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Smartpen flash files

Good news I have worked out how to find the path to the flash file

See the livescribe page




Using the code inspector in Google Chrome I located the path to the flash file: /media/swf/pencastPlayer.swf?path=/cgi-bin/WebObjects/LDApp.woa/wa/flashXML?xml=0000C0A8011600003A984A24000001294516CFC4B141E79F&amp


Which I appended to http://www.livescribe.com/ and it worked!

Flash Code


6.28.2010 1:11 AM
brought to you by Livescribe


APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:21 pm). Smartpen flash files
     Retrieved July 17, 2024, from
339 Visits since June 28, 2010

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