes to analyse mammograms. Normal turnaround times of up to three hours were reduced to less than 30 minutes.



APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:21 pm). Smartpen research
     Retrieved February 24, 2025, from
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